Wednesday, November 20, 2013

On the Assertion that Healthcare Costs are Rising at a Slower Rate than Previously

True but deceptive. Yes, people are dishing out less than they had been prior to the financial crisis but that can at least be partly due to a) the lousy economy and b) the fact that co-pays have gone up so precipitously that people have probably been much more hesitant than they used to be in going to the doctor. I mean, I know that the Obama administration really wants to take the credit for it and all but at least in terms of logic there are certainly far more credible explanations.


Les Carpenter said...

We can'figure out how to have a decent AND affordable healthcare system for ALL American CITIZENS, but, we sure as Hell can figure out how to spend billions and billions on socialistic endeavors oversees (foreign aid), and the perpetual war machine activity.

A case of misguided priorities.perhaps?

dmarks said...

RN: We can if we focus on the people... and the goal of improving healthcare. We can't do this if we are left-fascists who drool at prospect the ACA as a stepping stone toward the goal of "Stalin's Own" single-payer. Or reactionaries on the Right who see nothing wrong and want to preserve the status quo and maximize insurance company profits.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

4 words, guys; John Mackey Whole Foods.

dmarks said...

If you were Joe Biden, a man whose team has presided over the loss of 9 million jobs, that would be 3 words. Or 5.