Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Greasy Kernel Gets the Cash

In order to secure the votes of Iowa Senators Grassley and Harkin, the Senate apparently had to insert copious amounts of ethanol subsidies into that tax compromise. Excuse me here....just for a minute....WHILE I VOMIT!.....................................................................................................But, seriously, though, I ask you; if this little fact doesn't convince you that this country has an absolutely wretched and corrupt political system, then, BOOM, what in the bluest of blazes would I have to show you? I mean, we're talking ethanol here - ETHANOL, perhaps the biggest boondoggle in many, MANY, decades of boondoggles (this, in that it's bleeding the treasury, increasing food prices, and destroying the environment - yes, folks, it's even worse than gasoline!!) - and two United States Senators (one from each political party) still trying to protect it. Unbe-frigging-lievable.

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