This is probably my biggest complaint with the Republicans. They talk a good game when it come to fiscal policy but whenever they take the reins they're just as lousy with the budget as the Democrats and in the case of these four gents, even a little worse. Something to do with power, I'm guessing.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
On $51.7 Million of Wikipedia's $177 Million Budget Currently Going to Fund Marxist-Infused DEI Buffoonery
A little something to consider before you make that next donation.
On What Gaza Would Look Like if the Troglodytes from Hamas Had Used the Billions of Dollars In Foreign Aid to Build Factories, Fisheries, Greenhouses, Highways, Airports, and Refineries Instead of Tunnels and Armament Depots
Hard to know for certain but if I had to guess I'd probably go with, much better than it does today.
Monday, December 30, 2024
On the Fact that Virtually Every Person Is Aggrieved About One Thing or Another (and, Yes, All too Often the Problem Resides Within Them......but I Digress) and so if We All Did What that Retarded Chap Did to the Insurance Company CEO Society Would Continue to Function............How Exactly?
And it doesn't help either that the hardcores can a) barely conceal their glee whenever one of these "bad guys" gets slaughtered and/or b) rarely resist the opportunity to use these tragedies as an awkward pretense to bluster their dystopian narratives. So gotta' cut that bullshit out.
On the Claim by RFK Jr. and Others that Dr. Fauci Performed Medical Experiments On Orphans and that it Didn't End Particularly Well for Some of These Youngsters -
The usual suspects of course ran cover for ole Fauci with their comedic fact checks and loaded headings to obscenely biased articles. Unfortunately for them we have a thing called the internet and apparently a leftist site none other than NPR seemed to give the story credence back in 2005. Kind of a problem, no?
Sunday, December 29, 2024
On the Fact that 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999% of MSLSD's Segments On Trump Are, Let Us Say, Less than Flattering
The corporate media has always leaned to the left (at least during my life) but it was never this blatant (more like 60-40 or 70-30, I'd say). The good part is that the ratings for these bullshit and puerile outfits are cratering so bad that they're going to have to reassess their approach and maybe start doing some actual news instead of these nonstop in-kind campaign contributions to the Democrats. Hell, I might even start tuning-in a little.
On the Fact that Islam Conquered All of North Africa and the Levant, a Significant Chunk of South Asia (Perpetrating One of the Most Extensive Genocides In Human History While Doing so), Held Spain for Seven Centuries, and Damn Near Conquered Frankia......and Yet the Wokesters of Today Continue to Perceive Them as Victims......
......and the Jews who fled persecution in Europe and these same Muslim domains as persecutors. Yep, that's where we are now.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
On the Fact that if Israel Truly Wished to Genocide the Gazan Civilians They Could Have Done it In 72 Hours and In a Manner that Wouldn't Have Resulted In the Deaths of Hundreds of Their Soldiers
So the lunatics pushing this narrative are either incapable of critical thinking or cynical to the point where they now view the U.S. populace as a collective blob of full-bore idiocy. Likely a mixture, huh?
Friday, December 27, 2024
On the Possible Investigations Into Miscreants Like McCabe and Schiff and the Highly Compromised Corporate Media Characterizing Them as "Retribution" and "Targeting"
Wow, so the world in which these partisan fools reside believe that colluding with huge corporations in an effort to unseat a sitting President while lying though your teeth and withholding exculpatory evidence during a stacked and nonsensical proceeding somehow make you the victim of payback. Tortured logic, anybody?
Thursday, December 26, 2024
On Schmuckly "Journalists" Over at the Guardian Poo-Pooing the Comparison of Hamas with Adolph Hitler and the Nazis
I suppose that a pleading could be made for this (I find it dumb but I've also heard worse). HOWEVER , the fact that it's coming from a lowlife outfit that's been throwing around the same comparison for decades and in situations far less egregious than what Hamas has been crapping out, you gotta' call foul, no?
On "Refugees" from Africa and the Middle East Ending Up In France, Being Told that England Dishes-Out More Free Shit, and Because of that Hopping On a Vessel that Crosses the English Channel and Ultimately Arrives at Said Destination
I had always thought that an asylum seeker was supposed to remain in the first safe country that they arrived in (even if it isn't a hard and fast rule you'd expect that one would be grateful simply to get away from the tormenters in their homeland and not be globetrotting all around looking for the gravy-train). Apparently not, though, it seems.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
On Napoleon Having to Know the Fate of Field Marshall Rehnskiold When the Latter Invaded Russia at the Tail-End of the Great Northern War and Hitler Having to Know the Fate of Both of Them After Napoleon Made the Same Boneheaded Calculation as Rehnskiold and Yet Neither Napoleon nor Hitler Learned a Damned Thing from Their Predecessors' Grave Mistakes
I suppose that ignorance could have been the primary factor but being that history is littered with psychopaths, my money's on hubris with no hedging needed.
On the Proposition for the Recent Oxford Debate Pertaining to Israel and Palestine Being, "Is Israel an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide"
Not an expert on debating but I'm pretty sure that piggy-backing accusations in the proposition isn't of Marques of Queensberry caliber.......Quick, get the rule-book out.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
On Those Propagandist Ads for Public Education Putting Forth Yet Another Orwellian Bromide; "Authentic Learning"
Again, allow me to translate. Authentic learning equals you (i.e., the kid) absorbing every moronic, divisive, dystopian, and civilization-destroying notion that the utterly insane left has drummed-up with you (again, the kid) unquestioningly accepting the lunacy.......Man, are we ever on to these assholes.
On the Idiot Socialist Bimbo from New York Apparently Eyeing a Run for the Presidency Nearing 2028
On Being Sub-Mediocre, Fully Oblivious to it, and Thinking that the Best Way Forward Is to Throw Feces at Large Swaths of the American Populace (Tampons Were Unavailable, I Guess)
Monday, December 23, 2024
On the Fact that if Israel (a Country with a Free Press that Leans Strongly Left and a Court System that Has No Problem Prosecuting Politicians and Military Personnel) Truly Wished to Perpetrate a "Holocaust" In Gaza (as an Increasingly Off-the-Wall Candace Owens Has Alleged), Facilitating International Aid Into that Region, Handing Out Warnings Like Candy, Establishing and Manning Humanitarian Corridors, Producing a Combatant to Civilian Kill Ratio that's Vastly Superior to Anything from the U.S.A. of Late, and Allowing/Encouraging Evacuations While Hamas Continuously Hampers Them, Probably Isn't the Most Efficient Way to Accomplish it
And just for the record, I'm not arguing that Israel's response to the knuckle-dragging barbarism of October 7th is necessarily the correct one (largely because of the hard left's predictable response to it). But what I do know is that every effing country standing in judgement of Israel would do the same exact thing, possibly worse, if presented with an attack of this severity and scope. So, yeah, while there are always bad decisions in war (this conflict included) in which civilians are slaughtered, we are only permitted one moral challenging as that may be.
On a 13 Year-Old Pointing a Machine Gun at You
So, is that a civilian or a combatant?......And, yes, the weapon is loaded.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
On the Sociopathic Adults Responsible for Pushing this Trans Insanity Taking Lesbian Girls and Morphing Them Into Straight "Men" and Failing to Grasp that What They're Essentially Creating Is a Brand Spanking New Version of Conversion Therapy
Wow, so not only are these dolts harming actual women with this foolishness (biological men invading their spaces, beating the daylights out of them, etc.), they're also sticking it to lesbians. Talk about a twofer, huh?
On the Fact that if the Warmongering Torture Apologist Extraordinaire, Liz Cheney, Truly Met with Nutjob Witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, Without the Latter's Attorney Present, Yeah, that Could Be a Huge Problem for the Lizard
Now watch, the media shits who hated anything Cheney (and on this point I fully sympathize) will once again come to her defense. Just watch.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
On the Fact that Washington Lives and Breathes Through Leaks......and Yet Not a Single Name from the Epstein Black Book Has Made it's Way Into the Current Milieu
Never bought the "government can't keep a secret" argument when it comes to the deep-state doing monumentally evil shit and this only serves to buttress that conviction.
On the Fact that the Government Dished Out $1.4 Trillion In Social Security Transfer Payments In 2023 and so Even if You Took Every Dime of Elon Musk's $400 Trillion Portfolio (it Isn't All In Cash, You Know that Right?) it Would Fund the Program for Only About 15 Weeks (and of Course it Would Only Be a One-Shot Deal In that Why Would Elon Build Another Empire if he Knew that the Government Would Eventually Steal it Again?)
I get it that the left loves to use Elon (a fellow who they used to support because of his electric car connection) as a foil/punching-bag to further their lowbrow collectivist agenda but the fact remains that the Social Security trust-fund is presently on the fast-track to insolvency and the only solutions are a radical restructuring (huge tax hikes, means-testing, everybody taking a "haircut", etc.) or bankruptcy. I mean, sure, we could probably continue on this unsustainable path (essentially a ponzi scheme) for a while longer but being that that would detonate an already obscene debt and devalue our currency through inflation, it really isn't an option, is it?
Friday, December 20, 2024
On the CEO of United Healthcare Getting Gunned Down On the Streets of New York and the Corporate Whore Media for the First Time In Years Not Using it as an Excuse to Pimp Gun Control
Yeah, I guess that the "health insurance conglomerates are full-bore evil" narrative was just too succulent to pass up and, besides, the gun control template was getting burnt out and probably needed some time off anyway.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
On Alleged Insurrectionists Building a Scaffold In Front of the Capitol Prior to January 6th and the Capitol Police Not Doing an Damned Thing to Stop Them
I'm not gonna' go as far as to call it a "Fedsurrection" (too gimmicky and why give the statists and media shits fodder to mock you?) but a lot of things did fall magically into place, ALL OF IT to their advantage (the pipe-bomber getting away, a January 6th committee that was a pure abomination, the police welcoming people into the Capitol, Andrew Weissmann joining the Mueller probe, Pelosi's kid showing up with a camera, Congress sitting on thousands of hours of video, confidential human sources being at the protest AND in the Capitol, etc.). Of course there's probably a shitload more and, yeah, based upon the behavior of devious slants like Schiff G-rated it likely isn't.
On Susan Hayward's Performance In the 1947 Classic, "Smash Up"
It's amazing (big shock, huh, me loving a Susan Hayward performance). She takes it as far as she possibly could without it being mawkish or overwrought. And that scene where she bashes the lovely Marsha Hunt is so jarring and compelling that I've watched it over and over for years. Thumbs up? Oh yeah.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
On Greta Thunberg Now Bellowing Out Incendiary Proclamations Like, "Fuck Israel"
I personally don't give a crap what the little chipmunk says or does. But can somebody please inform her that the people who she's presently commiserating with aren't exactly big supporters of the "Green New Deal"and would probably throw her into prison if she so much as mentioned such a weird itinerary. Informed consent, one might call it.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
On the Biden Regime Deciding to Auction Off the Raw Materials Needed to Finish Construction of the Border Wall
So something that a six-year-old would do, in other words, and a treasonous six year-old at that. Man, do I ever hate these fools.
On the Recent Clamoring On Various Social Media Sites for Universal Healthcare
So is this an admission that Obamacare didn't get the job done? Kinda' appears so, doesn't it?
On Recently Witnessing a Commercial for Some Public Education Pressure Group In Which They Use Coded Lingo Like, "Hard Conversations" and "Honest and Truthful Education"
The loose translation of which is; a) hard conversations = "so, are you feeling more like a boy or a girl today?", "don't fret about getting the wrong answer, you're a minority and so of course we expect less of you", etc. and b) an honest and truthful education = "only white people have perpetrated atrocities and the sole reason why they're doing better than other groups is because they've achieved it at their expense", "you can't judge the actions of Turks, Aztecs, Zulus, Mongols, Maori, Comanches, Arabs, etc. because what they did was a part of their culture and we simply can't criticize other cultures like we do our own because that would be virulent ethnocentrism"......for example.
On Watching Rachel Maddow with the Sound Turned Off (Honestly, Is There Any Other Way?) and Ultimately Realizing that She Appears Even More Insane that Way (the Bizarre Facial Expressions, a Pie-Hole that Moves at 300 RPMs, Her Demonstrative and Unusual Motor Displays, etc.)
Of course what's even more disturbing is the harsh fact that we ain't even close to a one-off over there (at MSLSD). I mean, just tune in at random and I can almost guarantee a mentally-ill person showing up (Joe Scarborough, Chris Hayes, Nicole Wallace, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joy Reid, Sharpton the Tool, some fool named Deutsch etc.).......And, yeah, you'll probably have to turn the sound down with those schmucks, too.
Monday, December 16, 2024
On Steve Nash Shooting Over 90% (93.8 Being His High Mark) from the Free-Throw Line for Nine of His Last Twelve Seasons, with the Three that He Didn't Being 89.4, 89.9, and 88.7
So, is he the best of all-time? As of now, no, in that Steph Curry's lifetime stat-line is 91.0% while Steve's is 90.4%. It does get a wee-bit complicated in that Curry is still playing and being that he could potentially tail-off, who knows, Steve may end up number one in the end. We shall stay tuned.
On the Haters of Trump Having Traversed so Far Down the Road of Vilification that They They Couldn't Course-Correct Even if They Wished to (and They Probably Don't) In that that Would Be an Admission of Their Foolishness and Overreaction
Yeah, so even something as benign as, "alright, maybe he's not THAT bad, I just wish that he'd be more dignified (or whatever)", where you're still criticizing the guy but not totally losing your shit, isn't conceivable. Full steam ahead and forever, it seems.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
On Pakistani Rape Gangs In England Perpetrating Some of the Most Heinous Sex Crimes Thus Far In the 21st Century and the British Authorities Largely Turning a Blind-Eye to it Because They Didn't Want the Muslim Population to Get a Bad to Speak
We in the West have been decaying for a long time now through political correctness, identity politics, collectivism, sexual perversion, white guilt, and a whole host of other civilization destroying practices but, I'm sorry, sacrificing young girls at the alter of this idiocy takes it to an entirely different level. Hopefully some heads will roll for this epic example of negligence but in the mean time, keep an eye on your daughters.
On Nutjob Joy Reid Trying to Convince Her Sub-90 IQ Audience that Republican Men Who Believe In the Second Amendment Are Traversing Around the Country Looking for Poor Innocent Black Men to Snuff Out
And then we wonder why nearly half of self-described Democrats and over 20% of self-described Republicans believe that police gun down over a thousand unarmed black fellas' a year (it's generally under 20 with most of those shootings being justified) - from poisonous bullshit like this (pitting groups of people against one another).
Saturday, December 14, 2024
On Obama Residing On Martha's Vineyard but Spending a Disproportionate Amount of His Time Trying to Stay Relevant (the Relatively Benign Interpretation) by Wallowing In the Sewers of the D.C. Swamp
As to what he's up to, an observer can only speculate. My suspicion is that he's either attempting to pitch in and help his fellow radicals push their agenda OR doing whatever he can to suffocate inconvenient and/or incriminating facts. Certainly not doing it for love of country.
Friday, December 13, 2024
On President Trump Going to North Korea to Broker Peace with Kim Jong Un (Basically Taking a Page Out of the Noam Chomsky Playbook) and Hardcore Leftists Like Moscow Maddow Characterizing it as, "Trump's Fascination with Dictators"
Red-pilling for me was a gradual process but if I had to pick just one episode that put me over the edge it was probably this (i.e., Maddow's inability to put "it" down for one effing day) in that it's stuck with me the longest. Unfortunately.
On Leftist Fake Journalist, Dana Bash, Recently Characterizing Male Trump Supporters with Such Loaded Terms as "Testosterone-Filled" and "Gun-Toting"
Of course if it ever does go sideways and she needs a man for a whole host of reasons, I strongly suspect that she'll turn to the above-mentioned fellows and not to douche-bags like Tampon Timmy, Kamala's squeeze, or that traitorous rat-bastard first husband of hers who signed a dumb as a stump letter insinuating that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant. Hopefully we'll never have to find out.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
On the Jews Who Were Ethnically-Cleansed from Islamic Countries In 1948 and Afterwards Being Expected to "Return"......Where Exactly?
So, any of you TikTokers want to handle this one? I'm guessing, no.
On the Democrats Having to Choose Between Tens of Millions of Women and a Small Contingent of Men Making Believe that They're Women......and Ultimately Selecting the the Second Group
(Putting the immorality aside) These ramrods have apparently forgotten how to count and so, yeah, maybe it's them who require the "reeducation".
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
On this Endless Avalanche of TikTok Videos In Which One Mindless Skank After Another Shits Out Rapid Fire Invectives and Directs Them at People Whose Intellect Is at Least a Standard Deviation Above Theirs, that of a Zucchini
I don't go to TikTok so I don't know if this idiocy is indicative......but if it is, man are we ever in trouble. Jesus.
On Election Denier, Hillary Clinton, Suggesting that Individuals Who Spread Misinformation Should Be Subjected to Criminal Proceedings
Yeah, count me as a strong NO on this one (especially since it's coming from a monstrous battle-axe who's probably shat out more misinformation than anybody this side of Anthony Fauci, HERSELF). A hill to die on, one might even say.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
On "60 Minutes" Deceptively Editing a Part of Their Interview with Kamala Harris by Ditching an Answer to One of the Questions In Which She Responded with Her Typical Nonsense, Inserting Another Answer from a Previous Question Where She Comes Off a Little Less Retarded, the Public Finding Out About the Deception, and the Honchos at CBS Maintaining that They Did Nothing Wrong In Spite of the Unimpeachable Evidence that They Did
They're probably banking on the fact that a large percentage of the public won't take the time to fact-check any of this bullshit. Unfortunately (for them) the "strategy" may be losing steam in that their viewership and approval ratings have both been plummeting. The high cost of doubling-down, let's call it.
On the Washington Compost Shamelessly Attempting to Diminish Mr. Hegseth's Two Bronze Stars After Having Called Them One of the Army's Most Prestigious Awards When Biden Handed One Out to an Intelligence Analyst Over In Iraq
Double-standards have always been standard operating procedure with these media assholes but to shit on individuals who've honorably served their country (strictly for political purposes) takes it to an entirely different level, wouldn't you say?
Monday, December 9, 2024
On Politico Reminding Us that Nearly 100 Former National Security Officials Are Alarmed at the Thought of Tulsi Gabbard Spearheading the Intelligence Community (One of Which I'm Assuming Is the War Whore, John Bolton)
On the Fact that They're "Debanking" People Now for Errant Viewpoints (Even if They Turns out to Be the Correct Ones)
Wow, this un-personing tactic is really getting down to the granular level. What's next, the removal of oxygen?
Saturday, December 7, 2024
On the Mainstream Whore Media Undoubtedly Salivating at the Prospect of Calling Kash Patel, a White Supremacist, but Because the Guy's Indian and at Least as Dark as Halle Berry, Thinking (Yes, They Do it On Occasion) that They Might Look, Stupider
This is the fellow who they're probably most frightened of. To use that old adage, he knows where all the bodies are buried. He's also going to clean house and put a screaming halt to the federal gravy train and we just can't have that, I guess.
Friday, December 6, 2024
On the Fact that Biden Must Have Had Numerous Childhoods In that the Fella' Claims to Have Been Brought Up In a Shitload of Distinct Communities
It would require a theoretical physicist to completely unpack this but in lieu of me finding one (they don't grow on trees as you know), I'm simply going to dig up my old standby, Occam's Razor, and insist that he's lying yet again.
On Ray "We Need to Go IN to the Capitol" Epps Being On the F.B.I.'s Most Wanted List One Day and Then Off it the Next, a Situation that Only Emerges When the Person Either Croaks or Becomes a Paid Informant
And being that he's still alive and was pretty much the only January 6th participant who didn't get railroaded, the question kinda' answers itself, doesn't it?
On John Milton Lambasting the Kingship (Circa 1660) and Ending Up Collared and Incarcerated for it
So relieved that England doesn't pull that shit anymore (wink wink).
Thursday, December 5, 2024
On One Stooge After Another (Politicians and Talking-Heads, Mainly) Predicting with Total Certainty that Biden Wouldn't Pardon His Son, Hunter, but Now that it's Happened Buffoonishly Trying to Memory-Hole
They're of course spinning in the most ridiculous ways possible (asserting that the dude's been treated unfairly, countless procedural complaints, yada yada) and as is almost always the case appearing the fool for it.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
On this Young Woman Belting Out One of the Most Scintillating Speeches of My Lifetime
On Members of Congress and the Senate
Or as I prefer to call them, petty and mentally-challenged little people pork-barreling, perpetually pandering, breaching our privacy, and lining their own pockets at the tax-payer's expense. Short hand.
On Haviv Rettig Gur Recently Claiming that Nothing Could Be Worse than Assad (Rooting for the "Rebels" In Syria Apparently)
That sounds familiar, doesn't it (nothing being worse than Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gaddafi, Ngo Dinh Diem, the Shah of Iran, Hosni Mubarak, etc.)?
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
On the Disturbing Melee that Erupted Right After Saturday's UNC, NC State Football Game
On the F.B.I. Surreptitiously Changing the Violent Crime Numbers Which Now Show a 4.5% Increase and Not the 2.1% Decrease that Was Previously Put Forth -
Sooooooooo Trump was right in that ABC News Debate and the low-functioning partisan debate moderator was wrong when he issued that idiotic " fact check". Interesting.......Oh and, yeah, lotsa' luck waiting for a correction as it ain't exactly their strong suit.