Friday, August 10, 2012


Yeah, that's right, Mr. President, Jim Webb. He is an American war hero and respected by both sides of the divide. Unfortunately, he's decided not to run for another term in the Senate and, while, yes, that does constitute a loss for the American people, it also make him available to serve YOU. Please, give him a call, right after the one in which you fire Mr. Holder.


Les Carpenter said...

Won't happen Will. The ties and loyalty run deep and and thick.

It is what it is...

Les Carpenter said...

PS: Check out my post up at 10:00 PM tonight.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Up here (I'm pointing to my head), I'm already there.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Of course you support Webb, he's a Conservative Democrat who shares your Conservative ideology.

Les Carpenter said...

wd, no, we support Webb because he is more competent.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

What Les said, wd (I would probably throw, more honesty, in, too).

dmarks said...

Webb is a liberal Democrat. But not a hardline leftist.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Could I split the difference here and go, centrist? I mean, he was Mr. Reagan's Secretary of the Navy

dmarks said...

Will: I checked this page

Jim Webb, D-Va.
64.8 Liberal Composite Score
35.2 Conservative Composite Score

Yeah, sure you can call him a centrist, if you like. Other such indexes have him even more evenly balanced.

But it makes no sense at all to call him as WD did any sort of "conservative", when he is definitely left of center. Maybe not by much, but on that side. It is thus reasonable to call him a liberal or moderate, but no-one with a straight face who is informed on anything at all can call him a "conservative"

WD's comment got so much wrong, and plays on some confusion (all in his mind). He said

"Of course you support Webb, he's a Conservative Democrat who shares your Conservative ideology."

He is willfully confusing the idea of "conservative Democrat", which usually means a left-wing Democrat who is more to the center than most (such as Jim Webb), but still liberal/left, with the overall idea of "conservative", which is to the right of center.

Rusty Shackelford said...

WD's mom told him Jim Webb was a WD must agree or he doe'nt get two additional hours of Halo,

dmarks said...

Actually, she told him she would be drinking Jim Beam in the conservatory, but WD could barely hear her through the floorboards and he ran with what he mis-heard.