Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Freedom of Oft-Times Difficult

I'm trying hard to examine this whole "mosque at ground zero" controversy - not from the hyper-partisan/divisive perspective of a Sean Hannity or Olbermann, mind you, but more as a concerned citizen who really does try and make a concerted effort to understand all sides to an issue.......................................................................................................On the one hand: a) The proposed mosque will not be AT ground zero but rather two and a half blocks FROM IT. b) The building in which the mosque and community center will ultimately be quartered is on private property and, hence, would clearly be protected by the separation of church and state......................................................................................................On the other hand: a) A lot of people (families of the victim, included) vociferously object to a mosque (no, not all Muslims are radical but radical Muslims were clearly the lone perpetrators here) being built so close to the worst terrorist attack ever perpetrated on American soil. These people (who, I will admit, I do have some sympathy for) feel that it would be a good gesture on the part of these Muslims to voluntarily move to another site. b) The leader of this project apparently does have some radical views/associations.............................................................................................................Conclusion: While I generally consent to the will of the governed, on this particular issue, I must descent. Because of our long-standing traditions of freedom of religion/the separation of church and state, I simply cannot see how any level of government in America can halt this project. And even if the dude in question does have some radical views, until he tangibly goes out and breaks some laws, we also still have our freedom of speech. I'm sorry, folks, but on this one, I actually have to side with Mr. Olbermann (his sanctimony on the issue, notwithstanding).


Commander Zaius said...

If the iman in charge had any concern for perceptions he would move the mosque to another site. Like you said, since its private property its at best a local issue.

I have to admit this is the shit that really tires me out, when we spend so much time on ultimately meaningless crap nothing important get accomplished and blowhards polarize the country even further.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And now the President has gotten sucked in, too. Just peachy, huh?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What the hell? I see no "sanctimonious" KO quotes or links to KO "sanctimonious" quotes, yet you are going after him for his "sanctimony" without saying, what exactly, he said that you find "sanctimonious"?!

Beach Bum, the NYC Community board approved this project. I'm in favor of construction going ahead as planned. In fact, I'll be extremely disappointed if doesn't. Because it will be a huge victory for Right-wing demagoguery.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't think it matters where a mosque is built. Somebody is going to get pissed off.

It adds to our national charm.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I find Keith Olbermann sanctimonious and pretentious ALL THE TIME. And, yes, so, too, evidently, does "Saturday Night Live". The self-righteous nature of his voice, the way that he likes to act superior, etc., etc.. I'm sorry, but I simply cannot like the guy. And, no, it's NOT because he's a liberal, either. I like Matthews. I like E.J. Dionne. I like Joe Conason. Hell, I even like David Korn, for Christ......I'm with you, Truth. I don't give a damn where they build the damn thing, either. I just wish that the President had held his ground. He gave a superb speech Friday but, because of the political fall-out, immediately back-tracked. Say what you want about Bush (the fact that he was an idiot, unduly influenced by religiosity, etc.). At least the nimrod could hold his ground (which, yes, I know, was also an Achilles heel of his).

Rusty Shackleford said...

F*#k the mosque....somw anti-war protester hit Carl Levin in the face with a thats funny.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm going to be honest with you, Russ. I wouldn't mind sending 435 of those pies down to Washington.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I don't watch Matthews very often, mostly because his sanctimonious centrism turns me off. He seems so proud that he's in (what he thinks is) the center where (he thinks) the majority of the American people are.

Which is why I watch Olbermann -- I don't recall ever disagreeing with anything he's said. His commentary on this subject tonight was excellent.

gringo jack said...

Will - I don't know if you're going to make it, man. I've been reading through your blog. It's really rare to find someone who is a) passionate about politics, and b) really tries to be reasonable and see all sides of an argument. I'll be reading your blog, which I found informative and amazingly even-handed. Good job.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Thanks for the visit and encouraging words, Jack. All I can tell you is that I try. And, yeah, it's tough. On Lydia Cornell's site, I was excoriated as a right-winger - this, while, at the same time, I was getting banned on for being a Palin hating liberal. Go figure, huh?