Monday, January 11, 2010

Battle-Station Nation

Everybody's falling all over themselves with this Harry Reid thing. My suggestion is that we simply take a step back and cut through the bull. 1) Harry Reid is not a racist. Or at the very least it's unlikely. This, in that there isn't any sort of consistent pattern here (there usually is with racists, harassers, etc.). 2) What Harry Reid said wasn't as bad as what Senator Lott said. This, in that Lott essentially said that the country would have been better off with a segregationist in charge. But, yes, 3) what Harry Reid did say was also moronic. A negro dialect? What in the frigging hell is a frigging negro (yes, the use of that term alone was insensitive) dialect? At the very least, Reid should have been chastised by his fellow Dems.............................................................................................As to whether Reid should resign or not, I personally don't think that it's necessary. 1) He's probably going to get bounced out of office anyway and 2) the poor fellow's already apologized profusely. Is that not enough blood-letting?..................................................................................................Oh, and, yes, for the record, I didn't think that Lott should have stepped down, either. In fact, folks, I actually thought that it was quite unseemly, the way that the fellow was treated back then - you know, by his, hello!, FELLOW REPUBLICANS!! They practically devoured the poor bastard, for Christ!!!


thereturnofRusty said...

Could Harry have ment "ebonics"
in lieu of "negro dialect?"

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Either way it was moronic. Like with Hillary and that comment about Indians owning convenient stores. These politicians simply don't think prior to speaking.

thereturnofRusty said...

A Will,it was Biden who made that crack.

thereturnofRusty said...

Six of one...half a dozen of another.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I think that they both made that gaffe. I could be wrong.

thereturnofRusty said...

You are,it was Biden at a 7-11.

Commander Zaius said...

Just when I was starting to watch the news again. [[[[SERIOUS GROAN]]]]]

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I found it, Rusty. It was that joke she made about Ghandi, that he "ran a gas station down in St. Louis."

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I hate to say it, double b, but I'm actually starting to feel sorry for these folks. This, in that they're under such constant scutiny. If I were under that much scrutiny, I would probably LOSE to Ms. Palin in that dog-catcher election - decidedly!

Kentucky Rain said...

I don't feel sorry for them Will. Sooner or later the rest of their house will fall down around them. The nonsense these Republicans dream up in their continuing efforts to destroy this president and the democratic congress will be their undoing.

thereturnofRusty said...

MadMikes shameless shilling for Obama and Congress is totally nauseating. I wonder if he could list five positive things either have accomplished the past year.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yes, Rusty, Mike is a strong supporter of the President (unlike me, who supports him on some things but not on others). But he's also a reasonable guy who always debates the issues civilly. And isn't that the most important thing?

Teeluck said...

Rusty likes to ask for five things doesn't he...

Teeluck said...

He probably survives on "five dollar foot longs" everyday. Probably don't even know how to cook. He's a five guy.