Friday, March 16, 2018

On the Fact that No One Person (In this Instance, President Trump) Knows What's Best for the U.S.A. Economy Better than that Economy Itself

Yeah, here's the deal. Mr. Trump seems to have this strong affinity for the steel industry and wants to assist it (via taxing the American consumer) but how does he know that steel will continue to be as vital in the future as it's been in the past? Short answer, he doesn't (the fact that new raw materials and products may eclipse it and if we're still shoveling money over to a dying industry, the end-result would probably be deleterious to all involved except for a few steel magnets). Hopefully a smart fellow like Mr. Kudlow (if in fact he joins the Trump team) will steer the President away from such idiocy but we'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

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