Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Trump's Legitimate Beefs About the 2020 Election

 1) State governments issuing millions of mail-in ballots with a questionable chain of custody. 2) Ballot harvesting in which partisan ramrods would go around assisting low-information people to vote for guess who. 3) Trump getting banned from various social media outfits leading up to the election. 4) Social media shills censoring and/or de-ranking the Hunter Biden laptop story. 5) The 50-plus former intelligence officials implying (AKA, lying through their teeth) that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation". 6) The corporate whore media framing every fucking story in a way that made Trump look like dog-shit and Biden a savior. 7) Google's algorithms burying good news about Trump and crappy news about Biden......and vice versa. 8) Tara Reid's rape accusations against Biden receiving zero coverage while the crazy lady's claims against Trump were receiving both credence and primo coverage. And 9) unsavory individuals showing up at drop-boxes at 3:57 in the morning, cautiously looking over their shoulder, putting gloves on so as to not leave fingerprints, and then taking pics of the drop box to prove their appearance there.......There of course could be more but this is a sufficient start, I think.

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