Sunday, October 24, 2010

If Sisyphus Had a Shovel

One of the things that bugs me most about Mr. O'Reilly is the fact that he NEVER....STOPS....DIGGING! It's like with this whole "Muslims attacked us on 9/11" situation. All that the SOB really needed to do was simply say, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that all Muslims had some culpability here. I probably should have clearer that it was the extremists who were responsible." And, yes, me-buckos, that clearly would have been that. But nooooooooooo, he had to dig in his heels and get all defensive about it."......................................................................................................And he's continuing to be defensive about it. I mean, he's even going as far as to try and rationalize away some of the more unimpeachable criticisms. When, for instance, Barbara Walters (quite correctly, in my opinion) pointed out (to him) that the analogy between WW2 Japan and today's Islamic terrorist situation isn't a correct one - that Japan is a specific nation and Islam a world-wide religion - he's even been trying to rebuff that (granted, it took him a couple of days to come up with something). He pointed out that Afghanistan (this, in that it harbored Al Qaeda) and Iran (in that it continues to sponsor terrorism) are in fact Muslim countries, countries to which we've had a lot of trouble with....and, hence, it is a good analogy......................................................................................................Of course, what he doesn't tell us is that a) Afghanistan and Iran are only two of what are a lot of Muslim countries (several of which we've supposedly "liberated") and b) a lot of the Iranian population is actually quite PRO western. And, yes, folks, even with the Taliban - yes, they gave safe sanction to Al Qaeda and, yes, they've treated their people like garbage. but THEY THEMSELVES didn't attack us on 9/11. We could have very easily gone in their, annihilated Al Qaeda and left. As it turned out, we've probably created more of these mother-frigging terrorists. Atta boy, Mr. O'Reilly.........................................................................................................And to think that I was defending this guy only a couple of weeks ago.


Commander Zaius said...

I'm taking a New Age attitude to political blowhards. If I don't hear or see them they don't exist for me.

Mordechai said...

Your post is one reason I NEVER waste the time I was given on the earth watching blow hards like Bill O'Rielly or listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Many better things to do in life then waste it on them.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

O"Reilly can't be all bad Will. Remember when he used to have that lesbian Muslim chick on all the time?

At least he's tolerant of lesbian Muslims. But none of the 9/11 attackers were lesbians so I guess that validates his premise.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Every time that I think he's becoming decent, he does something resembling this......Lesbian Muslim chick? Hm, Truth, is she the one with short hair who speaks exceedingly fast, teaches somewhere and writes a lot of books on extremism? If so, I definitely remember her as being attractive.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Were the guys who flew the planes that kiiled over 3,000 americans Muslims? Maybe they were Jews or on the other hand I think they were Muslims....yea I'm almost certain they were in fact Muslims.Ah yes Islam,the religion of peace...unless you say it is'nt...then they kill you.Yep I remember now...those guys were Muslims.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Hey Will,whos that dem next door to you who told Obie to shove his endorsement? How does he get away talking the pres like that.

Oso said...

since you don't return to defend your comments I'll respond here (sorry Will).

I take it as a given that a democracy needs an informed electorate-in order to make decisions one must understand the issue.

Your assumption that my comment was directed at the Right tells me you've never bothered to read any of my posts.

probably a quarter of them are angry and directed towards the Obama administration's domestic policy. I don't make ridiculous muslim/marxist/terrorist accusations, rather I base my criticism of the president on what I perceive as his crony capitalism and ties to the F.I.R.E. sector.

I am regularly and roundly lambasted for strongly criticizing those Democrats who unquestioningly follow their president, as I regularly criticize the tea partiers who follow Beck and Fox without researching the issues.

I welcome criticism but I would urge you to look deeper into the issue before commenting.

I harshly criticized essentially everything GWB did, unlike many liberals I continue to harshly criticize what in my view are essentially the same foreign/domestic policy trends from Obama.

(sorry again Will).

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Oso, I don't think that anybody can accuse you of being a partisan blogger who's been easy on Obama. IN FACT, you probably go off the reservation more than I do. Keep up the good (and, yes, independent) work is basically what I've got to say

Oso said...

Thank you Will.That means a lot.Sorry about hijacking the post!

Rusty Shackleford said...

Hey Oso,I respect both your views and your posting.I just found labeling concerned americans as an uninformed electorate.That comment belittles people that do indeed care about the direction the country is headed and believe it or not the majority of the people headed to the polls next week know exactly what they are doing.I believe they are going to send a message loud and clear that business as usual is'nt going to cut least not this year.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I have to admit, Russ, I think that the electorate is uninformed, too. If, though, it makes you feel any better, I think that it's uninformed on both sides.

Oso said...

Misunderstanding on my part then,Rusty.Please excuse some snide remarks I made in response at Mikes-controlling my emotions is not one of my better qualities,I apologize.
Viewed in context,I can understand how my comment could be viewed as a dig at the right.
I appreciate the comment about respecting my views.I get a lot of heat for standing on principle and holding BHO to the same standard as GWB.
Will kudos for the forum here!

Rusty Shackleford said...

Its seems you guys view the electorate as uninformed only when they dont agree with your views and policies.For instance,if any republican voted for Chaffee or Graham Will would consider them very informed,but on the other hand if a conservative voted for Angle,Rubio,Haley or Miller I'm guessing Will would wonder how they could ever do that....why,they're uninformed.

Oso said...

I'd be lying if I said I'm not biased, it's far easier to have a positive view of someone whose position agrees with my own maybe 80% of the time vs 10%. I respect conservatives, I favor Ron Paul over any Democrat. I have a real issue with tea partiers who express sudden concern over public debt under BHO but were oblivious under GWB, I take equal issue with liberals who give BHO a pass on the wars and who refuse to recognize obama is totally in thrall to the banks and Wall St.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Russ, for me, it's not so much the individual candidates (though, yes, I have to confess, Angle and O'Donnell do in fact scare me) as it is the fuzzy thinking/hypocrisy. And, like I said, both sides are extremely guilty of it; the right when they call Obama a Socialist for doing nothing more that supporting policies that they themselves used to espouse (health-care, in particular), and the left when they put in to play such idiotic provisions (Congress's cap and trade legislation) as making people modernizing their homes (in terms of energy) before they can sell it (right in the middle of the housing crisis).

Rusty Shackleford said...

Will and Oso,I doubt if you could find a posting of mine in support of Bush (either one of them.)I was an avid W supporter in his first election,mainly because I felt Al Gore would be a disaster.

Bush's second term proved he was a prototypal RINO and anything he accomplished during his first four years paled in the failures of his second term.In the last general I voted for neither Obama or McCain,perhaps I wasted my vote on Barr,but I did'nt feel like I needed a shower after voting.
Oso,you made a comment about the tea partiers only now being concerned about the nations debt.It may seem that way but I can assure you many of us conservatives were sickened by the republican spending under Bush and I can also assure you there wont be a repeat performance after next Tues..Those responsible for their irresponsible behavior will either be gone,relegated to second class or be ostracized.
I do find it a bit interesting dems still support their fiscal policies even after Nancy Pelosi announced in 2007 "no more deficit spending" and since that day we've added five trillion to the nations debt.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The same people running the republican party during Bush are running it now.

How will things ber any different Rusty? I appreciate your faith but McConnell, Shelby. Boehner, all of them will still demand their pork and big defense spending. Defense spending affects too many jobs in too many districts to ever be cut.

Face it Bro. We're all socialists.

Rusty Shackleford said...

No 101,I disagree.McConnell,Boehner and Shelby are reasons republicans lost the last two elections.Ryan,Cantor,Rubio and their like are the partys future.

Oso said...

I respect what you say.I voted for Nader for the same reasons-I didn't want to feel I needed a shower after voting.

I would imagine those new to the liberal side who don't know much about economics or history or policy are just as prevalent as those new to the tea party who also don't have a lot of prior political experience.

It's good you pointed this out, both sides "FNG's" can both be annoying as hell.I hadn't given much thought to our side doing the same thing that I criticize from the tea party.

Thanks for responding man.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Russ, people haven't given you enough credit. Not only have you not been a big defender of President Bush, you've also been critical of Beck and Hannity (a Johnny One-Note, I think that you called him) and admitted that Angle and O'Donnell are crappy candidates. I guess it's safe to say that you go off the reservation, too......You make a good case, Truth. McConnell and Boehner absolutely are a tough sell. I also agree with you on defense spending (which Mr. Obama increased, btw) being out of whack. Way out of whack.

Rusty Shackleford said...

A sign the apocalypse is upon us...we agreed on a few things.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Oh, come on, Russ, we agree on a fair amount of topics; Olbermann, Maddow, Grayson, Pelosi. Hell dude, if anything, wd would probably say that we agree TOO MUCH!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Nope. I won't say you agree too much. Rusty has convinced me. I already cast my ballot during early voting, but if I could take it back I would. Instead of straight Democratic I'd now go straight Republican. Who am I to stand in the way of this freight train?

I suspect that after the election both parties will get the message. Less than 50 percent of the population will even bother voting, and of those, in some races a majority of that minority will vote for the candidate who isn't a Democrat.

Obviously the president and the Democrats will have to abandon their agenda of digging us out of the bush recession and turn everything over to the corporations behind the tea party movement. More tax cuts for billionaires, deregulation and outsourcing... in other words, back to the polices that drove our economy into the ground.

I wouldn't be surprised if, after the Republican controlled House decides to pursue impeachment, President Obama and VP Biden don't simply resign. It's what what the American people would want them to do.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Sweet mother of mercy! Someone get a priest a rabbi a minister....damn get someone to talk wd off the ledge.

Wd its gonna be painless,you'll wake up next Wed,someone will have put the pod under your bed and you will realize everything will be alright.You will know the country has rejected the policies of the chosen one.You'll finally realize Obie is just the community organizer and he has no friggin idea what he's doing and america said f#*k this enough is enough.

Rusty Shackleford said...

I'm sorry to give you the bad news wd but theres you and about 10,000 other americans that really believe the stimulus saved or created three million jobs.The rest of us know thats a BS line.Sorry you fell for it.Oh well.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You know something, Russ/wd, maybe a divided government will force these people in Washington to finally work together (ala LBJ and Dirksen). Immigration reform, entitlement reform, deficit reduction - those are all big issues that their amelioration would ultimately help BOTH parties. Here's to hoping that they realize it.