Monday, September 24, 2012

Friendly Hire

Here's a perfect example of why I so detest Keith Olbermann. A few years back he was interviewing one of those "99ers" (people who couldn't find work for 99 weeks and who wanted an extension on their unemployment benefits) on his old "Countdown" program and he asked the woman if she would ultimately be willing to take "any job". The woman responded by saying, "Yes", but then she paused for a moment and added, "yes, if it was in my field.".......................................................................................Now, any other interviewer worth his keep would have obviously salivated/pounced on such a caveat, "What do you mean, if it was in your field? Folks have to change fields all the time. You can't?" Keith Olbermann - not so much. He just flat-out let it go, completely UNchallenged. Can you people say, complete and total shamelessness?


Teeluck said...

Is he still alive??

Rusty Shackelford said...

I heard Olbermann is working at a Sun Glass Hut in the Paramus Mall.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Teeluck, hey bra.......Hey, thanks for the warning, Russ. I'll be sure to avoid the Paramus Mall in the future now.

dmarks said...

I thought it was one of those frozen pellet ice cream vendors where the product is as tasteless as B-B's.

I will be avoiding Paramus.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And Bill O'Reilly still won't say his name, either.

Les Carpenter said...

KO, he hasn't had a stroke yet?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He certainly does get worked up, now doesn't he?