Friday, May 1, 2020

On the Fact that if Somebody Went Into a Police Station and Asked the Officers to Investigate a Person Without Also Providing a Predicate Crime, They Would Be Laughed Out of the Place (Either that or Given a Stern Lecture) and Yet that Is Exactly What Happened to War-Hero General Flynn When a Small Group of Repugnant F.B.I. Officials (with Clear Political Motivation) Decided to Go After Him

And they didn't just look for dirt, they manufactured it (the recent release of those classified memos making that abundantly clear); charging him with lying when he didn't, threatening to go after his son with additional bullshit charges, etc.. Hopefully there will eventually be some charges levied against these fascist shits (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc) but, yeah, I'll believe it when I see it (my faith in Barr not all that great, sorry).

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