What would be my answer to the question, "So, when do you think that the identitarians will allow us to criticize China without the cads calling us, yep, you got it, racist?"
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
On Nancy Pelosi's Daughter, Alexandra, Calling George W. Bush, a "Father Figure"
If you ever needed additional evidence that Washington's a big, fat, hairy club with none of us being a member, might this be sufficient?
On Brian Stelter Now Asserting that He Never Called the Hunter Biden Laptop, "Russian Disinformation" - https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2023/02/25/brian-stelter-falsely-claims-laptop-from-hell-wasnt-labeled-russian-disinformation/
He may be able to wiggle out of it via semantics (twisting and parsing shit) but, please, in essence he's lying and everybody knows it (the honest ones, at least).
On People Who (Indiscriminately) Toss Around the Word, "Hate"
Two words; absolute irony (no explanation needed, hopefully).
Monday, February 27, 2023
On the Fact that Woke Ideology and State-Sponsored Censorship Are Probably Two of the Lowest Pieces of Hanging Fruit and so to Not Be Red-Pilled by Them Is Certainly an Indicator of Something, I Would Think
A strong preference for the color, blue, perhaps? Just throwin' it out there.
On the Fact that, Gee, What a Shock, All of this Leftist Drivel About Trump Being to Blame for the Ohio Train Derailment Is Pure Partisan Bullshit - https://abcnews.go.com/US/ohio-train-derailment-ntsb-chair-issues-plea-spreading/story?id=97281671
The claim is that Trump scrapped rules that would have required new electric breaking technology on trains carrying large a quantity of hazardous materials. Sounds bad but what these shameless idiots fail to tell you is that a) Mr. Biden had two years to reinstate these rules but refused to (wisely actually in that a cost-benefit analysis showed few real world benefits) and b) NTSB Chairwoman, Jennifer Homendy, herself argued that the rule wouldn't have applied to the Norfolk Southern train in that this rule only pertained to high hazard flammable trains, not mixed freight trains such as the one in Ohio. Look, I get it, they want to destroy Trump but just flat-out lying like this, not a good look at all (especially if you've been at it for seven damned years).
On Woody Harrelson Dropping Truth Bombs About Big Government, Big Business Cronyism (and, Yes, I'm Talking About the Vaccine and the Open-Warfare Against Inexpensive Repurpose Drugs) and Sure as Hell the Lowbrow Shit-Posting Venues Like the HuffPo, the Daily Beast, etc. Immediately Starting In On the Poor Guy Simply Because He Wasn't Following the Script
Sunday, February 26, 2023
On the Media Trying to Portray Biden During this Whole Russia-Ukraine Fiasco as Some Sort of Love Offspring of William Tecumseh Sherman and George Patton Instead of What He Truly Is, a Deranged Moron Leading the World to Ruin
The shills will eventually get it............once the bombs start falling on Sag Harbor, Martha's Vinyard, Georgetown, and the Napa Valley. Of course by then, you know.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
On the New York Times Finally Conceding that Having One's Entire Civilization Walk Around with Likely Contaminated Articles Covering Their Nose and Mouth for Six, Seven Hours at a Clip Isn't Just an Exercise In Futility, it's Also Pretty Unhealthy - https://www.millennialstar.org/ny-times-finally-accepts-mask-mandates-did-nothing-what-does-this-mean-for-church-members/
So, is the New York Times going to be de-platformed now for spreading misinformation or has the science changed again? I'm just askin'.
On the Fact that Even Though CNN, the New York Times, and Washington Post Have All Concluded/Admitted that Social Security and Medicare Will Likely Be Insolvent Within a Decade, MSNBC's Biggest Idiot (and that's Saying Loads Considering the Competition), Joy Reid, Cartoonishly Denied it In a Recent Segment by Saying "that's Not True" Over and Over and Over and Over Again (Clearly Wasn't On the Debate Team at Harvard)
So pathetic in that she didn't even attempt to push the old standby "soak the rich" schpeel. Granted, it would have been an easily refutable argument (the stats simply not adding up) but it least it would have been an argument as opposed to a temper tantrum. Oh well, maybe next time.
On a Twenty-Something Ellen Barkin
I've heard some dudes say that she isn't quite pretty enough. I'll take her, though, the crooked smile and all.
On a Young Anne Archer
In case you forget how incredibly beautiful that this lady was, here, let's refresh that memory; a pleasant one, I'm sure.
On Rachel Maddow Making it Seem as if Ukraine Was Simply Minding its Own Affairs Until Russia Barged in and Started Destroying Shit Out of Sheer Evil (Their Leader Is the Next Hitler, You Know)
So is that what really happened or is there more to the story? Come to think of it, there's more to the story in that our buddy omitted - a) Russia's agreement with N.A.T.O. that there wouldn't be any Eastern expansion of the organization, b) that N.A.T.O. reneged on their promise and proceeded to stockpile 14 new member between 1990 and 2016, c) Ukraine's election of a Russian-friendly President in 2010, d) how N.A.T.O. and the U.S. helped engineer a coup in which a much more pro-Western stooge was installed, e) how Ukraine's new leadership has been pushing for N.A.T.O. membership since 2014, and f) the harsh fact that if Ukraine were to get a seat at the big boy's table the end-result would be N.A.T.O. forces and hardware right on the Russian border, an untenable reality from their perspective. But sure, keep on fightin', that's the ticket.
Friday, February 24, 2023
On the Munich Security Conference Every Year Doling Out a Trophy for the "John McCain Dissertation Award"
Based upon what; who takes the best group picture with Nazis and Middle Eastern terrorists? Who can most effectively take a harmless Beach Boys song and turn it into some deranged battle cry for bombing people and their property back to the Stone Age? I mean, it's gotta' be for something bangin', right?
On Rachel Maddow Claiming that We Can't Have Peace-Talks Over In Ukraine Until Russia Loses
Just as I thought, the leftists aren't anti-war at all, they're just against wars started by the other team. More living proof, right here.
On the Insanity and Stupidity of Risking WW3 with Another Fucking Nuclear Power Over Who Gets to Control the Donbas Region of Eastern Ukraine (One of the Most Corrupt Countries On the Globe with a Nazi Past to Boot)
I've long had George W. Bush as the worst President of my lifetime but, no, not anymore, not with what this demented sociopath is doing risking a nuclear Armageddon as that, I'm afraid to say, puts him in a class by himself.
On Janet Lynn's 1973 U.S. Championships Tour de Force Performance
Thursday, February 23, 2023
On the Prospect of German Tanks Steamrolling Toward the Russian Border
Brings back memories, huh (nightmarish ones, to be more specific)?
On the Democrats Pumping Out a $500,000 Grant Toward the Creation of an AI Machine Capable of Identifying "Microaggressions" In Social Media Posts - https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/biden-admin-to-drop-half-a-million-on-artificial-intelligence-that-detects-microaggressions-on-social-media/ bb
And get this, one of the microaggressions cited is anything that praises the idea of meritocracy; you know, the little concept which has made modern civilization possible and created the time and leisure available for superfluities like this to even take hold.......Of course if a snowflake or two feels sad, that's important, too, I suppose.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
On Presidents Biden and Zelensky Taking a Leisurely Walk as an Air-Raid Siren Shrieks Loudly In the Background
I'm not suggesting that it was bogus and yet if you ask any secret service agent what the normal protocol should have been under those circumstances, what you witnessed ain't it, I guarantee.
On NBC News Pumping Out the Following Heading In June of 2019 - "Joe Biden Didn't Just Compromise with Segregationists. He Fought for Their Cause"
This was obviously quite early in the campaign when there were still far more desirable statist ramrods to pick from and so Biden needed to be shat upon by the press. Unfortunately they went for the jugular and quite the paper trail they left.
On the Fact that if You're a Fucking Imbecile and Wish to Someday Be the Foreperson of a Grand Jury In a High Profile Matter, Move to Georgia, I Guess (the Harsh Fact that the Judge in Trump's Case Told Her to Keep Her Fucking Mouth Shut and Instead of Following His Orders Proceeded to Talk to Nearly a Dozen Media Outlets)
And she'd be "sad" if there were no indictments as the case has already taken up so much of her time. Poor baby, huh?
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
On Info that the Mainstram Media Wishes to Keep from Us
Here's just a partial list, the harsh fact that a) television networks got $4.6 billion dollars in ad revenue from the pharmaceutical industry (in 2021) and hundreds of millions more from the defense industry, a huge amount of money that would seemingly make fair coverage of issues related to these industries very difficult, b) not one of the 53 witnesses that Adam Schiff brought before his skiff hearing could testify under oath that they had any direct evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, c) Crowdstrike's head honcho testified that their analysts couldn't produce any significant evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers, d) HCQ and ivermectin aren't only safe medications, they also appear to have helped countless patients with covid all around the world, e) the VAERS system has shown more side effects from the covid vaccine than all previous vaccines combined by many multiples, f) there exist 14,000 hours of videotape regarding the January 6th fiasco and Pelosi has refused to release any of it, g) Bush the elder had assured Russia 30 years ago that N.A.T.O. would not advance any farther eastward and that obviously didn't happen, h) Hunter Biden's Burisma salary was sliced in half only a few months after his dad left the White House, i) declassified documents now exist which show that the Russians actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win in 2016 and, gee, what a surprise, our old friend, John Brennan, tried to suppress this info, j) when you control for criminality/police encounters white suspects are actually killed by cops at a greater rate than black ones are (per Heather MacDonald, Roland Fryer, etc.), and k) it is literally impossible for an advanced society to run on wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries (low power density, high resource intensity, unreliability, etc.) and to even attempt to do so would end in millions of deaths worldwide.
On the Fact that Our Society Is Currently Being Flooded with Messages that Affirm the LGBTQ Community and so this Notion that We Need to Focus On These Topics While Test Scores Plummet and the Rest of the Planet Is Focusing On Actual Education Is Not Just Absurd but a Borderline Existential Threat
But since these woke idiots have no reverse gear or capacity for self-reflection, onward we will go, I'm certain.
On Getting to a Flashpoint In this Increasingly Dystopian Nation of Ours Where Mainstream Conservative Views Are Somehow Being Conflated with "Hate Speech"
And with big tech and the corporate press being fully onboard, a pretty deep hole to climb out of, I would say.
On One Time F.B.I. General Counsel, James Baker, Becoming a Top Executive at Twitter Right After Leaving the Bureau
The dude apparently wasn't alone, either, in that there were former spooks all over that tyrannically run enterprise. Thankfully for us nothing untoward happened, 'cause as we're all aware, entanglements of this caliber were often called, what's the phrase now, oh yeah, pure fascism!
On the Fact that Eight Minority Groups In the U.S.A. Have a Higher Median Household Income that White-Americans
On second thought, maybe Kamala has a point with this whole equity gambit of hers. I'll have to give her a call someday, flesh it out, you know.
On John McCain Once Going to War Over a Vanilla Chai Latte, Sesame Bagel Combo Package at a San Luis Starbucks
Didn't like the service, I guess.
Monday, February 20, 2023
Thus Spake Anthony Fauci, March 2020
"I feel really confident that if this virus acts like every other virus that we know, once you get infected, get better, clear the virus, then you’ll have immunity that will protect you against reinfection. So it’s never 100% but I’d be willing to bet anything that people who recover are really protected against reinfection."......And then the dollar signs got in the way. Damn, huh?
On Nancy Pelosi's Daughter Being Captured On Hidden Camera Making Some Inconvenient Statements Regarding the Establishment's January 6th Template
Quite disturbing (though, yes, those comments about her and Gavin McInnes partying did tickle my funny-bone) and something that needs to be shared WIDELY. And soon.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
On the Fact that the Vast Majority of People Who've Been Bounced (or Shadow-Banned) from Social Media Haven't Been Jettisoned for Libeling People but Rather for Simply Introducing Ideas that Challenge the Prescribed Narrative
And needless to say, most of these cases involve conservatives (though, yes, a leftist who strays too far off the reservation will also get their ears boxed; Naomi Wolf, Alex Berenson, Bobby Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, etc.). No surprise there.
On the Letter Penned by Those 51 Unimpressive Parasitic Spooks Which Said that the Hunter Biden Laptop Story Had "All the Earmarks of Russian Disinformation"
That's ironic because when I read that lowbrow missive of theirs I came away suspecting that it had all the "earmarks" of heavily entrenched bureaucratic gobbledygook and that you'd have to be an off-the-charts blithering moron to believe even a slice of it.
On Trump Claiming to Have Hired Nikki Haley to Be His U.N. Ambassador Only Because He Wanted the Chick Out of the South Carolina Governor's Chair to Make it Available for the Lieutenant Governor, Henry McMaster, Who He Supposedly Liked Much More
Yeah, to me he's either a) bullshitting (again) or b) admitting to a moronic move as this is NOT how you select people for important positions. Me, I'm suspecting that it's probably more to do with "a" but being that he's made a number of other perplexing hires (Bolton, Pompeo, Ray, Omarosa, etc.), "b"s a possibility, too.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
On Trump's Tweets During January 6
I haven't seen them all but the ones that I've found seem to be exculpatory; for example - "I am asking everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful, WE are the party of law and order - respect the Law and our great men and women in blue." and "Please, support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful." And while I concede that it was probably a stupid idea to even have the protest, conducting one isn't a crime and neither is (thank God) having your supporters act like retards. Your move, Nadler and Schiff.
Friday, February 17, 2023
On the Lowlife Michigan State Shooter Once Having Had a Felony Gun Charge Dropped by a Soros Backed Progressive Prosecutor, an Offense that Had He Been Convicted of Would Have Precluded Him from Ever Purchasing Another Firearm - https://freebeacon.com/democrats/michigan-state-shooter-had-prior-felony-gun-charge-dismissed-by-progressive-prosecutor/
And, yes, the charges were dismissed because a) the killer was black and b) there were apparently too many black men getting arrested and we cannot have that, I guess (never mind the fact that the victims of black criminals are disproportionately black themselves). Thus spake Soros at least.
On Stupid Lunatics Like Lindsey Graham Talking About Regime Change AGAIN, this Time Aimed at Russia
First off, the odds of actually pulling of this idiot plan are close to zero. But even if it could be done, does Mr. Graham truly believe that the next guy in line would be any better than Putin? I mean, just look at our prior attempts at regime change, from Vietnam to Iran and Afghanistan. Not exactly stellar, are they?
Thursday, February 16, 2023
On the Garland Justice Department Trying for Two Years Now to Imprison Some Poor Bastard for the Crime of Posting a Satirical Meme In 2016 Which Appears to Be Insinuating that Mrs. Clinton's Supporters Are Total Morons
Yeah, what he posted was a message saying that Clinton voters didn't have to go to the polls to vote and could instead vote simply by texting to a joke site. The whole thing was obviously satire and even if a person was too dumb to recognize this the receiver immediately shot back that it was simply for fun. Unfortunately the Biden regime didn't see the humor in it, and being that they're also against civil liberties, they've taken it upon themselves to destroy yet another person, this time with a 10 year prison sentence. I shit you not.
On the Family of George Floyd Getting $27,000,000 In the Aftermath of Mr. Floyd's Killing and the Family of Tony Timpa Getting Squat In the Aftermath of Their Relatives Death (this Despite the Fact that He Was Killed In Almost the Same Way that Mr. Floyd Was)
So, does this meet the Kamala Harris definition of "equity"? Gotta wonder.
On Completely Brushing Off Trump's Accomplishments and Focusing Instead On His Plethora of Stupid Statements
Whatever gets you through the night, I guess.
On the Vaxxer Versus Anivaxxer Template
Another stupid binary in that the much more important decision for health care providers (and their patients) is finding the right medicine for the right person at the right time and, yes, if this involves a vaccine, fine, and if it doesn't, that's fine, too.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
On a Young Chrissie Hynde
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
On Something Called the "Black National Anthem" Being Sung Prior to Sunday's Super Bowl
Well, being that factionalism is one of the best predictors of a civilization ultimately crapping the bed, playing with fire just about covers it, I'd say.
On Nikki Haley Announcing Her Run for the Presidency
Well, being that I'm on record as saying that she was one of President Trump's shittiest appointments and that she was propagandizing though her teeth at the U.N. about Assad gassing his own people, receiving my vote, likely not.
On the War Mongering Leftists and Neocons Constantly Informing Us that the Ukraine Fiasco Isn't a Civil War but Rather a Purely Unprovoked Act On the Part of Russia
Which is hilarious of course because prior to Hillary Clinton losing an election and being embarrassed by the massive level of corruption exposed by Wikileaks the corporate media actually WAS referring to it as a civil war - https://nationalinterest.org/feature/ukraines-bloody-civil-war-no-end-sight-12509 - Oh how quickly the schmucks forget.
On the Fact that Even Though There Were Probably Scores of Experienced PhD Level Architects, Engineers, City Planners, etc. Who Could Have Filled the Role of Transportation Secretary, Mr. Biden Instead Opted for a Small City Mayor Who Purportedly Had a Hard Time Filling Local Potholes
And you know what, I'll wager that at least a few of those PhDs could have checked off the gay-box as well. You know, if that's what you were looking for (ahead of qualifications, that is).
Monday, February 13, 2023
On the Woke Dullard Brigade Now Wishing to Call Pedophiles, "Minor Attracted Persons"
I've got a better idea. How 'bout we call these folks, "Dangerous Perverts Who if They Ever Harm Another Child Will Be Put In Prison Forever or as Long as it Takes to Have Another Inmate Choke the Lifeblood Out of Them......Persons"? Works better, doesn't it?
On the Key Document (Some Moronic Treatise Called "1776 Returns") Being Pushed In the Trial of Proud Boys Leader, Enrique Tarrio, Likely Having Been Penned and Disseminated by a Security State Fall Guy Named Samuel Armes - https://www.theepochtimes.com/manufactured-evidence-planted-on-enrique-tarrio-to-frame-him-and-other-proud-boys-defendants-defense-alleges_5052594.html?
And the sole reason that it arrived into Tarrio's possession was because this Armes stooge had convinced Tarrio's girlfriend to mail it to him. We don't even know if he ever opened the friggin' letter. But, sure, let's put him away anyway. Might as well, right?
On Two New New Jersey Council Members Recently Getting Slaughtered and the Corporate Press Not Showing Much Interest Even Though One of Them, Eunice Dwumfour, Was a Black Woman (a White Man, Russell Heller, Was the Other Poor Victim)
On this Song Sounding as Killer as it Did 50 Years Ago
Sunday, February 12, 2023
On the Fact that (According to Manhattan Institute Scholar and Northwestern University Engineering Professor, Mark Mills) Even with the Massive Investments Made Thus Far, Wood Continues to Provide Three Times as Much Energy Globally as Solar and Wind Combined
Yes, I understand that a lot of the wood is being used in developing countries but I can tell you now, their "transition" isn't going to be from wood to wind turbines but rather from wood, palm, charcoal, etc. to coal and the other hydrocarbons. You know, kind of like ours was in the 19th century (trains going from running on wood to coal, for example).
On Elon Musk Engaging In One of the Most Unprecedented Displays of Corporate Transparency In U.S. History and the Left Instead of Being Appreciative of Something that They've Long Been Craving for, Because this Action Is Exposing Immense Wrongdoing On the Part of Their Team, They're Deciding yet Again to Stand Logic On it's Head and Call a Legitimate Civil Libertarian, the Fascist One
And even though a lot of these cyphers are supposedly college graduates (the idiot socialist bimbo from New York, for example, sports a degree from Boston University - though, yes, I would love to see her transcripts) the harsh fact that censorship has never led to a better society in the entire history of the world they seemingly remain ignorant of and that doesn't bode well, trust me.
Saturday, February 11, 2023
On the Strong Correlation Between Giving Folks Money and the Burgeoning, Uncanny Capacity On Their Part to Secure the "Right" Outcome
And, yep, over the past few years, stronger even it's becoming ($4.6 billion dollar's worth, in fact).
On Deep State Schmucks Leaking Absolute Bullshit to Mainstream Media Shits Like Ken Dilanian, Dilanian and Company Spreading it as Gospel to Cable Hosts Like Anderson Cooper, Cooper and Company Also Giving it Credence by Airing the Crap, and the Audience Apparently Believing it Hook, Line, and Sinker
Lots of links in that chain and they all seem inexorably bound, don't they? If only, huh?
On an Insane Tory Member of Parliament Named Tobias Ellwood Urging Great Britain to "Face Russia Directly Rather than Leaving Ukraine to Do All the Work" - https://sputniknews.com/20230130/uk-parliaments-defense-chair-calls-for-direct-confrontation-with-russia-1106822869.html
So yet another war-mongering asshole from the West hell-bent on starting WW3, in other words. And, besides, wasn't this the same imbecile who also said that the Brits would only last five days in a ground war? Cognitive dissonance, anybody?
Friday, February 10, 2023
On the Idiot Socialist Bimbo from New York In What Could Only Be Called a Golden Raspberry Caliber Acting Job Proceeding to Blame the Ouster of Ilhan Oman from the Foreign Relations Committee On Bigotry Directed Toward Muslim Woman (the Chick of Course Worked Herself Into the Diatribe as yet Another Victim)
And she blames the ouster of Schiff and Swalwell from the Intelligence Committee on what, bigotry directed toward effeminate, dishonest, obnoxious, and deranged men of unknown religion? Gotta' be something like that, no?
On New Zealand's Former POS Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, Once Proclaiming that "Vaxxed People Want to Be Around Other Vaxxed People" and Seemingly Never Concluding that it Represented One of the Stupidest Comments Ever Uttered by a World Leader (Essentially Admitting that the Vaccine Doesn't Prevent Transmission OR Infection)
Thursday, February 9, 2023
On Some Irritating Black English Chick Accusing Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire of Steeling the Fine Art of Tap Dancing from Black People and Forcefully Demanding that White People Give it Back
OK............but only if black people give back two story buildings, the wheel, paved roads, the rule of law, modern medicine, potable water, sanitation, etc.. I mean, we gotta' get something for it, don't we?
On the Complete and Unabridged List of Female to Male Trans Athletes Who Are Currently Crushing it In Competitive Sports
Someone in archery maybe/theoretically. 'Cause, yeah, other than that, I got nothin'.
On Seymour Hersh's New Substack Article Claiming that the Biden Regime Was Behind the Sabotage of Nordstream 2
Yes, the sourcing behind Mr. Hersh's Substack article seems a wee-bit thin (team Biden of course denying the claim) BUT when Biden himself stated, "If Russia invades......there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We Will bring an end to it......I promise you, we will be able to do that" and perennial neocon war-hawk Victoria Nuland added, "If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward", his premise is not exactly fantasy, to put it mildly..............................................................................................P.S. And, yes, a nice little bow on this would be Nuland saying this AFTER the incident, "I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea (oblivious apparently to the fact a great deal of suffering could result from this)." Incriminating possibly? Oh yeah.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
On the IRS Instituting a New Tip Reporting System for the Service Industry - https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-introduces-new-service-industry-tip-reporting-program
Big brother component aside, I'm actually not opposed to this. Tip are income and the folks who don't report it as income are technically cheating. HOWEVER, a policy like this coming from a fellow who promised us that the thousands and thousands of new IRS agents were only going to go after people making 400 K and up, probably not the greatest of optics.
On Ilhan Omar Getting Booted Off the Foreign Affairs Committee (for Anti-Semitic Comments)
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
On Ray WE'VE GOTTA GO IN TO THE CAPITOL Epps Going from Being High On the F.B.I.'s Most Wanted List to Being On the Receiving End of Mainstream Media Puff Pieces
I get it that Jesus Christ is supposed to have the market cornered on resurrections but at the bare minimum ole Epps here, gotta' be in the vicinity of resurrection light, wouldn't you agree? With some help from his friends, of course.
On My Strong Belief that if the Democrats Wanted More Immigration to the U.S. a Deal with Republicans Could Probably Be Arranged but it Would Have to Be Legal Immigration and Not What We're Currently Witnessing
And that final part/stipulation would be where the liberal Dems would probably balk. To break it down simply for you, immigrants who come here legally are de facto strong supporters of law and order and who do law and order types tend to disproportionately support? Yep, that's right, the Republicans......and we cannot have that apparently.
On the Overwhelming Likelihood that if Mr. Assange Had Uncovered High Level Corruption at the RNC (Proof that They Had Screwed Ron Paul, for Instance) He Would Have Been Hailed as a Hero by Both the Democratic Establishment and Their Media Bootlickers, I Know it, You Know it, Everyone Knows it
You know, as opposed to rotting in prison for the unpardonable offense of doing actual journalism.......You wanna' hammer Trump? How 'bout start here (his failure to pardon both Snowden and Assange)?
Monday, February 6, 2023
On the Vast Percentage of American Citizens Not Being Concerned Enough to Notice or Care About the Troubling Reality that Multiple Governors of this Country (from Both Parties) Tried to Dictate Every Intimate Aspect of Our Lives During the Covid Crisis, Idiotically Believing that These Tyrannical Actions Would Somehow Mitigate the Virus and Not Incur Any Collateral Damage
On the Fact that Even Though Dorothy Dandridge Pretty Much Crushed In Every Dress that She Wore, this One (from 1957's "Island In the Sun") Will Always be My Fave - I Mean, Just Look at Her
Technicolor or black and white, either way, BOOM! If only we hadn't lost her so young (age 42 from a drug overdoes).
Sunday, February 5, 2023
On the Fact that (According to ProPublica) from 2014 to 2018, Physicians In the U.S. Received a Total of $113,000,000 In Kickbacks from Johnson and Johnson for Pushing the Drug, Xarelto - https://www.propublica.org/article/we-found-over-700-doctors-who-were-paid-more-than-a-million-dollars-by-drug-and-medical-device-companies
And because its still on patent it's a tier 2 or tier 3 medication in most formularies which makes it exorbitantly expensive even with insurance (the co-pays for it being off-the-charts). Of course there is an alternative option in warfarin which runs you about 1/50th the price of Xarelto......but being that it makes pennies for the drug company and zero for the physician, gee, what a surprise, it rarely gets prescribed anymore....................................................................................................P.S, And, yes, to be fair here, warfarin is a more inconvenient drug for the patient in that it requires a fair amount of blood-work early on but even there, once you get stabilized it's only about once a month. There are also some financial assistance possibilities for Xarelto and the other high price anticoagulants but trying to access them is like walking in a maze (a lot of paperwork, constantly changing criteria, lengthy waits, etc.) and even if you do quality the price is still pretty friggin' high.
Some Questions that I Have About the January 6th Riots (None of Which Will Likely Be Asked by the Political Slants Running that Shit-Show) - Update
On the F.B.I. Having Implemented Geotracking to Follow Thousands of Trump Supporters Who Made Their Way to the Capitol On January 6th - https://www.wired.com/story/capitol-riot-google-geofence-warrant/
And so if that's the case then why couldn't Catherine Englebrecht (smarter than the average F.B.I. agent, trust me) utilize the same technology to geotrack the dudes who were stuffing multiple ballots into the drop boxes? A fair (albeit a foundational challenging one) question, wouldn't you say?
Saturday, February 4, 2023
On the Fact that if You Can Watch this Seven Minute Dirge and Still Think that Obama Was Some Sort of Admirable Person, You Just Might Have to Travel Back to Square One as this as Far from Admirable as it Gets
On a Woman Being Anything that You Desire it to Be and Anything that You Desire it to Be Being a Woman
Sure, if that works for you but be forewarned if you're going to start using that circularity of reasoning in calculus, trigonometry, architectural design, chemical engineering, computer science, biochemistry, emergency medicine, astrophysics etc., that road just might be a wee-bit more congested for you. Sorry to say.
On Senator Durbin Now Wanting to Investigate Special Prosecutor John Durham
And for what exactly, NOT leaking to the press? Washington logic, yet again.
On the First Undertaking of the Special Prosecutor Looking In to President Biden's Classified Documents Needing to Be a Cross Referencing of the Material In Those Documents with the Emails and Other Information On the Hunter Biden Laptop (the Goal of Course Being to Find Out if Either Man Has Ever Acted as a Foreign Agent, Laundered Money, Taken Bribes While Peddling Their Influence, etc.)
Yeah, this one could go either way. On the one hand it's hard to see Merrick Garland appointing anybody who would ever drive strong to the hoop on these Bidens but on the other hand once these special prosecutors get a whiff of power all previous allegiances often be damned. Should be very interesting moving forward.
Friday, February 3, 2023
On the Fact that a Lot of the Same Bleeding Heart Schmucks Who Push for Criminal Justice Reform Are Also Those Who Most Want to Destroy the Life of Kyle Rittenhouse, an Acquitted Person
Not shocking at all as we've know for quite a long time where their allegiances lie (with the miscreants, thugs, etc.), this just being the latest example of it.
Thursday, February 2, 2023
On Biden Judicial Nominee, Charnelle Bjelkengren, Failing to Answer the Elementary Constitutional Questions Posed by Senator Kennedy
I'm generally willing to cut people some slack when they're being grilled in front of TV cameras but, come on, the judge had to know that the Constitution might eventually be brought up and that boning up on it would probably be a solid strategy moving forward. One would think, right?
On Going Through Life Expecting Others to Unconditionally Accept Your Neurotic Fixation and When They Don't Lambaste Them Simply for Adhering to a Pesky Little Thing Called Objective Truth
And isn't is ironic how it's them (and you obviously know who I'm talking about, or you should) doing the "bullying" these days? I definitely found it so.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
On the Emerging Coalition Between Anti-War, Pro-Civil Liberties, Anti-Surveillance State, Anti-Cronyism, and Anti-Military Industrial Complex Liberals and Anti-War, Pro-Civil Liberties, Anti-Surveillance State, Anti-Cronyism, and Anti-Military Industrial Complex Libertarians/Conservatives
It's a beautiful thing to watch but you know who doesn't like it? Try the leftist establishment shits who think that the left can only cooperate with the center-left and the right can only cooperate with the center-right as jumping over more than one column simply hurts their brains too much. Such children, huh?
On the Fact There's Always Been Some Gender Dysphoria In Certain Young Girls and What Did We Call 'em Back Then, oh Yeah, Tom Boys (Most of Whom Reached Maturity Relatively Unscathed)
If only we had been enlightened enough to poison and carve them unrecognizable as that approach has worked out so much better. Been told.