Tuesday, September 4, 2018

On the Fact that Trump Has Actually Been Somewhat Tougher On Russia than Obama (Yes, Politifact Disputes this but They Did so Predominantly Through Obfuscation) - http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/397212-president-trump-is-tougher-on-russia-in-18-months-than-obama-in-eight

And, believe me, I say this not as compliment to Trump but rather as a criticism. The truth of the matter is that Russia has done nothing to deserve these sanctions (it was the U.S. and N.A.T.O. that caused the crisis in Ukraine by toppling the government there and don't even get me going on Syria, the bogus collusion charges, etc.) and if Trump had any semblance of common sense and testicular fortitude he'd be standing up to this anti-Russian foolishness and educating the country that improving relations with Russia is a good thing......but being that the dude is apparently devoid of these attributes he's folded completely to the Clinton Democrats and the neocon Republicans. Hugely disappointing.

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