Sunday, October 9, 2011

That I Like the Song, "Bette Davis Eyes", By Kim Carnes

What would by my answer to the question, "So, what's the one thing that you'll admit to now that, in the past, you would ONLY admit to after copious amounts of alcohol ingestion?"


dmarks said...

The satire "Marty Feldman Eyes" is even better.

"All the boys, think she's a guy. She's got Marty Feldman eyes".

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I like Jefferson Starship's "We Built This City." I've never been afraid to admit it and I bet most everyone turns the radio up when it comes on.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

dmarks, is that a Weird Al Yankovic bastardization? If so, I'm sure that I would like it.......Truth, I gotta be honest with you, bra. That's one of a handful of songs that I simply cannot bear to hear. Some of the others; "Achy Breaky Heart" by Billy Ray Cyrus, "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel, and Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice. Uuuuuuuh.

dmarks said...

Will: "Marty Feldman Eyes" is by a female vocalist, not Weird Al.

I hated "we Built This City" from the moment I first heard it.

Marcus said...

Rolling Stone did a thing about the 100 worst songs of all time...We Built This City made the list...Billy Joel isnt so bad though I will readilly admit We Didn't Start the Fire is pretty abysmal.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Marcus, VH1 also did a list of the worse songs ever (perhaps it was same list) and they had "They Built This Shitty (sorry, couldn't resist)" as THE worst song ever. Worse than Achy Breaky Heart"!!!