Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Fading Brand

I have a feeling, folks, that once this election is history, Senator McCain is going to have some major regrets about this campaign he's been waging. I mean, think about it. This is a fellow who, once upon a time, was probably the most respected politician in the country - on both sides of the aisle. Hell, if anything, he was probably more respected/popular amongst the Democrats in Congress. And now it's all going to be gone, all of it - all because of this mean-spirited/pandering campaign that he/his supporters have waged. I don't know. I just find it all kind of sad.............................................Of course, what's even more sad is that this guy is a 72 year-old cancer survivor who probably won't have a lot of time to resurrect himself (ala, say, Barry Goldwater did after his defeat - not to say that Goldwater ever went this negative, mind you). I mean, he does seem like the type of guy (a person with a conscience, in other words) that would want to, doesn't he? I'm thinking he is.


IrOnY RaGeD said...

Geez Will,

Telling the truth is only "mean spirited" when done to Democrats.

McCain is just now figuring out how loyal his liberal buddies both in congress and in the media really are.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Also, you're talking like the election is already over.

It ain't.

The AOL snap poll shows McCain winning by around 60% and has for months now.

Usually AOL polls come out VERY liberal, so SOMETHING is going on out there.

He also is closing the gap in the mainstream polls too, slowly for sure but it IS happening and the election is still a ways away.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Regarding "Joe the plumber", note how the media is trying their damndest to smear him?

Why aren't they talking about Obama's "spread the wealth" comment?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey man, good to have you back. At least here you're not going to be threatened with bodily harm or have your mother insulted. Look, I know both sides are doing it and he's doing more of it because he's behind. I'm just kind of disappointed in him in that I really used to like him (I'm a moderate, remember?). Actually, I do agree with you about the mainstream media. They really focus on Republican gaffes but largely ignore the ones uttered by Biden and Obama. It's kind of unfortunate.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I love how Lydia constantly focuses on Obama's Ivy-League background and how intelligent he is. Does she also realize, I wonder, that Nixon was also "brilliant" and was probably one of our smartest Presidents? It didn't help him much, did it?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

"Hey man, good to have you back. At least here you're not going to be threatened with bodily harm or have your mother insulted."

That was pretty good of 'ol Bart wasn't it? Did you notice he deleted quite a few of his more vile comments?

Sometimes though it's fun to slum.
For some reason I bring out their true side.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

"I love how Lydia constantly focuses on Obama's Ivy-League background and how intelligent he is."

Yeah, kinda like how the 9/11 terrorists were all college educated and from well to do families.

She also calls him "The Real Deal™".

I can almost guarantee you if we EVER get a "Real Deal" he or she isn't going to come out of Chicago politics.

Of course if by "The Real Deal™" she means "The Real Socialist", she MAY have a point.