Friday, July 12, 2024

On Jill "I'm Willing to Engage In Elder Abuse to Keep Myself In a Position of Influence" Biden Talking to Her Husband as if He Was a Developmentally-Delayed Five Year-Old (In the Wake of His Recent Debate Performance)

 I try not to bash family members too much (though, yes, I did hammer ole Hunter pretty good, guilty as charged) but I gotta' be honest here, this Jill Biden chick is beginning to make my skin crawl (not as badly as Schiff, Newsom, Whitmer, Waters, Schumer, Swalwell, Wasserman Schultz, the idiot socialist bimbo from New York, Mrs. Clinton, and Kamala......but getting there). The combination of narcissism, elitism, and a sense of entitlement simply creates too much of a lethal mixture and for me this lady can't get out of Dodge fast enough. 

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