Monday, February 12, 2018

In the Fact that if Hitler Had Sincerely Wanted to Eradicate the Jews, the Dude Would Have Conscripted Them and Served Them Up as Cannon Fodder On His Army's Snowy March to Leningrad, He Wouldn't Have Interned Them In What Proved to Be Amongst the Safest Places In All of Germany and Poland (the Fact that the Royal Air Force Destroyed Countless Cities with Their Terror Bombing Campaigns)

And, no, I'm not saying that Hitler was any sort of great guy (as some are want to do) who was attempting to protect the Jews in that that would be ludicrous (interning citizens and forcing them to work is the very definition of slavery and no one in his proper mind would defend that). My only point is that the Holocaust narrative has been hugely exaggerated and that the folks who espouse it are fearful of even the most modest of counterpoints - a huge red flag. Boom, done.  

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