Monday, September 30, 2024

Vote for Kamala if You Want -

   a) a national gun registry available for public viewing ("Jim has a gun, Stanley doesn't, let's rob Stanley"), b) the highest corporate tax rate among the OECD, c) more woke foolishness (critical race theory, trans insanity, etc.), d) late term abortions (a practice that even a lot of pro-choice people recoil at), e) wide open borders and amnesty for illegals, f) an end to the electoral college, g) an end to the filibuster, h) slavery reparations, i) price controls (an approach that has a 5,000 year track record of failure), j) criminals voting, even rapists and murderers, k) student loan forgiveness for upper-middle-class kids, l) more tech censorship, m) court-packing, n) a tax on unrealized capital gains (one of the most idiotic and destructive proposals in our country's history), o) more coddling of criminals (including rioters), p) forced vaccinations, q) multi-trillion dollar deficits, r) police forces defunded ("we need to have that conversation", as she says), s) the Green New Deal, a policy that if implemented would result in the death of millions (you can't run a modern advanced society on just solar panels and wind turbines and if you're too moronic to know that you probably shouldn't be President), and t) additional bankrolling of that disgusting war between Russia and Ukraine.........................And if you DON'T want this garbage, a big decision awaits you, oh yeah.    

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