Friday, July 26, 2013

On the Idiocy of Bachmann, Gohmert, et. al.

One of the individuals that these crazy Republican ramrods went after in their McCarthyesque quest to rid the State Department of Muslim extremists was Huma Abedin. Yes, Ms. Abedin is a Muslim and, yes, she does have relatives from Muslim countries but THAT IS WHERE IT ENDS. The woman has a totally clean record and the Congresspersons have put forth ZERO in terms of evidence.........................................................................Of course the most absurd component of this story is the fact that Ms. Abedin is married to former Congressman (and perpetual pervert), Anthony Weiner, quite arguably the most vociferous supporter of Israel in recent congressional memory. Yeah, sure, Mr. Weiner is going to marry somebody who wants to wipe the state of Israel off the map. That makes total sense.


dmarks said...

Mrs. Berlusconi.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Is THAT who he was texting?

dmarks said...

He'd get to her eventually. No, just referring to how Weiner is America's Berlusconi.... scandalous and unashamed.

Barlowe Bayer, A Very Stable Genius said...

No, it was some Liberal bimbo named "Leathers".

dmarks said...

Barlowe: Truth be told, if Weiner had spent all of his time sexting when in Congress instead of legislating, the country might be a lot better off.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The wife should just tell him to hit the bricks and be done with it. She seems like a smart lady with a future and who doesn't need his idiocy period.

Les Carpenter said...

The decadance. oh the decadance...

Does anyone else see the similarities between Ancient Roman society and American society today?

Hell, the whole modern world for that matter...
