Wednesday, April 17, 2024

On the Fact that if Hamas Waved the White Flag Tomorrow the Civilian Death Rate In Gaza Would Immediately Zero Out and so, Yes, this Whole Talk About Genocide Is of Course Bullshit

 Granted the Hamas brain-trust would never willingly take an L but, think about it, if these protesting fools who've decided to blame the entirety of this shit-show on Israel really wanted to spare civilians, you would think that they'd at least mention this reality from time to time, wouldn't you, honestly?

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

On the Possibility of Biden Losing Michigan for Not Being Sufficiently Bellicose to Israel

This is a prime example of why you shouldn't pander. a) It likely won't work (particularly with the American Muslim community where anything short of dumping 8,000,000 Jews into the Mediterranean Sea would be deemed unsatisfactory) and b) there isn't a faster way to look like a loser with the saner sectors of the populace than to grovel for acceptance like this. My advice to ole Joe, cut the bullshit and simply do what you consider to be right, regardless of the politics. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

On the Fact that I've Always Had a Soft Spot for Dangerous Bambinos


On America's Rank and Troubling Deterioration of Standards

Granted, we've always had idiots in the public eye but, I'm sorry, these lowlife jackoffs from the last decade or so, a totally different animal.......AND there seem to be a lot more of 'em.

On Brazil's Corrosive and Fascistic Socialist President Cracking Down On Free Speech In Such a Heinous Manner that it Makes Joe Biden Seem Like Thomas Paine

And just like with Biden and his lackeys  projecting their tyranny onto Trump, so, too, with this asshole and his predecessor. It's almost as if there's some sort of instruction manual for these slantheaded leftist leaders and it's making the rounds. It's just Biden's turn now, that's all.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024

On the Indispensability of Unfettered Access to Other People's Opinions for an Open Society to Function

So either the modern-day Democratic party is too damned ignorant to know this or the shits know it all too well and accept as one of their primary missions the destruction of such societies.......and being that the establishment is chock to the gills with both morons AND psychopaths, so hard to tease out, isn't it?