Tuesday, July 30, 2024

On the Split at the Tail-End of this Damn Near Rekking Me

     Not true actually, it did rek me!!!

Dumbest Moment In Human History?

  A solid case could be made, huh?............And to think, this guy used to be funny.

On Racial Grievance-Mongering Hall of Famer, Joy Reid, Spitting Out a "Biden" and Saying that Black People Who Don't Vote for The Cackling One Will Appear "Crazy, Lonely, and Weird"

  Actually the people who truly look crazy are the nimrods who incessantly play identity politics and shamelessly call anybody who disagrees with their comical (in the worst sense humanly possible), dystopian and heavily racialized world-view a, racist. MSLSD employees, pitch perfect examples!!

Monday, July 29, 2024

On the Media Repeatedly Labeling Harris the, "Border Czar", FOR YEARS and Now Due to the Border Situation Having Become a Catastrophe Under Biden Asserting that, "Well, She Really Wasn't the Border Czar"

They call it retconning (rewriting history, essentially) and the Democrats have rapidly become no less than virtuosos at it. Of course it helps when you have a media that never calls out your lies or disgusting tactics. Let's you act with impunity and man oh man, do they ever.

On Hoisting the Cringe Meter Up to 11

                                                And, yes, no one does it better.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

On the Fact that if Hamas Had the Gumption to Throw Fatah Off of Tall Buildings, it Wouldn't Do the Exact Same Thing to an Even Bigger Group of Useful Idiots (Queers for Palestine, for Instance) Why Exactly?

The correct answer of course is, they would (and with utter impunity, no less), but being that these Queers for Palestine schmoes are too effing indoctrinated and stupid to understand the cannibalistic ways of these movements all throughout history they carry on like pigs to the slaughter. Literally. Hopefully not.

On "Trump Wasn't Shot" Trutherism Galloping Roughshod All Throughout the Corporate Jackoff Media

  Yeah, they're suggesting that it may have been shrapnel or a glass fragment that pierced through Trump's ear (a brazen attempt to diminish the severity of the assassination attempt and the way that Trump responded to it). Oh well, at least these a-holes have conceded that there were shots fired. Better than nothing, right?

Saturday, July 27, 2024

On a Proposed Harris, Whitmer Ticket this Fall

 Under normal circumstances this would be a veritable smorgasbord of unparalleled hilarity but being that the vast majority of comedians these days are full-bore shills for moronic leftism, if it does materialize the golden opportunity will be squandered, I'm sure. 

On What MSLSD Is Paying Those Republican Grifters (Scarborough, Steele, Wallace, etc.) Who've Magically Been Shilling 100% for Democrats and 0% for Republicans

Not sure but my strong suspicion is that it's more than the minimum wage.......if you're catching my drift.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

On the Mental State of this Individual Right About Now


Do the words, suicide watch, ring a bell?

On Being Able to Figure Out a Person's Political Affiliation by Noticing Whether They Wear a Face Mask or Not

Not 100%, mind you, but close.

On the Biden Administration (Along with Various Media Shits) Claiming that They've Deported More Illegals than Trump (so that's a Good Thing Now - Confusing, huh?)

 Yeah, they're lying. What they're doing here is conflating removals (legitimate deportations) with returns (i.e., when a CPB agent nabs somebody sneaking in to the country and simply tells the perp, "adios amigo"- and this can happen multiple times with the same person, I shit you not).......and while, granted, it's better than nothing, was it not the Biden regime's policies of piss-poor border security together with massive amounts of free shit that created this crazy situation to begin with?......Just throwin' that out there. - https://cis.org/Feere/Fact-Check-Reuters-Wrong-Biden-Not-Deporting-More-Illegal-Aliens-Trump

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

On the Fact that Bush and Obama Destroyed Countries While Trump Helped Broker the Abraham Accords, Made Peace Overtures to North Korea, and Was the First President Since Jimmy Carter to Not Start a New War

What's that, mean tweets? Damn, I forgot.

On a Recent Snap Poll Suggesting that One Third of Democrats Wish that Trump Had Been Killed by the Shooter and a Second Poll Showing that Roughly Another Third Think that the Trump Campaign Staged the Whole Assassination Attempt - Quick Addendum

  And, yes, there are some crazy Republicans out there, too (QAnon folks, for example), but they get talked about (and vilified) continuously on cable news and elsewhere. The crazy leftists, not so much (even the 40% of Democrats who think that cops kill over 1,000 unarmed black men a year when the actual stat is somewhere between 10 and 20) and, yeah, that's why I'm doing this.

On My Easy to Form Prediction that Any Criticism of Kamala Harris Moving Forward Will Be Met by Rank Charges of Misogyny and Racism, Not by an Acknowledgement of the Chick's Rancid Personality, Stupidity, Extremism, etc.

I'd love to put a hundred dollar bet on this but being that the odds-makers in Vegas have made it so that I'd only win a fraction of a cent, I'll likely not bother. 

On the 1960s and '70s Actress/Singer/Dancer, Carol Lawrence (Erstwhile Mrs. Robert Goulet)


Not all of the images of her are particularly flattering (I've never been a huge fan of the big-hair '70s............but I won't hold it against her) but as you can plainly see here there are more than a few dandies.

On a Recent Snap Poll Suggesting that One Third of Democrats Wish that Trump Had Been Killed by the Shooter and a Second Poll Showing that Roughly Another Third Think that the Trump Campaign Staged the Whole Assassination Attempt

Wow, so a significant chunk of registered Democrats in this country are either sociopaths, conspiratorial to a point that makes QAnon appear grounded, or both.......Kinda' sounds like a big basket of deplorables, doesn't it?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

On Biden Recently Referring to Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, as, "the Black Man"

 Fellow's a longstanding bigot but in this instance the takeaway probably relates more to his dementia being farther off the charts than any of us had thought (yes, a lot of people struggle with names sometimes - me included - but these tend to be folks not in our immediate circle). That's how I took it anyway.


On Annie Potts, Back In the Day

She was............................not bad.

Monday, July 22, 2024

On Listening to Patty Larkin While Taking In Kristin Scott Thomas

                                                           Definitely had harder assignments. A lot of 'em.

On the Fact that (Circa 1808) Even Though Spain's King Joseph Was Busy Implementing Policies that Would Have Given the Spanish Peasants Greater Freedoms and a Much Less Feudal Society, They Revolted Against Him Anyway (Source - Michael Hechter's Stellar Book, "Alien Rule", from 2013)

The late 18th Century was an era of burgeoning nationalism and so the harsh fact that Joseph wasn't just a Frenchman but Napoleon's brother, too, probably didn't sit too well with that indigenous population (regardless that their situation had improved). 

On Biden Once Having Been Amazed that Barack Obama Was a "Clean Black Man"

Yes, it sounds bad but worry we shouldn't in that the corporate press has reassured us OVER AND OVER that Trump is the true racist and they would never lie. Supposedly. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

On How I Would Act if Hillary Clinton (a Person Who I've Reviled for Decades) Was Blasted and Nearly Killed

Hard to know how any of us would act in a given situation BUT I'm pretty effin' sure that I wouldn't be cracking jokes about it or depressed as hell that the bullet didn't crack her skull open. You know, that whole being a decent human being shtick.

Probably When I Found Out that the Russian Consulate In Miami Mentioned In the Damn Thing DIDN'T FUCKING EXIST!! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj1Rwlztapg

 What would be my answer to the question, "So, when did you figure out that the Mrs. Clinton bought and paid for Steele dossier was as idiotic as it initially seemed?" 

On the Fine Art of Screaming at People Simply Because They Can't Conceptualize that Men and Women Are Interchangeable

Be honest here, if I had told you ten years ago that the institutional left would one day haul us this far from sanity you'd think that I was on drugs and yet here we are with most of you (you libs) being AOK with it. Who would have predicted......?

On the Left's Perilous Descent Into Abject Evil

The Milgram Experiment, Google it. It'll explain everything. 

On My Once Solid Belief that the Dems Couldn't Possibly Do Worse than Schmuckly Biden


    It's taken a bit of a hit, OBVIOUSLY.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

On the Vitriol that I'm Currently Witnessing On Social Media Sites

 It's one thing to not support Trump or even to detest the guy but to crack jokes about his near death (imagine the disgusting imagery had that bullet found its mark) while lamenting the fact that the shooter had missed is total psychopathy. And the fact that a lot of this shit is coming from people who I had long considered measured and decent makes this even more disheartening. Hopefully at least a few of them will step back and ask themselves, is this how I really want to be perceived by others? 

On the Democratic Establishment's Feverish Attempt to Deep-Six Biden

 An attack on democracy? An insurrection worse than Pearl Harbor? A coup? A desperate strategy to salvage the election? Or simply a good old-fashioned stab in the back? Please, talk amongst yourselves.

Friday, July 19, 2024

On the Fact that I Never Really Considered Julie Harris Sexy......Until I Watched "Harper" and Did a Bit of a Course Correction (Didn't Hurt that Her Character In the Film Was Rather Edgy)

And a great actress, too. Five Tony Awards, nothing to sneeze at.


On ABC News Crapping Out a Story with the Heading, "Trump Says He Was Shot at Rally In Possible Assassination Attempt"

  Yes, news reporters are generally stupid but they're not this stupid. They're aware that Trump got blasted but in order to keep their bullshit narrative going they have to describe it in a way that makes it seem as if the event was no big deal and that Trump is no where near resembling a heroic figure. But everyone's seen the video by now and so what are they accomplishing other than making themselves look like total effing dipwads? Not a whole hell of a lot from my perspective.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

On Some Sociopathic Cypher Named Jacqueline Marsaw (a Staffer of Congressman Benny Thompson, the Miscreant Who Recently Put Forth Legislation that Would Remove Secret Service Protection from Trump - Let that Sink In) Tweeting Out the Following -

"I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time oops that wasn't me talking" - First off, if anybody needs lessons it's this asshole (regarding grammar and punctuation, obviously) but even if she did speak properly and intelligently, is this really the type of person that you want to collaborate with? Would be pretty tough, wouldn't it?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

On ABC News's Dreadful Martha Maddatz Being More Triggered by Trump Figuratively and Instinctively Screaming Out, "Fight Fight Fight" After Nearly Getting His Head Blown Off than She Was by Trump............Nearly Getting His Head Blown Off

 If ever there was a time when the Trump-despising leftist normies could have re-calibrated and moderated their venom even a tad, it would have been something like this (the poor bastard nearly getting murdered), and the fact that they haven't even tried speaks libraries, wouldn't you say? 

On Close to Half the Country Needing to Be Informed that President Biden Was Suffering from Dementia as They Apparently Couldn't Figure it Out On Their Own

Yeah, that's almost as scary as Biden displaying the damned affliction. Thankfully I don't have to rank the two.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

On the Fact that We've Still Never Seen ABC News Hack, Martha Raddatz, and the Crypt-Keeper In the Same Room Together and I Find that Troubling

Can someone arrange this? I'm having serious trouble sleeping these days.

On the Secret Service Allowing Some Jerkwad with a Gun to Bear Crawl - In Plain Sight - On a Rooftop Which Had a Crystal-Clear View of Mr. Trump and from Which He Tried to Blow the Fellow's Brains Out

Still a lot that we need to know but as of now it sure as shit looks like a failure of colossal proportions. And, yes, let us hope that that's strictly what it was. Ya' catch my drift?

On Some Slugs Called, the Patriot Front Group


Police departments don't seem to have bunco squads any longer. Might I suggest that we resurrect a couple (the strong likelihood that at least a few of these dolts are phonies a la the Whitmer fiasco and the Confederate flag, a little obvious, no?)?

On Contemplating How Long that it Would Take the Leftist Political Establishment and Their Goons In the Corporate Press to Take Advantage of the Assassination Attempt On Trump by a) Spinning it In a Way that Makes it Seem as if Trump Brought the Tragedy On Himself (via His Rhetoric - Nothing On Their Rhetoric, Though, What a Surprise) and b) Arguing for the Ten-Millionth Time for "Common Sense Gun Control"

 ............with the ultimate answer of course being, not very. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

On the F.B.I. Citing Security Concerns as its Main Rationale for Turning Off the Security Cameras at Mar-a-Lago During Their Gestapo-Infused Raid of the Place

  It's totally nonsensical and so we either have a bunch of nimrods who know squat about security (there generally aren't enough agents to man every point of entry and so the security cameras and consoles make it so that one agent can observe multiple points of entry at once - maybe they didn't know that, which itself is frightening) or a large contingent of people who are trying to hide something (staging photos, for example). My suspicion is that it's probably both with the latter being the bigger contributor.

On 87 People Getting Shot In Chicago Over the Fourth of July Weekend with None of the Perpetrators Being White, a Cop, or a Legal Firearms Owner

 So, yeah, if your goal is to cut back on "gun violence", instead of disarming the law abiding citizens you keep the violent thugs in jail for the entire duration of their sentence? Granted, it wouldn't satisfy the parasitic psychopathic wet-dream of handing government the monopoly on force but it does address the rampant violence issue while maintaining our constitutional rights. A sane approach, in other words.  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

On the Fact that if You Constantly Call Someone Hitler and Then Demand that He Disavow White Supremacists a Couple Million Times, You're Probably Gonna' Break a Few Eggs, Ya' Understand?

The person who shot the former President is of course the one responsible, HOWEVER, after close to a decade of the institutional left (and, yes, I'm including the corporate whore media in this movement) shitting out rhetoric against Mr. Trump that is well beyond the norms of both fairness and decency, should we even be remotely surprised by this? 'Cause, honestly, I'm kinda' not. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

On Fauci Claiming to Have No Doubts About Mr. Biden's Mental Capabilities

As reassuring as it sounds, just keep in mind, this is the same tool who also had "no doubts" about wearing masks, wearing two masks, closing down the economy, closing down schools, hydroxychloroqine's effectiveness,  social distancing protocols, vaccine mandates, covid originating in a wet market, etc.. Ergo, he could be wrong AGAIN.

On What the New York Slimes Professed About Mail-In Voting 12 Years Ago

This - "Voting by mail is now common enough and problematic enough that election experts say there have been multiple elections in which no one can say with confidence which candidate was the deserved winner......while fraud in voting by mail is far less common than innocent errors, it is vastly more prevalent than in-person voting fraud." The New York Times, 2012 "Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises"

So When Will A.G. Garland Finally Release the Audio Tape of Biden's Interview with the Special Prosecutor, Robert Hur?

Oh that's an easy one, when Obama says so. He is after all calling the shots, right?

Friday, July 12, 2024

On Jill "I'm Willing to Engage In Elder Abuse to Keep Myself In a Position of Influence" Biden Talking to Her Husband as if He Was a Developmentally-Delayed Five Year-Old (In the Wake of His Recent Debate Performance)

 I try not to bash family members too much (though, yes, I did hammer ole Hunter pretty good, guilty as charged) but I gotta' be honest here, this Jill Biden chick is beginning to make my skin crawl (not as badly as Schiff, Newsom, Whitmer, Waters, Schumer, Swalwell, Wasserman Schultz, the idiot socialist bimbo from New York, Mrs. Clinton, and Kamala......but getting there). The combination of narcissism, elitism, and a sense of entitlement simply creates too much of a lethal mixture and for me this lady can't get out of Dodge fast enough. 

On Eva Marie Saint Cracking the Century Mark Last Thursday

I was hoping that she'd make it and, yep, she did. Happy birthday, beautiful girl. Belatedly.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

On Why this Nummy Remained In Washington After His Presidency

 Oh, for the Smithsonian museums of course (what, you thought that I was going to say because the dude's addicted to power and wishes to keep a lid on whatever embarrassing info that exists on him - please, you know me better than that).

Monday, July 8, 2024

Greatest Cartoon Character of All Time?

Know who's getting my vote, this guy. "Enormous......GIGANTIC......BIG EVEN!!"

On Biden Telling George Stephanopoulos that He Did "the Goodest Job as I know I Can Do"

That's a relief. I was beginning to think that he was simply phoning it in, the old feller'. 

On Denmark Not Banning Bestiality Until 2015

One of the arguments for not having banned it earlier was a concern that it would simply go underground. To which I would answer, yeah, so (my feeling that we're at least making the lunatics work for it)?

On Biden Now Claiming to Be "the First Female Black Vice President Serving Under a Black President"

We all make verbal faux pas, I get it (in this case Biden was clearly conflating him serving under the first black President with him appointing the first black female Vice President - yes, a mouthful). But with Biden these gaffes are coming at such a fast and furious pace that pretty much everybody (well, save of course for Dr. Jill) wants the dude to step down (or a least get out of the race). Man have the Democrats royally fucked this up.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

On the New York Slimes Actually Crapping Out an Editorial with the Heading, "The First Amendment Is Out of Control" (i.e., Conservatives, Moderates, Libertarians, and Renegade Liberals Are Being Allowed to Speak and We Simply Cannot Have that)

Sane citizens definitely need to memory-hole this one so that we can show future generations the troubling ways that demagogic ramrods like today's institutional left have tried to stifle dissent............and then pray to God that they learn something from it.

On the Democrats Selecting Nancy Pelosi to Go On the Various News Programs and Vouch for President Biden's Mental Capability with the End-Result Being a Whole Host of Questions Pertaining to the Cognitive Capacity of Pelosi Herself

Not as bad as Biden picking Kamala to be his Vice President (or McCain picking Palin to be bipartisan about it)............but in the general vicinity.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

On the Unimpressive Psychopaths Over at the World Economic Forum Telling Us to Wash Our Jeans Only Once a Month (You Know, for Climate Change)

Notice how they didn't say, three piece suits? I did.

On the Biden Regime Having Removed DNA Testing at the Border for Adults and Accompanying Minors

Wow, so they apparently don't give a shit about human trafficking and are focusing exclusively on adding future Democratic voters. Oh well, at least they have their priorities straight.

Friday, July 5, 2024

On a Recent LGBTQ Pride Parade Showing Not Only the Moronic "Queers for Palestine" Banners but Also Some Truly Disgusting Ones Showing Stereotypical Images of Hook-Nosed Jews Counting Their Money

 A quick retort to these assholes. You keep calling yourselves a "marginalized group" (preposterous in that our society is catering to your every desire). Well, guess what, y'all keep pulling this nonsense and marginalization just might end up being the least of your maladies (every action having an equal and opposite reaction, as they say). 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Greatest Cartoon Character of All Time?

I sure as hell didn't have to think long......EVENNNN!!!

On 17......or Is it 14......or Is it 15......or Is it 13......or Is it 7 (it Was a Different Number Every Day from the Old Fool) Nobel Prize Winning Economists Supposedly Stating that Biden's Economic Plan Is da' Bomb

Gonna' roll the dice here and suggest that (whatever that number may be,) they're all probably Paul Krugman caliber Keynesians in that who in the hell else would say something that stupid (well, save for maybe those 50-something former intelligence shits who claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant)? I'm at a loss.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

On the Propensity of Indigenous Peoples to Migrate Closer and Closer to the Areas Most Intensively Colonized and/or Settled

  It even happened in North America as the Indians moved closer to the forts and other populated areas (for trade, largely) to the point of sometimes even waging war with other tribes to gain this proximity. Granted, things went considerably sideways for the Native Americans as unending stream white Europeans overwhelmed them on the plains and sociopaths like Sherman and Sheridan started leading the cavalry but, let's be real, in any clash of civilizations in which one side still lives in the stone age and doesn't have the requisite immunity from novel diseases the results are fully predictable.

The Most Dangerous Team Since the '27 Yankees?

Yes, possibly, but I'm thinking more along the lines of the 1959 Go Go White Sox with Nellie Fox and Luis Aparicio. You know, 'cuz of the speed!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

On the Fact that After Three Plus Years of Hiding Biden's Obvious Derangement, the Corporate Press IN UNISON Has Decided to Talk About it Constantly While Throwing the Poor Bastard Under the Bus

Desperate times calling for desperate measures? It's certainly part of it, one would think (and a key reason why they wanted to schedule the debate so early, time to drum up a replacement, yada yada). As for all of these slants being on the same page, WHEN AREN'T THEY? Seriously.

On the Fact that Atmospheric CO2 Levels Have Fluctuated Markedly for Hundreds of Millions of Years, with Most of Those Readings Occurring Well Before the Evolution of Man

So, to all of you entrenched dipwads who think that you can control the earth's climate, ya'll can't even control the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (particularly not in the long term). Please, get over yourselves, alright?

Monday, July 1, 2024

On Most Israeli LIBERALS Now Being Against Disengagement from Sumeria and Judea (AKA, the West Bank)

It's often been said that waging war on terrorists just creates more terrorists (I probably said it myself a time or two; the death of civilians, etc.) but might it also be true that terrorism creates more people bound and determined to combat it? Seems so here, doesn't it?

On the 1936 Truce Brokered by Britain In What Is Now the Southeastern Portion of Yemen Requiring 1,300 Signatures

 And the rabid anti-colonialists would have preferred what, that these brutish factions continue to slaughter each other (so like today, in other words, only MORE chaotic)? Kinda' seems like it, no?

On Back When the Mouth-Breathing Wokesters Actually Believed that They Could Cancel Famous People Like Dave Chappelle, J.K. Rowling, and Joe Rogan

And just how satisfying it was to watch these slants crash and burn so magnificently. Granted, it's just a start but, man, what a good one.