Wednesday, March 5, 2025

To Keith Olbermann's Family and Friends

  Folks, come on, you know what you have to do. The guy needs help (making a spectacle of himself on a regular basis and in a manner that makes Howard Beale look like a Buddhist monk) and if you don't get it for him, then who? It's certainly not going to be the legions of people who he's slimed for the past two decades. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Monday, March 3, 2025

On an F.B.I Whistleblower Appearing On Various Podcasts and Claiming that Certain Employees Within that Agency Are Working Overtime to Delete and Shred as Much Incriminating Shit as Possible -

And the media will either ignore the guy or slime him with the tag, "so-called whistleblower" (together of course with various other stock insults). Damage control tactics, in other words.

On the Ungrateful Muslim Congresswoman from Minnesota Collectively Referring to the American People (or at Least the Ones Who've Objected to Her Increasingly Dystopian "Ideas") as, "Dumb Idiots" (She Apparently Felt the Necessity to Differentiate Between the Stupid Idiots and the Genius Ones)

 I've been around for a long time and I've never witnessed a political party that was so bound and determined to denigrate the voters like this. It's just incredible, and the fact that they fail to gather that it's hurting them more than it is their targets makes the behavior even more mind-boggling.  

Sunday, March 2, 2025

On the Odds of a Post-Jewish "Palestine" Not Becoming Just Another Failed Islamic State Being Damn Near Close to Zero

 And if you don't believe me just look at what happened in Gaza after the Israelis left that hellhole (Fatah and Hamas opting to solve their differences through violence instead of negotiations - big surprise, huh?) and what happened in Jordan when King Hussein obliterated the Palestinian uprising there. Of course I could also bring up the factional shit that's been going on in Libya, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria but keeping it close to "home" seemed much more illustrative. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

On the Abolitionist View of the Black Race

  "I have studied the Negro character. They lack self-reliance. We can make nothing of them. God has made them for the sun and the banana." Cassius Marcellus Clay
  "Every feature of the Negro, however large or however small, whether internal or external, whether physical or mental, or moral, loses in comparison with the white, much in the same ratio or proportion as darkness loses in comparison with light, or as evil loses in comparison with good." Hinton Rowan Helper
  "They will lie in their very prayers to God......and it is doubtful that in one generation or two the effects of centuries of barbarism and slavery are to be extinguished and and for the Negroes to become Teutons of Celts." Frederick Law Olmsted (and he was considered one of the lesser racist of the bunch)
  Nice, huh (these supposedly being the good guys, most of whom had signed on to the colonization idea and wanted freed blacks gone post emancipation)? And it also should be pointed out that these fellas' belonged to the economic school of abolishing slavery and so they really didn't a shit about the morality of the institution or even its religious ramifications. Nope, they just wanted the south to advance past its agrarian economy and the slave system was holding that back, that's it.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

On the Fact that Killing Infants and Toddlers with Your Bare Hands Is Apparently Part of Being a "Freedom Fighter" Now

Hey, if you can save a couple bullets, why not (a page straight out of the Pol Pot manual, if you will)?