Friday, February 28, 2025

On the Abolitionist View of the Black Race

  "I have studied the Negro character. They lack self-reliance. We can make nothing of them. God has made them for the sun and the banana." Cassius Marcellus Clay
  "Every feature of the Negro, however large or however small, whether internal or external, whether physical or mental, or moral, loses in comparison with the white, much in the same ratio or proportion as darkness loses in comparison with light, or as evil loses in comparison with good." Hinton Rowan Helper
  "They will lie in their very prayers to God......and it is doubtful that in one generation or two the effects of centuries of barbarism and slavery are to be extinguished and and for the Negroes to become Teutons of Celts." Frederick Law Olmsted (and he was considered one of the lesser racist of the bunch)
  Nice, huh (these supposedly being the good guys, most of whom had signed on to the colonization idea and wanted freed blacks gone post emancipation)? And it also should be pointed out that these fellas' belonged to the economic school of abolishing slavery and so they really didn't a shit about the morality of the institution or even its religious ramifications. Nope, they just wanted the south to advance past its agrarian economy and the slave system was holding that back, that's it.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

On the Fact that Killing Infants and Toddlers with Your Bare Hands Is Apparently Part of Being a "Freedom Fighter" Now

Hey, if you can save a couple bullets, why not (a page straight out of the Pol Pot manual, if you will)?

The Radical Islamist Version of "Cowboys and Indians"?

Yeah, more or less. They just call it, "Savages and Dead Jews", that's all.

On the Fact that (According to Ground News) Just 14% of the Recent Stories On Epstein and the Potential Release of His "Black Book" Have Come from Left-Leaning News-Outlets

And why is that? Could it possibly be because a disproportionate percentage of the sickos involved with ole Epstein are members of their posse? And what about believing all women? Is that taking a hiatus as well? Seemingly, huh?

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

On the Fact that if Israel Truly Wished to Genocide the Gazans I'm Pretty Certain that it Wouldn't Require 16 Months and Not Even Accomplish it

They probably wouldn't be letting multiple trucks of food in, either, in that food, more than most things, tends to slow down the dying (an indispensable aspect of genocide, I'm assuming) process. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

On a Small Army of Indoctrinated Surface-Thinkers Taking to TikTok (Where Else) for the Sole Purpose of Ridiculing Bobby Kennedy for His Voice............and Then Justifying the Cruelty Simply Because He Had the Temerity to Provide an Alternative Voice During the COVID Tyranny

I have never witnessed a platform where idiocy and mean-spiritedness are shat out with such breakneck speed and constancy. It's mind-blowing. And the fact that a lot of these dolts are college attendees is a reality that should concern everybody.......and hopefully it will.

On a Recent Quinnipiac Poll Showing that the Democrats In Congress Now Possess a 22% Approval Score

  It's horrible and it was fully unnecessary. All that these schmucks had to do was follow the advice of people like Bill Maher (yes, the comedian) and Matt Taibbi by simply dialing back the crazy a bit and stop showcasing low IQ bums like the idiot socialist bimbo from New York and the ungrateful Muslim lady from Minnesota. That and start running some non-shit candidates for President as that would certainly help as well.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

On Wikipedia, in it's Entry for, Beheading, Informs Us that the Action Is "Invariably Fatal to Humans"

Thank the Lord that they finally cleared that one up.......And to think that there are folks out there claiming that Wikipedia is useless. This'll teach 'em.

On Muslims Decapitating 70 Congolese Christians and the Jerkoff Corporate Media Not Exactly Busting Their Butts Covering the Atrocity

 They likely struggled a bit with this one but once it occurred to them that the perpetrators were both Islamic AND black and the victims were simply black, it all fell in to place, I'm sure.

Best that You Strap Yourself In for this One

  Don't say that I didn't warn ya'.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

On Hamas Having a Deputy Agriculture Minister

At first I was surprised but when I found out that they also have a Deputy Unicorns Minister a quick reassessment was made. 

On Tom Hanks Doing a Sketch On Saturday Live Where He Plays a Trump Supporter Who of Course Acts Like an Inarticulate Racist Buffoon

They're not doubling-down anymore. They're not even tripling-down, they're quadrupling-down. And it doesn't appear to matter that not only is this shitting on the voters not working, it's crushing THEM. Oh well, I suspect that this is what happens when you're immature and 100% lacking in self-control. Just can't help it.

Friday, February 21, 2025

On the Left Not Giving a Rat's Ass When Lois Lerner and Her Fellow Ne-er-Do-Wells Snatched the Sensitive Personal Information of American Citizens and Used it to Violate Them but Now Being Supremely Concerned that Elon Musk Apparently Has Access to Such Information

 Do you really think that these bozos are petrified that Elon Musk, a man who's reportedly worth a quarter of a trillion dollars, will pilfer sensitive material and sell it to some two-bit operator for a couple of thousand......or are they just being political? Pretty easy choice, huh?

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

On the BBC Recently Referring to the Hamas-Held Captives as, Prisoners, Yet Another Attempt by the Vile Outfit to Draw a Moral Equivalence Between the Hostages and the Murderous Jackboots Held by Israel

 Yeah, I'm beginning to think that state-funded media isn't the greatest idea 😉. Nope, not even in the top 10.

On Canadian Journalist, Elie Cantin-Nantel, Conducting a Search On the CBC and Finding the Term, Far-Right, 2017 Times but Far Left Just 120 Times, a Scale of Nearly 17 to 1 -

And, yes, this is probably because of the morons' indiscriminate and incessant use of the term, using to define people as diverse as neo-Nazis, mainstream conservatives, and libertarians. Of course when you yourself are extreme in the other direction anybody more than two degrees to the right of you resembles Benito Mussolini. Or worse.  

Monday, February 17, 2025

On Some Unhinged Leftist Congressman Going On Brianna Squealer's Unwatchable CNN Program and Instructing the Lamebrained Protestors to Carry "Actual Weapons" to Their Next Scheduled Shitfest, the Purpose of Which Being to Codify OBVIOUSLY Idiotic Government Spending

 I suspect that the ramrod was simply babbling and hence not to be taken seriously but, I'm sorry, if President Trump can be accused of incitement for saying "peacefully and patriotically" and posting to social media that those in attendance needed to respect "our brave men and women in blue" then this asshole clearly needs to be accused of it, too.

On the Fact that Our Federal Government Has Spent More Money (with a Significant Share of it Being, Waste, Fraud, and Abuse) than Any Other Entity In Human History and Has Also Racked Up Far More Debt than Any Other and the Left, Instead of Addressing These Matters, Starts Attacking the People Who Have Been

They have something to hide. It's the only conceivable explanation in that while they may be morons at times they aren't stupid enough to die on a hill as preposterous hill as this one. Or one would think.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

On MSLSD's Resident Male Feminist, Chris Hayes, Smugly and Buffoonishly Making Sport of Tom Fitton's Muscularity (Tom of Course Being the Current President of Judicial Watch)

I'm not so sure about the wisdom of ridiculing a person who could rip you limb from limb. Of course as we all know, factoring in externalities has never been one of the left's stronger suits.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

On the New York Slimes Claiming that Mr. Musk Has Zero Proof that Our Federal Agencies Are Loaded with Fraud

  That's weird because the General Accounting Office has found that there was between $233 billion to $521 billion annually in fraud from 2018 to 2022 ( I mean, I get it that the fine art of investigative journalism has deteriorated greatly and all but we're just exactly for a simple internet search here, hardly a Herculean task. 

On Nancy Pelosi, Mitch "the Bitch" McConnell, Elizabeth Warren, and Chuck Schumer (i.e., Four Nondescript Schmoes with No Perceptible Skills) Having a Combined Net Worth of $440,000,000

Yeah, they make a decent living but even at 200 K per year you generally don't see these types of figures......and while I'm not making any specific accusations here, it does make you scratch your head, doesn't it?.........................................................................................................P.S. I desperately wanted to include Nikki Haley with this (not a big fan, as you're aware) but at 10 mill she's still just a piker. Maybe next time.

Friday, February 14, 2025

On the Dems Apparently Not Wanting the American Public to Know About the Massive Quantities of Waste, Fraud, Abuse, and Graft Pertaining to How Our Federal Bureaucracy Goes About its Business

Hmm, and why is that, I wonder? Could it possibly be because they don't want the taxpayers to know what crap stewards of their money that they've become and are thus fearful that we'll no longer trust them with it moving forward? That would certainly be my guess.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Note to Media Shits

 Nobody with an IQ over 90 truly believes that we're experiencing a "Constitutional Crisis" or that even if you could expand the definition that far Trump would be entirely to blame for it (it takes two to tango and with dance partners like this small contingent of Obama era activist judges it gets a little complicated, to say the least). And the fact that you're all uttering the same bullshit lingo at the same time is also a trifle suspicious (to sentient beings, I'm suggesting), wouldn't you say?.   

On Whether The Ruthless Dems Hiding Joe Biden's Dementia for Four Years and After They Could No Longer Do so Choreographing What Could Only Be Called a Coup by Tossing Him Into the Dumpster Constituted a "Constitutional Crisis"

  Biden's entire term was a Constitutional crisis. From his dictatorial measures during COVID to his shoveling money to Ukraine for a moronic proxy war to his decision to ignore Supreme Court rulings and bail out upper-middle class kids to his withering assaults on the First Amendment, ole Biden was the most tyrannical President since Woodrow Wilson. As to the question posed in the title, the answer of course is, obviously. Ironic, huh (the fascist meeting fascism, yada yada)? 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Diversity, a Strength?

Depends on how you define it, I guess.

On this Bizarre Decision by D.C. Democrats to Make Preserving the Indefensible Spending at U.S.A.I.D. One of Their New Hills to Die On

 Yeah, these clowns are either far more mentally ill than we had initially thought or they've got some shady dealings to hide. My guess is that since the schmucks have been on a slow-burn crazy for decades and have displayed it non-stop already, number two seems to make a bit more sense.   

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

On Whether Egypt Wishes to Take In Some Palestinians


 Not exactly a coin-flipper, is it?

On the Fact that a Lot of the Jews Who Got Slaughtered On October 7th Are the Same Ones Who Drove Palestinian Kids to Israeli Hospitals

  And I can most assure you that these hospitals don't posses huge stockpiles of armaments or use patients as human shields. For the record (though, yes, they likely have snipers just in case of a terrorist attack).

Monday, February 10, 2025

On Hamas's Bigwigs Issuing a Statement Which Asserts that Trump's Gaza Plan Is "Irresponsible"

Yes, because as we're all aware bum-rushing into the region and slaughtering over a thousand peaceniks would have been infinitely more logical. What in the hell was Trump thinking?

On the Idiot Socialist Bimbo from New York, Quite Likely the Dumbest Person to Have Ever Served In the U.S. Congress, Casting Doubt On the Intellects of Elon Musk (Calling Him a Dumb Billionaire, I Shit You Not) and the Small Army of Brainiacs Who He's Brought On to Help Him

Here's one of Mr. Musk's Dumbbells - - Compare and then contrast, a starker difference there could not be.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

On 1960s Beauty, Barbara Parkins

               Skinny as hell but with a face like that I'd probably get over it. Uh, wouldn't you?

On the African-American Grievance-Mongers Never Thinking of Demanding Reparations from the Descendants of Those In East Africa Who Sold THEIR DESCENDANTS to the White Europeans

Yeah, I guess that if there aren't any white people to lambaste there isn't much of an upside (grievance-mongering-wise, I'm suggesting).

On the Fact that Even Though Andrew McCabe Was One of the Main Architects of the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax, the Fiends at CNN Continue to Employ Him as One of Their Major Analysts

We've been hearing for a while that CNN was planning to scale back on the partisan drivel and go back to doing actual news.......Still in the planning phase, it seems.

Friday, February 7, 2025

On Trump's Proposal to Seize Control of Gaza and Transform it Into Singapore 2.0

If I had to guess I'd say that he's either just trolling again or dangling the idea out there as a potential bargaining chip............but you never know with this dude, do you? Ever.

On the Fact that Everybody Knows the Name, George Floyd, but Nobody Knows the Name of Even One of the Thousands of White Working Girls Who've Been Raped, Tortured, Trafficked, and Even Murdered by Those Scumbag Pakistani Grooming Gangs

 Islam apparently isn't familiar with the whole white privilege thingy. Hopefully someone brings 'em up to speed on it. And soon.

On the Likelihood of There Ever Existing Pride Parades In Gaza and the West Bank Being Pretty Effing Close to Zero

The radical left has seemingly not factored this in, have they?

Thursday, February 6, 2025

On USAID Being an Anti Free Speech Slush Fund Masquerading as Benevolence - Quick Addendum

  Fortunately there was also some comic relief when the voice (real or computerized I couldn't tell) claimed that misinformation "exploits and exacerbates existing social cleavages." Gotta' tell ya', when I heard that, man did I ever laugh. Existing social cleavages - who in the blazes talks like that; an insecure college sophomore trying to impress his teacher with a novel utilization of words......or maybe it's this guy. Judge for yourself.

On USAID Being an Anti Free Speech Slush Fund Masquerading as Benevolence

  I recently saw one of their promos and to call the piece Orwellian would be much too kind. Every other frigging sentence included "misinformation this", "misinformation that" and if there's ever been a more pitch-perfect example of projection (the harsh fact that they're the ones who've been spitting out bullshit) I have yet to see it. For example, the irritating female voice actually said that misinformation (AKA, facts and viewpoints that the dystopian and fully indoctrinated left finds triggering and/or inconvenient) "silences opposition" and did so in the middle of a screed advocating the silencing of HER opposition. I mean, is that textbook or what.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

On One of the New Targets for the FAA's DEI Program Being Dwarfism

 A boon to the stilt-making industry, if nothing else.

On the Fact that None of These Asshats On the Hard-Left Have Ever Referred to the Pakistanis as "Settler Colonialists" or Enactors of Genocide and Apartheid Even Though Their Fathers and Grandfathers Bum-Rushed Into the Indian Sub-Continent by the Millions and Perpetrated the Longest-Lasting and Most Horrifying Genocide In World History And Were Eventually Afforded Their Own Nation via a U.N. Vote

Royally mucks up their victim-victimizer binary, doesn't it (their "solution" of course being simply to ignore it)?

On What I Wish to Learn Now that Trump's In Office and Apparently Ready for Mass Disclosure

  Got quite a long list here. 1) Who blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. 2) Who was the January 6th pipe-bomber. 3) Who murdered Seth Rich. 4) How did Jeffrey Epstein really die. 5) What were the real reasons for the government's fascistic and idiotic COVID measures. 6) Who left the cocaine in the White House. 7) Whether the January 6th prisoners were ever tortured as has been alleged by several independent journalists. 8) Whether Trump truly offered Pelosi the National Guard or not. 9) Whether Obama, Pelosi, Harris, and the Clintons engaged in extortion to rid themselves of Biden. And 10) who in the blazes was actually running the country for the past four years.............Just for starters.

Monday, February 3, 2025

On the Fact that Those In the Second Highest Tax Bracket DID NOT Receive a Rate Reduction from the Trump Tax Cuts (it Stayed at 35%)

  They actually took it on the chin in that the 35% started kicking in at $200,00 (it has since crawled up to $250,000) instead of the 2017 threshold, $416,700. Yes, the top rate was reduced from 39.6% to 37% (a 6.6% reduction) but cannot the money-grubbing left take some solace that folks in the $200,000 to $500,000 (the new threshold for the top rate) income range actually started paying MORE? I would hope so.

On the Fact that 54% of Federal Workers In D.C. Worked from Home During 2023, Up from 42% the Previous Year

 It sounds bad and very well could be but before I make a definitive condemnation of it wouldn't I also need some data on the workers' productivity and quality of work and then compare it to the individual's prior output? 'Cause I gotta be honest here, if the people engaging in this tactic are still performing their jobs competently, they could literally work from the moon and care about it, I would not.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

On it Being One thing for Guys Like Dan Bongino to Talk About DEI Whenever and as They See Fit (and I Fully Agree with Them On the Topic), but it's a Much, Mush Different Thing for the President of the U.S.A. to Drone On and On About it Hours After a Tragedy

I don't appreciate it when the Dems bring up gun control after every shooting (i.e., using a tragic event to further a political agenda) and so for me to give Mr. Trump a pass on this would make me a hypocrite and that simply ain't me. Sorry but, no.

On Tulsi Gabbard Unloading so Many Truth Bombs at that Preposterous Confirmation Hearing that She Damn Near Turned the U.S. Senate Into Replicas of Dresden and Hiroshima Combined......and it Was Glorious

Tulsi's an apostate (along with RFK) and so the Dems probably detest her more than they do some of Trump's other appointees (Rubio, for instance). She's also exceptionally bright as these dimwitted Senators have no doubt discerned and, so, yeah, the likelihood of her cracking, very small.

On Joanne Dru's Performance In the 1953 Hidden Gem, "Forbidden"


Let's just put it this way, Tony Curtis should have worked for free on this one. I sure would have.