Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Thoughts on Samuel L. Jackson's Political Opinions

More palpably disinterested, I could not be.


dmarks said...

It's just one out-of-touch millionaire putting down another out-of-touch millionaire because he thinks that a third out-of-touch millionaire should be President just because of his skin color.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Like her or not,a few years Laura Ingraham wrote a best seller titled Shut Up and Sing.Uninformed celebrities should keep their opinions to themselves.Dimwits like Cher and Madonna and others just sound so friggin stupid when they make political statements.Although he's been pretty quiet since he got married and became a family man,Ben Affleck was an exception,he was always informed and could explain and defend his positions.I guess straying home with Jennifer Garner is more interesting to him then politics these days.

dmarks said...

"straying home with Jennifer Garner"

That must be quite adventurous.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I hate to say it, Russ, but I kind of agree with Ingraham, too. Or at least like you say, be intelligible/informed.......Yeah, Jennifer Garner, huh?