Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On the Hackneyed Leftist Assertion that all of those Segregationist Dixiecrats Ultimately Became Republicans

I gotta go, false, on this one, folks.  Al Gore Sr. never became a Republican. John Stennis never became a Republican. Sam Ervin never became a Republican. James Eastland never became a Republican. Everett Jordan never became a Republican. William Fulbright never became a Republican. George Wallace never became a Republican. Lester Maddox never became a Republican....I mean, yeah, you did have Strom Thurmond switching over but one is a hell of a lot different than all and this is one bromide that really needs to be put to rest, I'm thinking.


dmarks said...

Exactly. Racism runs deep in the Democrats. Not only the the bigotry of quotas/affirmative action, but this anti-black racism you describe (and also the Left's deep hatred of Clarence Thomas, and MSNBC arguing that Herman Cain's skin color was a reason he should not run) is deeply part of the Left.

BB-Idaho said...

The dixiecrat term no longer applies, but it sure
upsets some folks

Les Carpenter said...

Bromides serve a purpose, often nefarious, and all political hacks and partisans succumb to the temptation to use them. Repeat a lie often and loudly enough and sooner or layer it somehow becomes the accepted truth. Amongst partisans antway.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I noticed that Lucinda (love that name, btw) didn't include any names.