Saturday, July 4, 2009

Haunts of Vintage Wrestling

So, how in the hell does this "Fairness Doctrine" work? Rush Limbaugh would get to do his shpeel for a while? And then, what, some Keith Olbermann type would get the microphone and counter him? Is that how you seriously propose that this thing would work? Hm, that's interesting...........................................................................This, I'm saying, in that, sure, it sounds like it might be entertaining and all (God-damned humorous, one might even goes as far as to say). But, ladies and gentlemen, it also sounds like one would be running a radio station like it's a bunch of nasty bullshit. I mean, come on here, what about the frigging 40% of us who don't particularly care for either Limbaugh OR Olbermann? Who in the hell is going to be speaking to/for us? It doesn't sound like anybody will. Oh well, at least we'll still have that 3-6 ring circus to constantly divert/amuse us. Oh, and the classic rock station, too. Heaven forbid that I forget about that.


Vigilante said...

I'm tired (somewhat) of Olbermann. Rachel Maddow now speaks for me (somewhat).

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You know, I kinda like her, too. She, while partisan, is so much nicer than the rest of them; Olbermann, Hannity, Beck, etc.. It's refreshing. She had General Powell on and was very civil to him. She also had Ron Paul on her show and ditto. Out of all of them, yeah, I'd pick her.