Sunday, December 13, 2015

On the Fact that (According to Historian, Tom Woods) Not Only Did Alexander Hamilton Vigorously Support the Alien and Sedition Acts, He Didn't Think that John Adams Enforced Them Enough and Was Actually in Favor of Additional Legislation that Would Have Restricted Free Speech Even More

And to think that there are still some people out there who consider this man, "a champion of liberty".................................................................................................P.S. And, please, keep in mind here that the fascistic Hamilton also supported protective tariffs (which severely harmed poor people), a central bank (central banking/the Fed having prompted some of the country's most severe economic downturns), internal improvements and subsidies for favored industries (making him the founding father of crony capitalism), "implied powers" (a concept that pretty much allows for any governmental caprice), a president and senators for life (kings and princes, in other words), and a national debt (which he referred to as the "national blessing" in that it opened the door for more taxation) - none of which even remotely promulgate liberty, and, so, no, no big surprise here.

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