Friday, May 16, 2014

On the Idiotic Notion that Liberals and Progressives Don't Like Woodrow Wilson

All that you really have to do is go the web-site for the Woodrow Wilson Center and look at the damned roster; Jane Harmon - director, president, and CEO, Jason Brodsky (former Chuck Schumer flunky) - assistant to the director, John Kerry - board of trustees, Arne Duncan - board of trustees, Robert Litwak (former Clinton aid) - vice president for academic relations. And the list just goes on and one (they have an entire department just on climate change and guess which side that they're arguing).....................................................................................Now, maybe we can give these people the benefit of the doubt and they're just not aware of the fact that Wilson segregated the federal work force AND the military, supported the eugenics movement, pushed into law and signed the Sedition Act which essentially put the entire country under lock-down, etc.. but that would make them totally ignorant, now wouldn't it?

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