Monday, January 12, 2015

Words from an Honest Man

"How many bright and promising minority students, we must ask, have failed because they were steered - with the best intentions, of course - into elite schools for which they were less prepared academically than most of their classmates? What better ways can we devise to boost academic achievement and expand the pool of qualified students OF ALL RACES (my emphasis)? We don't do future generations of students any favors by trying to ignore this issue or pretend it doesn't exist. If common-sense moderates don't step up and engage this debate, we only allow extremists to take control of it." Clarence Page, Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist for the Chicago Tribune......and a liberal.......AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS BROKE, PEOPLE, AND IT'S HURTING BLACK FOLKS.


dmarks said...

The answer of course is to prepare these students. Hard in an environment where for example the teachers in Detroit are paid a princely sum and do a really terrible job.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

We really need better guidance counselors as well.