Friday, December 23, 2011

On Sean Hannity 1

He makes Gomer Pyle sound like a cross between Alfred North Whitehead and Karl Popper.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I need to get out more. I have no idea who Whitehead or Popper are. I still don;t know who Saul Alinski is either. A blogger named Griper used Alinski on me. I never googled him cause I didn't care who he was.

Why shouldn't Hannity speak as stupidly as possible anyway? His audience is idiots who think Junior Samples is high minded comedy.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I thought that the obscurity of those 2 fellows would accentuate a comedic effect. The jury is obviously still deliberating.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think you're funny Will. You're at your funniest when you get pissed at WD.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Coming from a guy with the best comic timing in the blogosphere (Rusty isn't bad, either, though), I will definitely take that as a compliment. Thank you, sir (remember that; Les and Tao?)!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I should engage with Rusty. I don't know if I've ever directed a comment at him.

I've been called a liberal Groucho Marx.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I seem to recall you boxing his ears once or twice.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Perhaps I did. He must be scared of me now.

dmarks said...

Truthie: Hannity and some others flog Alinski's name as if his writings are a holy book that one can read to find out exactly what President Obama is doing. Rather nutty. The right-wing version of the PNAC claims that come from the left.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I see. A strawman thingy. I've never read anything from Noam Chomsky either. But both these guys should be reading Truth 101.

FOX News must fear me also as they never attempt to pick a fight with me. On the other hand, Dmarks baiting me with his anti union stuuf is probably enough to keep me stirred up anyway.

dmarks said...

Chomsky is just about the only guy in the civilized world who came out in favor of the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia. That's about all there is to know about him.

dmarks said...

As for me being anti-union, I don't want people to be forced to join the NRA. Or the Sierra Club or the Republican Party. Just like I don't want people forced to join unions.

If that stance makes proves that I am anti gun rights, anti-environment, anti-Republican, and anti-union... oh well.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It means you are a deluded titmouse in the face of oppressive management Dmarks.


dmarks said...

Let each worker decide which threat is worse. Aggressive management, or aggressive union bosses?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I was an aggresive union boss and got good raises and benefits for my members. Why would we want a sissy in there?

If being fired for no reason and abused by a boss just because he/she feels like it is your idea of a fair workplace then good luck to you Dmarks.

I choose to not be pushed around. I choose to be fairly compensated for my contribution.

But you keep working at the mercy of your bosses Dmarks. But a contract is far better job security for you and your family than a pat on the head from Sam walton and the minimum wage your employer can get by paying you.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Damn! I told myself I wouldn't let Dmarks bait me with antyi union stuff this festive holiday. Then I let him do it anyway.

Sneaky bastard.

Merry Christmas Dmarks. This one time you got me.

dmarks said...

"I was an aggresive union boss and got good raises and benefits for my members."

It's the ones who are aggressive against the workers that are the main problem. And force them to pay dues when they don't even want to be in the union.

And the ones who are aggressive toward management can be a problem too, when they force a factory or worksite to close.

"If being fired for no reason..."

Perfect description of being fired from a closed shop for refusing to join a union. These people aren't fired because they are bad at their job, but because they refuse to give money to an outside political organization that has absolutely nothing to do with their work.

Union thugs don't trust workers, plain and simple.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And you're a mooch lover. Liberal dog you are Dmarks. And you didn't even know it.