Saturday, May 10, 2014

On Roy Spencer and Michael Mann - Continued 3

Of course, what was probably the most despicable action of all by Mann was when he totally mischaracterized the work of pioneering climatologist, the venerable Hubert Lamb. In 1999, Mr. Mann asserted that, "Hubert Lamb in 1965, examining mostly evidence from Western Europe, never suggested that the Medieval Warm Period was a global phenomenon." To say that this is a misleading claim is being generous. What professor Lamb actually said (in 1965) was, "Multifarious evidence of a meteorological nature, from archaeological, botanical, and glaciological evidence in various parts of the world, FROM THE ARCTIC TO NEW ZEALAND, has found to suggest a warmer epoch lasting several centuries between AD 900 and 1000 and AD 1200 and 1300. Both the little climatic optimum in the early Middle-Ages and the cold epochs, the Little Ice Age, now known to have reached its culminating stages between 1550 and 1700 can be substantiated with enough data to repay meteorological investigation."....................................................................................And that isn't even remotely the end of it here. Approximately a decade later, Lamb further stated that, "Evidence already cited at various places in this volume suggests that, for a few centuries in the Middle-Ages, the climate IN MOST PARTS OF THE WORLD regained something approaching the warmth of the warmest post-glacial  times (i.e., the two Holocene Warming Optimums, the Minoan Warm Period, and The Roman Warm Period).".........................................................................................I don't know, folks. The way that I see the thing, Michael Mann is either a liar or he's never actually taken the time to read Lamb. Either way he's an absolute farce and doesn't deserve to be listened to ever again.


BB-Idaho said...

IMO, Spencer is one of the few
genuine climatologists to argue against AGW. However,
"Spencer has been an active in advocating Intelligent Design over evolution, and argued in 2005 that its teaching should be mandatory in schools. Working with the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance, Spencer has been part of an effort to advocate environmental policy that is based on a "Biblical view" rather than science. As a defender of "Intelligent Design" creationism, Spencer has asserted that the scientific theory of evolution is really just a kind of religion."
-which is a bit unsettling to me.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I knew that someone was going to eventually bring that up.......And you don't consider Judith Curry, Roger Pielke, John Christy, Pat Michaels, and Tim Ball "genuine climatologists"?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And nearly half of the members of the American Meteorological Society DO NOT think that humans are the primary driver of climate change.