Thursday, January 16, 2025

On Mark Zuckerberg Now Alleging that the Biden Administration Threatened Him with Investigations if He Didn't Start Taking Down Information that Went Against the Government's Clownish Narrative and/or Brought Upon Them Major Embarrassment

I don't want to dump on Zuck as he's now doing the correct thing. I just wish that he had taken a much harder stance for free speech back then and told the Biden thugs to go pound sand. Granted, it's easy for me to assert these things but, still, pushing back against this tyranny just a little could have ended up helping us all.

On Canada's Assisted Suicide Protocol Apparently Being Abused by Certain Medical Professionals In its National Healthcare System (Who Could Have Predicted this Shit......Save for Everyone?) -

Yeah, I guess that the providers are offering it to the patients as opposed to them inquiring about it.............and being that the percentages of Canadian deaths being attributed to suicide have been exploding it's quite possible that they're doing a bit more than offering.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

On How the Media Shits Would Be Reacting Now if Those Horrible Fires Were Taking Place In Texas or Florida (i.e., Places with Republican Governors) and Not California

My suspicion is that we wouldn't be hearing so much about global warming (at least initially) and much more about government screw-ups. DEMOCRATS "pounce", in other words.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

On John Stockton Being the All-Time NBA Assists Leader with a Mind-Boggling 15,806 - More than 3,500 More than the Number 2 Player, Chris Paul


   Chris is still performing so he'll unquestionably close the gap. But he'll also be 40 by the season's end and so unless the guy plans to play for four more years at a near all-star level he's not gonna' get there. As for the next closest player still in the league we're looking at the legendary Lebron James at 11,309 but unlike Paul he's already 40 and it's hard to see him dishing out another 4,500 assists before retirement. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that Stockton's record will likely be safe for a long, long time.

On Obama Being so Damn Desperate to Get His Puppet Extraordinaire Into the White House that He Actually Shat Out the Disgusting "Fine People" Hoax In One of His Recent Pretense-Laden Diatribes

And the media of course allows him to get away with this bullshit.............probably because they're desperate, too. My guess.