Tuesday, June 4, 2024

On the Fascist Douche-Bag Congressman, Benny Thompson, Introducing Legislation that Would Strip Former President Trump of Secret Service Protection IF HE GOES TO PRISON, FOR CHRIST (as a Penalty for Not Be Able to Beat Back the Bullshit Charges Up In 94% Democrat Manhattan)

 And, yes, this is the same pile of excrement who ran that January 6th committee which a) didn't allow Republican leaders to pick their own committee members (low-IQ Pelosi did it for them and, gee, what a surprise, she stockpiled the two Republicans who most hated Trump; the war-mongers, Cheney and Kinzinger), b) wouldn't allow Trump's attorneys to cross-examine the witnesses or to examine any of their own, and c) left out any and all exculpatory evidence (Trump telling the protestors to march "peacefully and patriotically", for example). So consider the source, I guess (though, yes, this depravity is taking it up a notch in that apparently this miscreant, Thompson, wants Trump dead now).

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