Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My First Act as the New Attorney General

Sign an affidavit which accuses wd of being an unindicted (not to mention unenlightened and unemployable) co-conspirator.


Rusty Shackelford said...

Take away all his state and federal benefits and force him to get a job.

dmarks said...

You plutocrat you!

Les Carpenter said...

wd, or as he now prefers to be called DS (and no, the nitoals do not stand for dumb shit) is as close as one can get to being a verifiable looney

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sadly any defense I provide for WD will only be seen by him as an attack on his person.

Shame on all of you though for picking on the man.

Rusty Shackelford said...

You would think a guy that has gotten booted off numerous blogs would get a hint that his form of commentary is just plain idiotic......but noooooo!!!

The guys obsession with Will Hart is a bit creepy though.

Rusty Shackelford said...

WD or DS cant grasp why he's been booted off numerous blogs....I think he is one of those poor souls destined to go through life wondering why no one will pay ant attention to them.

His obsession with Will Hart is a bit creepy though.

Les Carpenter said...

Picking on DS? Stating the obvious truth is not being a meany. It's simply being, well, truthful. :-)

I do however admire your veiled defense of DS.

Les Carpenter said...

Yeah Rusty, it is sorta creepy.

dmarks said...

Given his obsession, I think this post made his day. This sort of thing makes him feel like somebody.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I suppose I should be mean to WD now that, due to my employment situation, I've become a republican.

But I am a compassionate republican.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I usually root for the underdog but this is a bridge too far even for me.

dmarks said...

The bridge, Will, or the troll under it?

Rusty Shackelford said...

Hey Will....how about you allow WD/DS to comment here with the following conditions.

He must refer to dmarks as either "sir" or "captain."

His comments cannot exceed 25 words.

His comment must pertain to the subject at hand.

He cannot link to another source.

He cannot refer to quotes by any liberal media commentator.


dmarks said...

I wonder if he sells fried chicken now, given his new name.

Rusty Shackelford said...

WD/DS said...."would you like regular or extra crispy....any sides with your order?"

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Those are stipulations that I could probably live with, Russ.

dmarks said...

Can I call him Col. ?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Another stipulation that I could live with.