Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Stream of Something

I like Chris Matthews. Seriously, I find him to be quite the character. But, unfortunately (unfortunately for him, I'm saying), a lot of those same things that I like about him; his bluntness/crudeness, that stark inability/unwillingness to sensor himself, the flat-out unpredictability of the guy (I love the Democrats, I hate the Democrats, I love the Democrats, I hate the Democrats) are in fact the same things that tend to get him in trouble........................................................................................I mean, think about it; all those frigging slurs that he made against Hillary, that purely idiotic "chill up the leg" comment, and, yes, now we have that incredibly embarrassing "I forgot that the President was black for an hour" gaffe. It, I'm afraid to say, is all starting to add up here. Hopefully, the fellow can start to keep it in check a little bit. NOT, I'm saying, to the point of being predictable/boring....but only to avoid future embarrassment. That type of keeping it in check.........................................................................................P.S. I site this fully recognizing that a person's tendency to speak voluminously (not to mention with great rapidity) brings as well a greater capacity to err. Matthews, short of an entire personality transplant, may in fact be what he is and cannot be altered. Whether, me-buckos, that's a good or a bad thing (me, I have mixed feelings) is entirely up to the reader.


Teeluck said...

Hey, that's my guy, he can say most things and I won't hold it against him...he amuses me too much. Come to think of it he has never offended me so far...and his persona is still an attractive charm that he uses quite well, especiall since he does try to tear a new one on some of thesse phonies who come on his show.

Commander Zaius said...

Like all others on television, some days I can take him, others days I would rather hear fingernails be dragged down a blackboard.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He says what he thinks. Got to love it. I just hope that that train wreck style of his doesn't get him into too much trouble.

Oso said...

In point of fact, the president has been black for far longer than an hour. You're absolutely right, Matthews needs to get his facts straight.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The funny thing is, he meant it as a compliment. Just like Biden meant what he said as a compliment. I feel like teling these fellas, STOP COMPLIMENTING HIM!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Give the Brother a break I say.

Sometimes in our efforts to be non or sound non racist we say some pretty dumb things. There's plenty of bigots in the world we can despise without adding guys that made a poorly worded remark.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He came out with a good one tonight, Truth. In teasing for his interview with Andrew Young (Edwards's aid), he says, "fasten your seatbelt, Mr. Young." Can't wait to see it.