Wednesday, March 11, 2015

On Sean Hannity Comparing Benjamin Netanyahu to Winston Churchill

I actually agree with Mr. Hannity here. I just don't see it as a compliment, that's all; the fact that both men are/were men of war, men who hyped their adversaries (in Netanyahu's case, Iran, and in Churchill's case, Germany) in an effort to gin up support for more war, etc..............................................................................................P.S. And I don't mean to just pick on Churchill and Netanyahu here. American Presidents such as McKinley, Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes have also been of this ilk and a pox on each and every one of their houses, I submit.


Les Carpenter said...

Hannity rarely gets it right. But even a stopped clock gets it right twice a day.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And even here the tool was probably right for the wrong reason.

dmarks said...

Hard not to be a "man of war" when you are under attack from nearby nations.