Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Barring Contrary Opinion
Earlier this year (February 19th, to be more precise), former congressman and presidential candidate, Bob Barr, spoke at the yearly CPAC convention. He used the opportunity to 1) condemn the right's call to exclusively try terrorism suspects in military courts, 2) defend the United States' judicial system (civilian trials, specifically), and 3) declare that water-boarding is indeed torture. Mr. Barr was booed, and booed decidedly.............................................................................................I bring this up, folks, not necessarily to defend Mr. Barr. I certainly didn't bring it up to advocate for any singular position. I simply brought it up to show how nasty and disgusting partisan politics has become. We, folks, have gotten to the point in this debate where literally zero dissent is tolerated. Seriously - "Water-boarding is torture" ISN'T TOLERATED. I mean, talk about how far we've fallen..............................................................................................P.S. Ten days earlier (February 9th), this same Mr. Barr debated former Bush-era henchman/attorney, John Yoo. The topic of that debate was Presidential power. Mr. Barr argued against an expansion of it. Hm, I wonder if Mr. Barr was roundly booed for that speech, too.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tipping the Fella'
There are tons and tons of awesome scenes in "Ball of Fire" (one of Howard Hawks' very best). But, if I was forced to pick just one, I think that I'd have to go with the one in which Barbara Stanwyck first tried to kiss Gary Cooper and was thwarted because of his height. She can't reach the guy and so, yes, she puts this book down, steps on it, and she still can't reach him! She puts a second one down and, finally, this one turns the trick. It's an absolutely hilarious scene (Cooper, of course, adding excellent fodder) and one that only Barbara Stanwyck (one of the most versatile actresses in cinematic history - remember, only 2 years later she was turning the femme fatale in "Double Indemnity") could have pulled off. I mean, seriously, can you at all imagine Cameron Diaz......
Monday, June 28, 2010
Nowhere to Vote, Nowhere to Hide
I was just thinking to myself how glad I was that I didn't live in Nevada, of how I didn't have to choose this fall between an ineffectual stooge like Harry Reid and his curent opponent, tea party favorite, Sharon Angle (an intellectual lightweight who, now that she's in a flat-out general election mode, is running as fast as she can from her prior extremist positions)........................................................................................................I was thinking how lucky I was until I realized, "Hey, wait a minute, I live in Connecticut - where I'm going to have to choose between a bald-faced/dishonorable liar in Dick Blumenthal, and an unscrupulous wrestling mogul who's intellect is only marginally better than that of Ms. Angle's.........................................................................................................In fact, folks, I can totally imagine some voter down in Kentucky saying, "Man, am I ever frigging glad that I don't live in Connecticut (the sports crazy Kentuckian would also no doubt make some witty reference to Jim Calhoun and Randy Edsall)." This, folks, until that same person realizes that, "Hey, wait a minute, I live in Kentucky.....and I'm going to have to choose between....."
The Truth?
Let's just say that that was Bubkas herself who was meandering, who had flat-out cultured hard/swiftly the idiocy, her own stupid narratives, etc.. But even if, I'm saying, there hadn't have been such a monstrously noxious tea-leaf at Sassy's, a fumbling and a crumbling - for Christ, was there not at least an inkling of SOMETHING prior? I'm just frigging asking, folks.....................................................................................................P.S. There. Now if I could only loosen up what is clearly the vice-grip of my own damned stupidity. That, me-buckos...... THAT, ME-BUCKOS, would itself more than likely suffice, too.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
"Obama has the thinnest skin of any president in U.S. history." That, folks, is pretty much a quote from Ms. Coulter. Yeah, huh?...........................................................................................It's like, first of all, has the woman done an in-depth analysis on the topic? I'm kind of thinking probably not. But even in our (mine and Ms. Coulter's) lifetime, we've had, what, Clinton? Was not that guy also a little prickly at times? And what about frigging Richard Nixon? Is Ann Coulter actually saying that President Obama is more thin-skinned than the hugely paranoid Nixon? Evidently so, huh?................................................................................................But seriously, though, I think that, yes, we all kind of know what we're dealing with here. Ms. Coulter is either a) agenda driven, b) attention-seeking, or c) both and that, clearly, hyperbole pretty much comes with the territory - whatever the choice.
A General Bias
In the opinion of most folks, President Obama hit the ball out of the park by appointing General Patraeus to be his new commander in Afghanistan. Republicans in the Senate (Lindsey Graham, in particular), especially, have been extremely supportive - not just of Petraeus's appointment, but also of the initial decision to can General McChrystal (whose major transgression, I maintain, is still the Pat Tillman cover-up)................................................................................................Of course, you simply can't please everybody. And, yes, if your name happens to be President Obama, you can never, EVER, please certain people. Can you say Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter? The latter, folks, was on the former's show the other night and, yeah, you betcha', all that these two frigging stooges could do was put forth nasty bile.................................................................................................First of all, they didn't even think that McChrystal's offense was worthy of reprimand/dismissal (attributing the incident more to the President's thin skin than to what was clearly a violation of the chain of command). And then, instead of praising Obama for his selection of Petraeus, they used the opportunity to dredge up the fact that Obama had initially opposed the Petraeus surge in Iraq (yeah, as if in fact that's a settled issue here - duh!)...................................................................................................Of course, why, pray tell, should this one issue be significantly different from ALL others? Mr. Obama, to them, is THE worst president in U.S. history. And it'll always frigging be that way. ALWAYS.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Good Call, Chris
Chris Matthews, known predominantly for his excessiveness, occasionally does hit the nail flat/perfectly. Just last week, for instance - in describing Charlie Crist's recent rise in the Florida polls, Matthews said that it looked like Mr. Crist had finally found the "sweet spot" (not too far to the left, not too far to the right). I mean, youza, huh, talk about an accurate statement. And a major nonpartisan one, too........................................................................................................Matthews, folks (and, yes, Mr. Crist, too - apparently), absent the blinders that most of these commentators (Olbermann, Hannity, Beck, etc.) cling to, clearly sees what's going on in the country. Yes, a lot of the liberals are losing (Corzine in New Jersey, Halter in Arkansas, etc.). But so, too, does the far right seem to be imploding. That tea party dude from New York's 23rd - he went down majorly! And, yes, so, too, did the Republican in Pennsylvania (competing for Mr. Murtha's old seat).........................................................................................................And, while, yes, the tea party candidates won big primaries in Kentucky and Nevada (Rand Paul and Sharon Angle, respectively), I can definitely see both of these controversial individuals losing this autumn (yes, two seats that were supposed to be sure-fire Republican pick-ups). You had better believe that Mr. Crist has found himself a sweet spot.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
"Yeah, I'd Like to Fight Him Again", Former British Heavyweight Champion, Richard Dunn (1975 - this, after getting knocked down 8-12 times by M. Ali)
What is the stupidest thing ever uttered by a human being?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Comeback Kid?
For a guy who so eerily resembled Montgomery Clift's character from "Suddenly, Last Summer" (yes, I'm referring to that creepy speech he gave in response to President Obama's last year), Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, apparently has resurrected himself. I mean, no, I haven't been following the Gulf oil disaster as closely as some of my colleagues have. But, at least from what I've been gathering lately, Jindal has been doing some pretty solid work. Hell, I've even been hearing some good reports from Democrats...........................................................................................Now, if you're asking me, could I ever vote for Mr. Jindal (for President, I'm saying), I don't know. That indeed could be a tough one. This, folks, in that 1) I'm pro-choice, 2) I'm pro gay-rights, 3) I'm not opposed to reasonable gun control, 4) I'm anti illegal wire-taps, 5) I'm anti torture/water-boarding, 6) I'm for a limited utilization of American military power, 7) I'm for federal funding of stem-cell research, 8) I'm for a strong separation between church and state, 9) etc. (i.e., various and other sundry topics that have always made it difficult for independents to strongly support conservative Republicans nationally). But, I'm also telling you, competence DOES count. And, yes, if Mr. Jindal continues to show me competence, I'll at least take a look at the guy. You know, kind of like what Gene McCarthy did with Reagan in '80 (I voted for Anderson, by the way).
Monday, June 21, 2010
Dumb, Stoned, and AWOL is No Way to go Through Life, Son
Some sobering statistics here, folks. 1) According to the U.S Defense Department/Inspector General for Reconstruction in Afghanistan, one in every four Afghan combat soldiers QUIT the Afghan National Army (why in the hell am I still using capitals here?) during the year ending September, 2009. 2) According to the State Department, upwards of 40% of the Afghan army and police department are currently abusing drugs. Couple these facts, folks, with the 90% illiteracy rate and rampant corruption and, really, who in the hell are we fighting for again?....................................................................................................P.S. I still maintain that our often maligned/frequently hapless Vice President, Mr. Biden (along with, ironically, conservative columnist, George Will) had it 100% correct; a counter-terrorism (as opposed to a counter-insurgency) strategy that mangles the bad guys and, yes, leaves the vast bulk of that nation-building stuff to the nations. Too bad that Mr. Obama didn't listen to him, huh?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Rooting For the Dumbbells
One of my favorite cable news shows is Fareed Zakaria's on CNN. He, Zakaria, seems to think that America is going to be needing oil for planes, trains, and even some of our cars for at least another 30 years.....He's a very smart fellow, Mr. Zakaria. On this point, though, I'm praying to God that he's incorrect. 30 more years of oil spills/reliance on Middle-Eastern supplies of oil.....Let's just say that that is downright frightening. CAN WE ALL AT LEAST AGREE UPON THAT?..........................................................................................................Oh, and, yeah, now I'm beginning to hear that natural gas (what T. Boone Pickens was touting as an alternative fuel for transportation) isn't necessarily going to be all that much of a panacea, either. Something about it contaminating the water supply or something. Great, huh?
The Greatest Squint in Cinematic History?
Hm, that's a tough one, folks. I think that it would either have to be Charles Bronson's in "Once Upon a Time in the West" or Clint Eastwood's in "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly", "High Plains Drifter", etc.. I'm definitely going to have to get back to you on this one.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Miscellaneous 15
1) I'm probably going to take a lot of flack for this, but Barbara Bush (the daughter, I'm saying) is getting majorly smoking hot. I mean, I know that she's not in the White House anymore and all.....BUT, if in fact she was - that Lincoln bedroom, I'd sure as hell try it out for a night or two......2) I'm telling you, If I had been in charge of Fox News back when Glenn Beck called the President a racist, I'd have fired that son of a bitch. Now, would that have made me an anti free speech person? Maybe. Of course, it also would have made me consistent. This, in that damned if I also wouldn't have fired Keith Olbermann (I would have had to have been the head of MSNBC for that move, obviously) when that certain miscreant assisinated the soon to be Senator Brown's character. I'd have fired them both.....without even a twinge of guilt. 3) Ben Stein is a commentator who I generally like. He's funny, smart, and, for the most part, nonpartisan. But I really think that he's overreacting to the President's "shakedown" of (I prefer to call it an arrangement with) BP. He keeps on saying that it's unconstitutional, it's unconstitutional. But, come on here. When, pray tell, has a President NOT stretched the bounds of what is constitutional, especially during a state of emergency? Lincoln? FDR? JFK? Hell, folks, if you're asking me, getting this 20 billion dollars into an escrow account (you know, just in case BP decides that it's going to go bankrupt) is probably one of the BEST THINGS that Obama has done during this crisis. A pat on the back to him in fact.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Miscellaneous 14
1) For the past 60 days or so, the American media has been focusing (understandably/justifiably so) on the BP oil spill disaster. And, yes, folks, because of that, very few of us have been paying much attention to the fact that we're continuing to lose American soldiers in Afghanistan (89 in the last 2 1/2 months). While I don't always agree with Congressman Kucinich, on this particular topic, I concur with the fellow completely. In the famous words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, "It is time (to get the hell out) ......2) I always kind of liked Charles Krauthammer. Regardless, folks, of whether he was leaning to the left (his early backing of the Carter administration), or to the right (his stint as the hawkish contributor to the "New Republic", his time on that post-Agronsky news show), Mr. Krauthammer always came across as an intelligent and outside the box style analyst. Now, though - now that he's big-time Fox News pundit, the guy has basically transformed into this neocon dink. It's really quite pathetic, I think......3) Did anybody see O'Reilly tonight? Michele Bachman was on and, yes, folks, the woman was clearly expecting a big-easy go of it. Well, guess what. It didn't happen! Yeah, that's right, folks, Mr. O'Reilly actually supports the President's "shakedown" of BP - very much to Mrs. Bachman's wide chagrin......Let's just say that it was very enjoyable television......4) It has been brought to my attention that some clown from the Black Eyed Peas has decided to do a remix of "My Generation". Can you say @#@$#^&*$$&%#&#@#/no comment?
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Miscellaneous 13
1) Look, folks, I know that Sean Hannity doesn't like the President. He's absolutely made that clear. But, really, don't you think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, he could take a tiny fraction of that bile and throw a little of it over at BP? I mean, they're the ones who created the mess; took all of those frigging the short-cuts that started the leak, mismanaged the clean-up (at least initially), etc.. Does EVERYTHING have to be an Obama slam-fest? Apparently, huh?.....2) Believe me, people. I want clean energy as much as anybody. I certainly want to get off of fossil fuels as much as anybody (this, and not have to deal with countries that hate us). But, I also have to tell you. Charles Krauthammer (a person who usually irritates the hell out of me) said something the other day that really got me to thinking. He said that, " You cannot legislate scientific advancements." I fear, folks, that he may in fact be right. I mean, sure, you can subsidize one invention over another and do it in that manner. But then you've got the government picking winners and losers - something that they're not necessarily all that good at. Ethanol, anyone?.....3) Is there anything, folks, that ISN'T a double-edged sword. I mean, seriously, just take a look at some of these proposed "solutions" to the BP oil disaster. Many people (myself, included) have been advocating a 60-day moratorium on deep water oil drilling in the Gulf - a pause, so to speak, just so we can figure out how to proceed here. But now I've been hearing that such a pause just might end up ruining the economy down there (so dependent the Gulf's economy is on oil production) - even more that it already is BECAUSE of the spill. It's like, we just can't seem to frigging win for losing these days. God give STRENGTH to President Obama. PLEASE!!
Having Your Cake and Comparing It to Hitler, Too
This is Glenn Beck, folks. "I'm not saying that President Obama is Hitler BUT.....", "I'm not saying that President Obama is a Nazi BUT....." And then, of course, he proceeds to turn each and every one of these "buts" into a 30-60 minute paranoid deluge, for Christ! It's like, come on here, people. Of course, you're (yeah, I'm talking specifically to Mr. Beck now) comparing him to Hitler and the Nazis, you asshole! You clearly are and, yes, you should also be ashamed of yourself BIG TIME!..............................................................................................Mr. Beck also refers to the President a Communist. And so what do you say that we look at that one, too? The highest marginal tax rates under Obama (thus far anyway, and even after the previous president's reductions run out) are going to be 39.6%. They were 90% under Ike. I'm pretty sure that Ike (#6 on my all-time favorite Presidents list) wasn't a frigging Communist. The health-care bill that recently passed the Democratic congress wasn't all that different from the Mitt Romney sponsored and endorsed MA legislation/the Republican alternative to Hillary care in 1993/the Bennett-Wyden bill that had 8 Republican co-sponsors. I'm pretty sure that those folks aren't hard-core Communists, either. Ditto, President G.W. Bush, the fellow who clearly started us down the road to this; Medicare Part D, the bailouts, etc...............................................................................................................Look, folks, I'm not necessarily arguing in favor of President Obama's agenda here. Some of it kind of DOES appear like fuzzy thinking. I'm just trying to give a little perspective, that's all.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
So, Have You Seen Any Good Cartoons Lately?
I'm fully aware of the dangers of ethnocentrism. I'm even more fully cognizant of the fact that America continues to have its own sordid past to deal with (yes, some of it actually involving the Middle-East).....and that, no, we especially shouldn't stand in judgement. But, folks, I also have to tell you here, I'm still having an extremely hard time finding some positive things to say about a lot of Arab and Muslim societies....................................................................................................I mean, seriously, think about it here. Between the deep-rooted (as in centuries long) anti-Semitism, the disgusting subjugation of Muslim women, homosexuals, etc., the constant blurring of religion and government, the overall lack of Democratic institutions, the totally vile educational system, the oft-times tolerance of those most nasty forms of extremism (Egypt and Jordan excepted here), etc., what, pray tell, IS THERE to admire? Please, help me out here.......................................................................................................P.S. And, no, I know, it's NOT the people's fault. It's the leaders' fault. Believe me, I know.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
What's Good For the Dolt is Good For the Nimrod
The rock band, Green Day, has this song that they've entitled, "American Idiot". I don't know, I guess that it's some sort of condemnation of America/an underscoring of American anti-Intellectualism, etc., etc.. And, while, yes, I hate to admit it, these miserable little douche-bags may in fact be on to something here. America clearly has done some stupid things of late (not to mention, throughout our history) - our government (preemptive wars, water-boarding, pork-barrel projects, etc.) AND our citizenry (watching stupid television shows, listening to Madonna - just to name a couple).......................................................................................................But please/come on! America, folks, is hardly alone in this regard. I mean, think about it here. Couldn't those lack of subtlety clowns just as easily have come up with, "I don't want to be a Saudi Arabian idiot", "I don't want to be a Sudanese idiot", "I don't want to be an Iranian Idiot (Ahmadinejad alone, I'm saying!)", etc.? It's like, what, only Caucasian Europeans are capable of pure idiocy? That, folks, is what the entertainment world seems to be uttering a lot (this, of course, while women in the Muslim world continue to be beaten as a form of punishment for first having been raped - now THAT is some major-league idiocy!).
Monday, June 14, 2010
Olbermann's Consevative/Lesbian Counterpart
Tammy Bruce is a flat-out coward. And if you happen NOT to believe me here, just take a look at her frigging web-site. This, folks, is a woman who literally allows ZERO/ZILCH dissent........................................................................................................I mean, just take a look at what happened to me last week. All that I did was question (politely, I thought) the wisdom of supporting Sarah Palin. Literally, folks, THAT WAS IT. First I got attacked. And then, when I responded to these criticisms (again, respectfully), I was banished........................................................................................................I mean, say what you frigging want about Limbaugh, Schultz, guys like that. At least they have people on their show who challenge them (I don't know about Ms. Bruce's radio show, maybe she's a little less punitive there). This lady apparently doesn't believe in that. It's Sarah Palin or the highway........................................................................................................P.S. Just for the record, I was immediately labeled by her listeners as a "liberal troll". This, despite the fact that I 1) never mentioned Obama by name and 2) actually listed Pence and Pawlenty as credible alternatives to Palin. Just for the record, I'm saying.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
My Plan For Middle-East Peace
1) Give the Jews Rhode Island (that, or another comparably sized chunk of U.S. territory)......2) Put all of our initiative/resources into the development of alternative fuel/energy......3) Tell the rest of the Middle-East/Arabs to PISS OFF/allow these Arabs the golden opportunity to do what they no doubt really want to do; kill each other ("They're worse than the Jews", a common Sunni assessment of the Shia)......4) Take a national vacation.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
At Gunpoint
What is the only way that you could get me to watch "Keeping up with the Kardashians", "Jersey Shore", "The Real (Dumb) Housewives of New York City", "Celebrity Rehab", "The Girls Next Door", "America's Next Top Model", "Project Runway", "Dancing with the Stars", "Top Chef", "The Hills", "Big Brother", "The Biggest Loser", "America's Got Talent", "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition", "The Amazing Race", "Survivor", "The Apprentice", "Wife Swap", "American Idol", "(Jon and) Kate Plus Eight", etc., etc......................................................................................P.S. Did I mention, the gun - it has to be loaded?
Friday, June 11, 2010
An Independent's Perspective on Fox News Personalities
1) Glenn Beck - Highly conspiratorial/constantly plays the Nazi card, is either crazy....or crazy like a fox (sorry). Needs to determine if he wants to be taken seriously....or if he just wants to go for the ratings. Not even remotely reasonable/fair and balanced......2) Neil Cavuto - A mainstream conservative (economically, anyway - not entirely sure what his views on the social issues/foreign policy are) who comes across reasonably. Treats people who disagree with him well and is eminently watchable......3) Bill O'Reilly - A loose canon who seems to be mellowing. Intermittently sane, intermittently fair and balanced, intermittently charming......4) Sean Hannity - One of the most partisan human beings on the face of the earth. And, yes, folks, a major-league dullard as well (the guy makes Olbermann sound like Alfred North Whitehead)......5) Mike Huckabee - An affable fellow whose motives seem decent. Debates issues civilly and treats his guests fairly. A little too religiously oriented for my taste, though......6) Greta Van Susteren - A person who I suspect is probably apolitical personally, but one who is also very capable of advancing the Fox News agenda. Most of her guests are either Republicans or blue-dog Democrats. A hard one to decipher but basically watchable......7) Shepard Smith - Probably the most respected and likable guy on the entire network. Hard to discern any major bias here. Even the "copy" seems fairer when he's on.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Road More Typical
I actually kind of like President Obama. To me, at least, he seems like a pretty darn decent fellow. And, yes, even as a President, I don't think that he's been nearly as bad as his critics on the (far) left and (far) have constantly made him out to be (myself, I'd probably give him around a C plus). There is, however, one thing. There are times, folks, when I get the impression that Mr. Obama has decided things strictly out of political expediency/taken action that he probably doesn't necessarily believe in......................................................................................................The most obvious example of this is that decision of his to send those 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan (talk about inexplicable, huh?). Add to that that compromise of his on off-shore drilling (a decision that I initially applauded but, yes, now have some serious second thoughts about), the sending of those 1,200 National Guard troops down to the border with Mexico, etc., and, yeah, there does seem to be at least a minor trend here...................................................................................................Hell, folks, even this whole "the President isn't mad enough" crap has turned into an example. I mean, think about it here. A day or two after people started beating him over the head for not enough emotion, what does he start frigging doing, HE SHOWS EMOTION!! "I want to know whose ass to kick." Please!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Miscellaneous 12
1) There are 120,000 Jews of Ethiopian descent currently residing in Israel. There'd probably be a lot more if it wasn't for the whole-sale slaughter of Ethiopian Jews (circa, the 17th century) by the Portuguese-backed rebels within Ethiopia. And, yes, folks, it would be nice if the haters of Israel would occasionally juxtapose one of THEIR FACES (not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of descendants of Jews from Arab countries) next to that Arab/Muslim face (the darkest Arab face that they could find, I'm thinking)......2) The old Chris Matthews is back, folks. And, yes, the fellow's as unpredictable and nonpartisan as ever. I mean, clearly, he still likes Mr. Obama and all but it is far, FAR, from unconditional. Just in the last six months or so, he's criticized Obama on the stimulus, his Afghan policy, and, yes, currently his handling of the BP oil disaster. And just last night, in his "Let Me Finish" segment, he talked about the dangers of one party rule/blind obedience to the "blue plate special" (a Matthewsism for the two main party's platforms)....I Mean, I don't know about the rest of you but, to me, this is all extremely refreshing......Gee, I wonder if Media matters has taken notice. Methinks that they probably have. LOL......3) I can't believe it. Blanche Lincoln actually stared down the unions ....AND WON. There, now if we could only get the Republicans to stare down one of their powerful pressure groups and win. LOL X10 Wake me if it ever happens, O.K.?.....4) How dumb can the Republicans get? I mean, just take a look at this whole Nevada scenario. They're going up against this borderline punch-drunk incumbant by the name of Harry Reid. The frigging guy is as vulnerable as they get. So, what do these Republicans do? Yeah, that's right, they nominate the one/only person that Reid could possibly defeat. It's like, what, do they really NOT want to take back the House and Senate? That's what it basically looks like to me, folks.
One Goes Home, They All Go Home
So Helen Thomas wants all the Israelis of European extraction to go back to Europe; Poland, Germany, etc.? O.K., fine. I'll take that bait. The only thing I ask is that we do this repatriation thing fairly. If, I'm saying, all the Israeli's of European extraction have to go back to Europe, then, yes, it would only be fair for the following to also occur. 1) All the Palestinian Muslims of Syrian extraction would have to go back to Syria. 2) All the Palestinian Muslims of Transjordanian extraction would have to go back to Jordan. 3) All the Palestinian Muslims of Egyptian extraction would have to go back to Egypt. 4) All the Palestinian Muslims of Iraqi extraction would have to go back to Iraq. 5) All the Palestinian Muslims of Persian extraction would have to go back to Iran. 6) All the Palestinian Muslims of Turkish extraction would have to go back to Turkey. 7) All Palestinian Muslims of Algerian extraction would have to go back to Algeria. 8) All the Palestinian Muslims of Moroccan extraction would have to go back to Morocco. 9) All the Palestinian Muslims originally from Tripoli would have to return to Lybia. 10) All the Palestinian Muslims of Tunisian extraction would have to go back to Tunisia. 11) All the Palestinian Muslims of Albanian extraction would have to go back to Albania. 12) All the Palestinian Muslims of Soviet extraction would have to go back to Russia, Ukraine, etc.. 13) All the Palestinian Muslims of Greek extraction would have to go back to Greece. 14) All the Palestinian Muslims originally from Cyprus would have to return to Cyprus. 15) All the Palestinian Muslims originally from the Indian Continent would have to return to India, Pakistan, etc.. 16) All the Palestinian Muslims from Central Asiatic territories, Far Eastern Asia, and other African territories would have to return to those countries. 17) Etc....................................................................................................................Of course, there are hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews whose ancestors came from those countries, too. And they, no doubt, would have to go back as well. I mean, sure, they'll probably be persecuted and killed by the Arab population of those countries but, hey, it's all for a frigging just cause, right?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Miscellaneous 11
1) The Turks, folks, have slaughtered and displaced far more (thousands fold, probably) individuals (Greeks, Kurds, Armenians, etc.) than the Jews of Israel ever have. So, no, I really don't give a hamsters ass what these ass-holes have to say......2) As to whether or not Israel should face criticism over this flotilla tragedy, like I said in a previous thread, I'm open/persuadable. But, please, PLEASE, can we at least utilize a consistent measuring stick here? Like, I don't know, maybe show the semblance of a pulse when the North Koreans torpedo a South Korean vessel, the Iranians violently suppress pro-democracy protesters, China takes its daily crap on the people of Tibet, etc., etc.. I'M JUST FRIGGING ASKING......3) I think that I've also mentioned how I don't particularly care for Netanyahu, the fact that I don't necessarily think that HE wants a just solution, etc.. But, I also have to say here, folks, that I kind of DO understand why Israel will from time to time elect a guy like this. I mean, think about it. Every time that an Israeli "dove" tries to make peace with the Palestinians, the frigging individual gets shat upon. The terrorists go crazy and the Israelis compensate by reelecting a hard-liner. Over and over again this stuff happens and, yeah, I kind of wish that it all would stop.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Do you really want to know how loathsome a human being Mr. Olbermann's become? I'll tell you exactly how loathsome. This son of a bitch (prompted by his thin skin, apparently) actually had the chutzpah/balls to put Campbell Brown on his "Worst Persons" list. His reason? Well, folks, apparently Ms. Brown had the temerity to criticize the cable news networks for their increasingly more and more partisan presentations AND NOT EXCLUDE HIM (she told the total truth, in other words)! Seriously, you should have seen it (The Keithster's reaction, I'm saying). Talk about a thin-skinned son of a bitch overreacting to something...................................................................................................And the thing here also is, he's doing this little tap dance on the lady while she's down (right after she resigned from her show for bad ratings) - piling on, so to speak. Wow, huh? Talk about a frigging major lack of integrity here. And this guy can't even carry the lady's pencil, for Christ!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
A Loss of Concentration/Perspective
It's gotten to the point where I'm literally sickened by the stuff that some people "compose". There's this one dude, for example - he actually said that modern day Gaza is a "concentration camp". A CONCENTRATION CAMP!! It's like, what, WHAT - I keep asking myself here. Do these people simply not know what a concentration camp IS? Do they not, for example, know that it's a place in which people are forced to engage in slave-labor (this, until their entire life-force is virtually spent), are brutally tortured/murdered (gassed, roasted, etc.), etc.? I mean, seriously here!. ........................................................................................................And, beside the point, if frigging Gaza is anything.....AT ALL, it's a terrorist cesspool. That, and, yes, me-buckos, a whole lot of frigging misery, too - SELF imposed (this, in that, instead of smuggling in missile shit, Hamas should be importing computers, copying machines, etc. - you know, stuff that can actually HELP their people)!! Frigging douche-bags.
I Guess That Congressman Weiner Is Part of the Conspiracy Now, Too
Seriously, though, folks, the plot - IT THICKENS!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
The Peter-Principle of Staying Alive
It looks, folks, like we just took out the Al Qaeda #3 again. Good for us, no doubt. But, no, probably not nearly so good for the #4 fellow.....Which leads me to think out loud here - what in fact if I were that #4 fellow? Would I step up and take that #3 "position". Or, OR, would I graciously step aside and let the #5 fellow have it. Right now, I'm pretty much thinking that I'd step aside.
Eyes Wide Inverted
a) Take a look at an Israeli textbook. b) Compare it to a Hamas-approved Palestinian textbook......a) Take a look at the Israeli constitution. b) Compare it to the Hamas charter......a) Take a look at the Israeli press. b) Compare it to the Arab press/"press" in the Palestinian territories......a) Take a look at the Israeli Supreme Court (a court that frequently rules AGAINST the government). b) Compare it to the type of "justice" that people receive in the Arab world/Palestinian territories (assumed guilty, bullet in the back of the head, etc.)......a) Take a look at the Israeli record of making (or at least trying to make) peace; with Egypt, with Jordan, the ill-fated attempt with Arafat, etc.. b) Compare it with that of Hamas (trying not to laugh, of course)..................................................................................................Look, folks, I'm not saying that Israel is perfect - FAR from it. And I myself am not at all above criticizing them. I'm against the settlements, for example. I was also opposed to the war against Hezbollah (while I thought that it was justified, I also thought that it was counterproductive/imbecilically executed). And Mr. Netanyahu - don't even get me going on that guy. HELL, folks, I might even be persuadable that this whole flotilla thing could have been averted. But, I'm telling you, for people on the Internet/in academia to constantly blame Israel for everything (a hundred percent of the blame, a hundred percent of the time), it really is starting to grind me down. No offense, people.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Little Bit of Frank Analysis
Barney Frank is one of those politicians whose partisanship tends to bother me. That, and the fact that he frequently comes across as angry. But, I'm also telling you here, last night on MSNBC's "Hardball", Congressman Frank nailed it!.....................................................................................................Yes, I'm citing specifically the Congressman's spot-on (in my opinion) analysis of the Israeli blockade controversy. He astutely pointed out that 1) Israel voluntarily gave up Gaza, 2) things there were relatively peaceful until the terrorist organization, Hamas, took over, 3) the blockade isn't an Israeli blockade but an Israeli-Egyptian blockade, 4) if in fact there was something inappropriately done, the Israeli Supreme court will hold such people responsible (Frank quite correctly points out that the Israeli Supreme Court has been much, MUCH, tougher on their government than our supreme court has been on ours), and 5) the Turks should absolutely be ashamed of themselves for their willingness to be pawns of this murderous Hamas..................................................................................................Mr. Frank was also very impressive in his underscoring here of the much larger picture. Yes, blockades sometimes DO hurt people. One no doubt hurt the poor black people of South Africa during the blockade of that wretched regime. And, yes, the destitute masses of North Korea have probably been hurt at various times, too. Does anybody actually think that those blockades were/are unjust?....................................................................................................Speaking of North Korea, did not the government of THAT frigging country (in a significantly less ambiguous situation than the Israeli one) just sink a South Korean vessel AND, in the process, kill 46 people? Where in the hell is/was the outrage for that?....Just not enough interest, apparently.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Blockhead Aid
OF COURSE THERE WERE WHEELCHAIRS AND TEXTBOOKS (replete, no doubt, with vile anti-Semitic imagery and propaganda) ON BOARD THAT SHIP. It's like, what, these pro-Palestinian activists didn't think that the cargo was going to be inspected eventually (this, I'm saying, after repeated requests to stand down peacefully)? It would have been moronic, beyond belief, to try and smuggle in armaments in such a lumbering and provocative manner (not that Israel could have resisted NOT inspecting it - hardly)......................................................................................................Yes, Israel probably should have waited until the ship got closer in to inspect it. But, really, would the end-result have been at all appreciably different? It doesn't sound as if Congressman Frank (on Hardball tonight) thinks that it would have been. In fact, Mr. Frank astutely points out that, if in fact it were Canada harboring Hamas/its terror-cells, any U.S. blockade of Canada would no doubt be infinitely stronger than that of Israel's to Gaza. And, no, we wouldn't even have an Egypt to help us out, either.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Ready, Aim, Condemn!!
Yes, folks, that incident between Israel and the flotilla yesterday was tragic. And, yes, folks, the fact that this incident took place in international waters provides additional pause. But, please, PLEASE, can we at least have a modicum of perspective here?..................................................................................................1) The only reason that Israel (replete with assistance from Egypt) has a blockade at all is because the murderous and wretched Hamas (which, yes, folks, continues to have the destruction of Israel in its charter) was constantly importing arms, launching thousands of rocket attacks, etc.. 2) Humanitarian supplies ARE getting in - overland and via the inspected vessels. 3) The flotilla was repeatedly asked to stand down for inspection and each time it refused. 4) Immediately upon boarding the ship, the soldiers (initially armed with nothing but paint-ball guns) were viciously attacked with knives, clubs, and baseball bats - and only then did they respond. 5) Greta Berlin, the organizer of this "relief effort" - even she admitted that the true goal of this operation was to break apart the blockade/that the humanitarian component of it was a total ruse.................................................................................................I mean, sure, I know that it's totally in vogue to be anti the state of Israel these days and all (and, yes, to believe as gospel the propaganda of people such as Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky) but, seriously, do we 1) have to totally ignore each and every mitigating factor and 2) constantly put forth these stories in such an inflammatory and disgusting way (Israel confiscates wheelchairs, infant formula, WHATEVER)? I don't know, it certainly doesn't seem all that helpful to me.
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