Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Silence of the Lefts

Bush launches some drone strikes - universal condemnation. Obama sextuples the number of drone strikes - crickets.......Bush institutes the Patriot Act - universal condemnation. Obama extends the Patriot Act - crickets.......Bush engages in the (admittedly loathsome) practices of unlimited detention and rendition - universal condemnation. Obama continues with both of these policies - crickets.......Bush institutes water-boarding (a tactic that Democrats in Congress were seemingly briefed on) - universal condemnation. Obama manufactures a kill-list (replete with American citizens) - crickets. Hm, I'm beginning to think here that the left wasn't so much anti-war as anti-Bush.


Les Carpenter said...

Hm, what I'm wondering out loud is this, why ate th rEpublicans so critical if Obama at every turn. it seems to me GWB and BHO are brothers in arms. Yeah I know, something about politics.

I'm even begin to wonder if GWB isn't maybe a closet socialist. Heck, maybe even a closet Leninist.. What do you think? ;-)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It almost feels as if we're starting Bush's fourth term, doesn't it?

Les Carpenter said...

Really it sorts does.

dmarks said...

"Bush institutes water-boarding"

As you proved so well in previous comments, Nancy Pelosi, the top "leader of the opposition" at the time, signed off on it. So it was as much a policy of the Democrat Party as it was of Bush.

"It almost feels as if we're starting Bush's fourth term, doesn't it?"

Kinda, but without the much lower unemployment of the Bush years, much higher percent who had health insurance under Bush, the much lower black poverty rate, the much lower Afghanistan war casualty figures, and the much lower yearly deficits of the Bush years.

It's so much better, right?

dmarks said...

I forgot to mention.... fewer of the big headline-grabbing gun massacres under Bush compared to Obama.

It sure is convenient for the hardliners who want to eliminate the 2nd Amendment that these massacres have happened in a greater number under a President who is much more willing to go overboard and take away rights. It's a good thing to some: an opportunity to further one's agenda, coming out of a crisis.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

C'mon Will. Truth is deep down we have no problem killing these jokers.

Remember when Clinton ordered caves Bin Laden was thought to be hiding in bombed. Rush Limbaugh was the loudest condemning this violation of another country's space.

I do find the hypocrisy of pointing out hypocrisy amusing.

Barlowe Bayer, A Very Stable Genius said...

WND suggests Obama could be impeached for his "U.S. citizen hit list", specifically for the "murder" of Anwar al-Awlaki.

Unknown said...

Yep. Obama is George W. Bush in Democrat's clothing and that's a fact many supporters won't accept. Corporate profits have shot up the roof under this man's tenure according to an article I read on Front Porch Republic. He's not really a man for the people. Just another politician who puts himself first above anyone else. I don't know what people see in him still.

I guess there must be good types of drone strikes, good types of kill lists, good types of NDAA and Patriot acts to these lefties as long as it benefits them and as long as there are little causalities.

Unknown said...

I think the key difference between Bush and Obama is the different types of rhetoric they used and the audiences that they are trying to address. "Patriots" on Bush's end and people who believe there is a lot of class warfare on Obama's end and want more open immigration and universal healthcare type of stuff. It's an illusion. Almost like a Hegelian Dialectic going on here. Both are deficit presidents, but dmarks is completely correct on the unemployment rates and other things.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Truth, of course there's hypocrisy on the right and of course Limbaugh's an idiot. But that doesn't stop me from pointing out the absolute double-standard of ignorant leftists the likes of which you see on MSNBC nightly. And, me, I HAVE been consistent. I didn't like rendition and policing the world when Bush did it and I still don't like it with Obama.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You're right, Roberto, big corporations have done swimmingly under Obama. G.E. has made out like a bandit with this green energy malarkey, big pharma and health insurance companies stand to profit handsomely from Obamacare, and Philip Morris basically authored the tobacco bill. The fact that certain people still think that Obama isn't a crony capitalist is stunning.............Dmarks, you make a good case in your Bush versus Obama analysis. I'm still kinda not a big fan of Mr. Bush's foreign policy, though. He probably would have been better served if had stuck to that "humble foreign policy" approach.

dmarks said...

Will said: "and of course Limbaugh's an idiot."

Oh, William, must you keep spitting on the grave of the silly claims by former message-commenters that you aren't a conservative?

dmarks said...

Will said: "I'm still kinda not a big fan of Mr. Bush's foreign policy, though."

I know you aren't. And it must be said that your alternative approach to Saddam Hussein does make a lot of sense.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yeah, the more that I thought about it, roasting Saddam (who was far worse than Gaddafi, Mubarek, and the first Assad combined) was probably the right thing to do. If we had simply done that and retained the Baathists, it was probably worth a shot.

dmarks said...

Yeah... the constant bloodbath under Saddam was so high that, even with the 100,000 or so lives lost under the war that happened, the loss is still far less than if Saddam had stayed in power (based on how he ruled). The number of Iraqis who would have instead died is surely in the 6 figures.