Tuesday, May 18, 2010


As a hyper-partisan news analyst, Keith Olbermann has certainly engaged in his own fair share of bullshitting. But, in one of his more recent self-promotional ad-pieces, let's just say that the fellow has amped it up considerably.....................................................................................................He claims, for instance, that the premise for the guests that he has is "often misunderstood". They are not on as a form of "political reinforcement". He also says that a lot of the questions that he asks are simply a means to find out "whether or not I am wildly incorrect about something". In fact, folks, Mr. Olbermann goes on to say that the very point of the show is "to illuminate, not to throw off heat, but to throw off light". And, yes, of course, he says it all with such a pleasant disposition (this, I'm saying, as opposed to the vitriol of his special comments). I mean, talk about being disingenuous. This, to me, is the pinnacle of it.............................................................................................P.S. Funny isn't it, but Mr. Olbermann never seems to be "wildly incorrect" about anything these days. The guy must be some sort of genius or something. Well, either that or lucky, maybe.


Rusty Shackleford said...

Hey Will,I think you live in Conn,so just what do you guys make of this Richard Blumenthal fellow?

I watched him yesterday after all the clips showing him saying he'd served in Viet Nam were shown.Is this guy a liar? Or does he think the people of Conn. are stupid? Or do the folks in Conn. even care?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Olberman reads Truth 101.

Kentucky Rain said...

Olberman reads MadMikesAmerica :-)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

CT is a very blue state, Russ. Even our Republicans are liberal. He'll probably survive (as in win) - especially if he goes up against the wrestling mogul (the moderate Republican, Simmons, a former congressman and military man would certainly give Blumanthal a much tougher go of it).

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Truth and MadMike, you guys aren't anywhere near as nasty as Olbermann. And you certainly don't lie like like him. In fact/in my opinion, Mr. Olbermann is nothing but a slightly smarter/liberal version of Hannity.

Mordechai said...

sock puppet #1 April 2008

sock puppet #2 April 2008

sock puppet #3 January 2009


the original one May 2006

Me wonders how many sock puppets a right wing troll needs to foist his hemorrhoid based factoids from ...... just wondering ..... and why if he claims to always be the same person he keeps having to register new identities.

Maybe because the same person hasn't registered all those identities?

Mordechai said...

So Willy removes comments that do not fit his partisan slant, eh?

Mordechai said...

More censorship willy?

Mordechai said...

Willy the post count on Bloggers site shows 8, here it shows 5 which proves you censor comments that make your right wing buddies bad.

Why is that Willy?

I bet you censor even more instead of answering the question Willy

Mordechai said...

Willy the post count on Bloggers site shows 9, here it shows 5 which proves you censor comments that make your right wing buddies bad.

Why is that Willy?

I bet you censor even more instead of answering the question Willy

Mordechai said...

Willy the post count on Bloggers site shows 11, here it shows 5 which proves you censor comments that make your right wing buddies bad.

Why is that Willy?

I bet you censor even more instead of answering the question Willy.

Funny you would rather censor then be honest and open with people Willy.

Mordechai said...

Willy the post count on Bloggers site shows 11, here it shows 5 which proves you censor comments that make your right wing buddies bad.

Why is that Willy?

I bet you censor even more instead of answering the question Willy.

Funny you would rather censor then be honest and open with people Willy.

Mordechai said...

I guess everything has returned, but since the same thing has happened at Lydia's blog looks like willy isn't responsible for the disappearing posts.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Apology accepted. LOL

Commander Zaius said...

Well as for my viewing preferences I'll start watching the first news show at 8:00pm that has chicks with big tits showing lots of clevage.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Unfortunately, double b, that would probably be Fox. LOL Seriously, though, Julie Banderas. Whew!

Rusty Shackleford said...

Julie Banderas just had her baby.
I kind of like Shannon Bream,Juliet Huddy,Molly Line and of course Martha and Megyn.

I love the way you treat anonyclif Will,kinda like O'Reilly treats KO....an inconsequential flea.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

My top 3 Fox babes (not necessarily in any order) are Martha MacCallum, Julie Banderas, and Allison Cammarata. This, though, yes, I have to confess, Megan Kelly is growing on me. She stands up to O'Reilly. I like that!