Monday, August 30, 2010


I've been hearing rumors that Sarah Palin's ex future son-in-law, Levi Johnston, may ultimately end up getting a reality-show of his own. So, folks, what do you think? Me, I'm thinking that maybe we should all (all of us - regardless of what out political affiliation may be) stand as one and oppose this stupidity. I mean, I ask you here, have you actually gotten a load of this guy? My God! This dude is so stupid that he actually makes those Kardashian bimbos sound like Fulbright scholars. And, besides, aren't we going to have to take a stand SOMEWHERE? If it isn't with this knuckle-dragger, then when? Come on. What do you say, folks?


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Protesting would only draw more attention to this joker. Exactly what reality show producers want.

That being said, the latest photo of Kim Kardashian in her bikini was very nice. Not that I pay attention to that sort of low minded drivel.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

She's not bad, Truth (can I still call you Truth?). But after fantasizing about Stephanie Miller, I don't think that I could go quite that......

Commander Zaius said...

I completely agree, the only problem is that Levi is one "minor" symptom in a diseased culture that caters to the lowest common denominator. This easily crosses the political spectrum and the only real way to fight it would be to turn off the television.

On a more carnal note my current fantasy chick is Mary-Louise Parker.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Mary Louise Parker is flat-out gorgeous - a natural, unpretentious beauty who's also very talented. Rock-solid selection, double b......Russ, I usually like woman with curvaceous back-sides. But for some reason, though, I just cannot dig these Kardashian babes.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I'm with ya Will.

They were always trying to hurt Commander Sisko on Deep Space 9...