Sunday, July 16, 2023

On a Film About Human Trafficking Coming Out Recently ("Sound of Freedom" it's Called) and the Usual Suspect Shit-Posting Sites Like "The Guardian" and 'Rolling Stone", Instead of Treating the Subject In a Serious Way and/or Reviewing the Movie Based On its Artistic Merits, Using it as a Springboard to Manufacture Yet Another Bizarre and Disgusting Political Statement (the Schmucks Even Threw "Q" Into Their Ridiculous Diatribe)

 And to highlight the absurdity even more, CBS News back in 2014 did a story on this Ballard dude and actually portrayed him as a hero. So why the one-eighty, you ask. I suspect that it has to do with the border being out of control under Biden to the point where anything which draws attention to this harsh reality (even if the message is positive) has to be attacked. Of course, it could also have something to do with the moral character of the pervs who penned these creepy pieces......and, yeah, I'll just let you fill in the blanks.

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