Monday, December 22, 2014

If President Obama Had a Son...

...with a white chick, he'd look like Officer Ramos.


dmarks said...

Obama's earlier statement that you are riffing on was actually kind of racist. He did make clear that the Trayvon case mattered more to him because that perp had Obama's skin color. That should not matter to him.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Kind of, yeah, and certainly uncomfortable.

Les Carpenter said...

Point being racial profiling. I suspect he may have experienced said evil once or twice... personal experiences do have a remarkable impact on ones life and view.

dmarks said...

RN: and it shows a weak character to give in to such an impact. Just like the white shopkeeper friend of mine whose views specific to all blacks on the planet were defined by her feelings after a black criminal robbed her.

Better people rise above this.

dmarks said...

The quasi-racist statements Obama made are not befitting of a man who is the leader of the nation, of all the people, of all colors.