Tuesday, November 29, 2011

On Hannity, Olbermann, O'Reilly, Schultz, Levin, wd, etc. 1

They see left versus right in their Cheerios. I swear.......And I still don't know what a frigging "moderate extremist" is (other than the fact that it seems to be whatever it is that I happen to be saying, doing, or thinking at any particular moment in time).


Rusty Shackelford said...

Wow,you're grouping WD with Hannity,Olbermann,O'Reilly,Schultz,Levin and the rest.

Personally I'd put WD in a catagory all his own.Here's my personal opinion of WD.

He does'nt believe even half the shit he posts about.

He,at some point took a creative writting course at a local communitty college and now envisions himself as the next Carl Bernstein.

WD's present mission in life is to take a contrary position to whatever Will says.

WD,doesnt actually believe half of what he posts,its just a means to try and show his minimal writting skills while twisting a few tails.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your attack on the outstanding blogger Whirling Dervish only serves to validate the current view of you throughout the blogasphere as a moderate extremist Will. Of the most extreme sort.

Mordechai said...

Personally I'd put rusty in a category all his own. Here's my personal opinion of rusty.

He doesn't believe even most of the shit he posts about, and totally ignores facts in contradiction of his extreme ideological position.

He, at some point failed a creative writing course at a local community college and now still envisions himself as the next Rush Limbaugh.

Rusty's present mission in life is to take a contrary position to whatever any intelligent person who doesn't drink the tea bagger kool-aid says.

Rusty, doesn't actually believe 90% of what he posts, its just a means to try and show his non-existant writing skills while twisting a few tails, even if he is a dismal failure at spelling/punctuation.

If de foo sh*ts wear it rusty.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I had to include wd, guys. I had to. LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole "moderate extremist" title. WTF is that all about, really?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You and me both, bra. You and me both.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Ah 37,Rusty's the man you wish you were.Your envy of Rusty is very telling.

Mordechai said...

Ah 37,Rusty's the man you wish you were.Your envy of Rusty is very telling

Wrong on both accounts, however keep deluding yourself rusty, it does belittle you.

Mordechai said...

Hey rusty, these scientists think you're smart.

Researches find poop-throwing by Chimps is a Sign of Intelligence

Rusty Shackelford said...

Why would you post stuff from your familys Thanksgiving Day?

Anonymous said...


Nah, that's an article talking about the OWS protesters.

Mordechai said...

Actually it is neither,

It was a scientific study of tea baggers.

Mordechai said...

Actually Ted Haggard, and the dumb and dumber group who thunk (or pretend to thunk) Fox, Rush and the Koch brothers have their best interest at hearty

you know right wing clowns like rusty and YOU.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You guys loathe each other way too much. None of us have all the right answers and all of us are flawed. But, yeah, continue to have at it if you must.

Rusty Shackelford said...

37,its quite obvious you've decided to go off your meds for the holiday season,I hope one of your attendents are always close at hand.

My goodness....subjects you've touched on.

Poop throwing chimps

Tea baggers

Ted Haggared

Some dumb or dumber group.

Rusty thinks ole 37 has gone for a ride on the disorient express....next stop Thorazine...next stop Thorazine....all off for Thorazine.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I didn't think that this guy was Cliffy at first. He was infinitely too restrained, I thought. Now, though, I kind of think that it IS him. He really does need to get some help, Rusty.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Sick....you think he's sick? For christ sake,he offered up his 15 year old daughter.Yea,I'd say he was just a bit off kilter.

No Will, he's not Clif.Why you might ask? He has'nt gone off on a military rant and he has'nt called us chicken hawks.

The only similarity between him and Clif are their propensity towards cutting and pasting boring drivel.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Bartlebee? He's too well-spoken for Mikey (cutting and pasting, aside).