Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Gulag Maryland

President Lincoln's actions in Maryland on the eve of the Civil War are amongst the most atrocious in U.S. history. I say this in that not only did he jail numerous members of the state legislature (those who his informants had told him MIGHT vote for secession), he actually had his northern soldiers vote in the elections there (a naked, absolute, abuse of power) to ensure his puppet regime.................................................................................And he didn't just go after legislators, either. Anybody with the temerity to even question his policies did so at his or her peril (scores of citizens ending up in Fort McHenry absent any charges). And, yes, this even included the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger Taney, who, after his decision in Ex Parte Merryman in 1861 (in favor of Mr. Merryman who had been arrested in his own home after innuendo), Mr. Lincoln issued an arrest warrant for (refer to the personal papers of Ward Hill Lamon, the issuing Marshall, and also to those of professor Francis Lieber, author of the Lieber Code). Granted, the warrant was never actually given to Taney but that was due to the prudent decision of Lamon and had nothing whatsoever to do with Lincoln.


Les Carpenter said...

Now we wait for Whirling Dervish, aka Dervish Sanders, aka Lying Lester give his rebuttal. Since he is banned here should he rebut it will likely be on one of his other sites.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Kind of hard to put lipstick on the Great Emancipator's actions in Maryland but if anybody out there would try, it would in fact be him, no doubt.