Monday, November 30, 2009

Broken Clock Syndrome?

I've heard that Dick Cheney has decided to endorse Kay Bailey Hutchison in Texas, and NOT Governor Rick Parry (this, for the Republican nomination for governor in Texas). Wow! I'm basically speechless. This, in that, no, I can't really remember the last time that Mr. Cheney was right about ANYTHING (well, at least the stuff that he talks about, anyway)..................................................................................Now, don't get me wrong here. Senator Hutchison herself was on the wrong side (in my estimation) of a lot of these foreign policy issues, too (yes, folks,the very same ones that Cheney himself was wrong on). And, NO, I'm not so sure that I WOULD vote for her in a general election. But, please, compared to this Governor Parry character (Mr. Secession, etc.)- it ain't even remotely close. Let's just hope that the good Republicans of Texas muster enough sense to do the right thing here/vote for a person that the state can be proud of. Oh, and, yes, Mr. Cheney, a damn good call on this one, buddy.


Oso said...

very smart,capable woman.I disagree with probably the majority of what she believes in, but I respect her.

Kay Bailey Hutchinson is the Anti-Palin. When conservatives talk about strong women, why not her or Sheila Bair?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I suspect that they don't think she's conservative enough. That whole litmus test thing again. We have a female Republican governor in CT (Jodi Rell, who I DID vote for) who's capable, too. But 1) she's moderate, 2) she's done alot of things to help poor people (or at least that's the intention), and 3) she's pro-choice. Have you noticed that you haven't heard a lot about her, either?

Oso said...

Good point,Will. I'd never heard of her, yet from what you say she's exactly what the Republican party needs. Or would need, if they were a credible political party rather than a shell of a party inhabited by parasites.

Col. Frank Slade (RET) said...

Ahh,shes a good conservative woman if she believes in killing the unborn.That is the litmus test.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Actually, Colonel (and, yes, welcome back), I DO have some sympathy for the pro-life position. I especially understand the moral component of it. I just don't think that it's feasible (or even necessarily fair) to mandate that a woman retain her pregnancy. I especially don't want it (i.e., abortion) to go back underground. My suggestion is that people opposed to abortion - that they use their moral suasion and try to better "educate" people to their views. Maybe that's a better way to reduce the number of abortions. Oh, and, yeah, BIRTH CONTROL!!