Sunday, April 18, 2021

On the Fact that No One Has the Right to Look at a Person's Skin Color and Assign a Bunch of Attributes to Them, it's Disgusting, Idiotic, and About as Racist as One Can Get and Yet this Is What Our "Educators" Are Ramming Down the Throats of Young Grade-School Children with this Poorly Reasoned and Divisive Bullshit Called Critical Race Theory (Telling Black Kids that They're Victims and White Kids that They're Oppressors)

Please, if you have young kids and you can possibly do so, get them the hell out of these government-run indoctrination centers in that not only are they getting a piss-poor education in general, they're literally being trained to hate themselves. Yes, I understand that not everyone has the option to home-school, the resources for private school, or even a charter school possibility but if you can. If you can, I'm saying.

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