Thursday, January 9, 2025

On Some Jessica Chick Going On CNN and Pushing the Fully Debunked Talking-Point that Trump's Tax-Cuts Went Predominantly to the Rich


   It took me about 30 seconds to find this data and so she was either being lazy/stupid or trying to pull a fast one. Here, let's crunch the numbers. The top rate went down from 39.6% to 37% (a 6.6% decrease), the second rate stayed the same; 35% (a 0% cut), the third rate was reduced from 33% to 32% (a 3% decrease), the fourth rate (so upper-middle class, in other words) was reduced from 28% to 24% (a 14.3% cut), the fifth rate (the middle-class essentially) was reduced from 25% to 22% (a 12% decrease), the sixth rate (lower middle-class and working class folks) went down from 15% to 12% (a 20% cut), and the seventh rate remained the same; 10% (a largely symbolic number in that many of these families qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit and therefore don't pay any income tax at all). So at least in terms of percentages the middle-class actually got a bigger tax cut (especially when compared to the 35% bracket which apparently got bupkis). And while, yes, people in the top bracket got more in terms of actual money, it's also important to appreciate that it's because they pay a lot more in the first place......and that even with this windfall they still pay in the vicinity of 40% of all income taxes..........................................................................................P.S. And, no, I'm not suggesting that rich people are the bomb or even that they deserve a tax-cut (I generally like it when people get to keep more of what they earn but at this point in history it's not a hill that I'd croak on). I'm just trying to cut through this corporate media nonsense and give you a wider lens on some of this crap, that's all.      

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