Thursday, August 5, 2010

A World Full of Pablum

To all of those people who constantly say that Lady Gaga and Madonna have creativity, I have one very polite word for you - bullshit!! That's (i.e., the idiotic co-mingling of glamor, fashion, and piss-poor music) not creativity. Picasso. Mussorgsky. Kubrick. Welles. Beckett. McCullers. McIntyre (Samuel, the architect). THAT is creativity. It's a pretty humongous difference, folks. And, yeah, it would in fact be nice if our flat-lined society would at least occasionally acknowledge it.


Commander Zaius said...

I agree, I watched several of Gaga's videos and was puzzled. One of two of her songs MAYBE second rate pop music but she is over my head.

Teeluck said...

Ordinarily I would agree with you, but I have also devolved with the rest of them. I have gotten so sick that I like watching Britney drunk on stage...

I'm a gonner...

Oso said...

gonna let it slide this time, but I happen to be engaged to marry Lady Gaga. Once we get thru the formality of her discovering my existence and as she gets over the horror I look forward to many years of wedded bliss.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Oso,I'm just guessing here but we are all geeting an invite to the gala......are'nt we?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sorry guys. I guess I was in a bad frame of mind when I wrote this one. They're definitely not bad looking chicks at all; Gaga, Britney, Lindsay, etc..

Oso said...

Rusty I'll be sending a limo for you and Will!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I loved Madonna until she butchered her remake of Don McClain's American Pie.

And their success shows that in America, if a woman pretends to dig sex and we think she'll show us her naughty bits, she can be famous and make lots of money.

God bless America!