Monday, December 29, 2014

On Polk, Hitler, Mexico, and Europe

The way that I see it, folks, Hitler had a much greater justification for taking the Sudetenland, Moravia, Bavaria, Danzig, and the Polish Corridor than President Polk did for taking what ultimately became Arizona, New Mexico, California, and sections of Utah from Mexico. a) Those territories were never a part of the U.S.A. and b) there weren't a lot of English-speaking people residing there who were being persecuted....................................................................................And then of course there's the other side of the equation. Even granting that the Mexican-American War was a hugely immoral one (and I believe that I've made the case here), what kind of sense would it have made for Portugal, say, to give the Mexicans a war guarantee pertaining to the Americans? None, right? And, yet, we (the Americans and Brits) continue to argue that what Chamberlain and Churchill (Dumb and Dumber) did regarding Poland was not only wise but courageous. Totally unbelievable.

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