Tuesday, November 25, 2014

All-Time Favorite 20th Century Democrats (In No Particular Order)

Al Smith, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, William Proxmire, John Glenn, Bill Daley Sr., Ed Koch, Sam Nunn, Bennett Johnston, Paul Tsongas, John Breaux, Lee Hamilton, Dennis DeConcini, Robert F. Kennedy, David Boren, Bill Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, Jimmy Carter (his pre-anti-Semitic days, of course), William Jennings Bryan, Rush D. Holt, Fritz Hollings, Howell Heflin (with apologies to dmarks), Birch Bayh, Doug Wilder, Evan Bayh, Zell Miller (before the man went fully insane, I'm saying), Kent Conrad, Erskine Bowles, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Ed Rendell, Alice Rivlin, Richard Lamm, Chuck Robb


Les Carpenter said...

Now for the opposition line up?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Working on it right now.

dmarks said...

I understand the dig about Heflin. But he deserves a dig himself for his censorship-baiting ranting, coupled with complete ignorance of what he was ranting about.

The Hef didn't know the best way to handle such programs: if you don't like them, don't watch them. Problem solved.

By the way, how about a couple of progressives cut from better cloth than Warren and Obama: thinking of the Paul's Wellstone and Simon.