Thursday, March 13, 2025

On Some Doughy Unconvincing Trans-Woman Who's Likely Never Done so Much as a Pushup In "Her" Whole Life Taking to TikTok and Spewing a Blanket Threat to Murder Anyone Who Doesn't Allow Her to Poop In the Ladies Room

  I'm a free speech absolutist and so even idiocy like this I wouldn't censor (yes, she was making threats but they weren't specific enough to justify silencing). Now, if the F.B.I. wants to keep an eye on the lunatic and make sure that she doesn't purchase a firearm (I'm generally not in favor of firearm restrictions for the mentally ill as they generally aren't any more violent than the general population but when they make unhinged threats on social media it's probably best that they remained unarmed), that I might be down with, gotta' tell ya'.

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