Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Progressive Spin Machine, Central Tenets

a) Anything good that happens during Obama's tenure, credit is given him. b) Anything bad that happens during Obama's tenure, blame George Bush. c) Rinse and repeat.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Oh hell Will. The right have been going back to Woodrow Wilson to blame crap on.

And in case you forgot, Old W left a helluve mess. Blaming that clown is usually correct.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will = Conservatively biased.

This post = nonsense.

Jerry Critter said...

I think both sides take credit for successes and blame previous administration for failures. To call this a progressive spin machine is only a half truth.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

P.S. This was at least somewhat tongue-in-cheek. There certainly ARE a fair assemblage of principled progressives who HAVE criticized Obama; the idiotic surge in Afghanistan, the huge # of civilian deaths in Northern Pakistan resulting from the drone attacks, his questionable association to Franklin Raines, etc.. But, overall, I'm saying, the Debbie Wasserman Schultzes of the planet - I'm surprised that that insane clown posse hasn't tried to blame Mr. Bush for the Tate Labianca murders.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And I still can't wait for wd's take on Fast and Furious.